

インドヨガ(アシュタンガ・ハタ)コミュのヨガ・アーユルヴェーダ治療PATANJALI YOGPEETH

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色々なメンタルと体の問題の為にSwami Ramdev先生(インドのPATANJALI YOGPEET,HARDWAR)のアユルベダ・ヨガのコースがあります。インドで何億人が利用して治ってます。また日本語で翻訳して更新します。
1)Swami Ramdev's Ayurvedic Medicines by his D Y M Trust are available online at:

2)Swami Ramdev's Ayurvedic Medicines Package for various Diseases are available online at:

3)Swami Ramdev Books, VCDs & DVDs, MP3's etc. for various ailments are available online at:

Package For various Diseases
Ayurvedic Medicines from D Y M Trust

Swami Ramdev's Divya Medicines are 100% natural, made from potent herbs such as the ashtavarga healing plants of the himalayas. They have proven extremely effective for combating all forms of sickness and disease. Along with these medicines, Swamiji recommends patients to also adopt the practice of Pranayam, which will strengthen the immune system and quicken the healing process.

Please note that due to high demand and low availability of the medicines of Swami Ramdev, we may run out of stock. As such, please order your medicines well in advance, before your supply has finished.

Please note all the prices are in USD$ USD. All the prices include Shipping, Handling, Packaging, Banking, Internet Charges & Online/ Telephonic Counselling for worldwide delivery.

The items you see in our online shop are just a small selection from our total inventory. Even if you do not see the item you want in our online catalogue, it is very likely that we have it in stock and can supply your needs. Please send such orders, using the "Contact us" form.


1. Package for Acidity & Hyper Acidity
2. Package for Adenitis of Big Size
3. Package for AMA (Toxic By-product), Sprue Syndrome & Diarrhoea
4. Package for Amenorrhoea (Less Menstruation) & Menorrhagia (Heavy Menstruation)
5. Package for Asthma, Rhinitis, Coryza & Sinusitis
6. Package for Cancer (Karkatarbuda)
7. Package for Cataract & Glaucoma
8. Package for Cervical Spondylitis & Sciatica
9. Package for Chronic Renal Failure
10. Package for Cirrhosis of Liver
11. Package for Constipation
12. Package for Coronary Artery Disease
13. Package for Coryza, Sinusitis, Asthma & Chronic Rhinitis
14. Package for Chronic Headache, Migraine & Depression
15. Package for Deafness, Otorrhagia & Tympanitis
16. Package for Depression, Migraine & Chronic Headache
17. Package for Diabetes Mellitus (Madhumeha)
18. Package for Diarrhoea, AMA (Toxic By-product) & Sprue Syndrome
19. Package for Epilepsy (Apasmara)
20. Package for Erectile Dysfunction
21. Package for Eczema & Psoriasis
22. Package for Fibroid Uterus (Garbhasayarbuda)
23. Package for Gastric Trouble & Flatulence
24. Package for Glaucoma & Cataract
25. Package for Gout, Knee Pain, Joint Pain, etc.
26. Package for any Growth of Body or Adenitis or Tumour
27. Package for Handicapped Children & Muscular Distrophy
28. Package for Headache, Migraine & Depression
29. Package for Hepatitis A, B, C (Yakrt-Sotha)
30. Package for Hernia (Antra-Vrddhi)
31. Package for High Blood Pressure
32. Package for Infertility (Bandhyatva)
33. Package for Impotency in Males
34. Package for Joint Pain, Gout, Knee Pain etc.
35. Package for Knee Pain, Joint Pain, Gout, etc.
36. Package for Leucoderma (Sveta Kustha)
37. Package for Menorrhagia (Heavy Menstruation) & Amenorrhoea (Less Menstruation)
38. Package for Mental Retardation & Mongoloid Children
39. Package for Migraine, Chronic Headache & Depression
40. Package for Mongoloid Children & Mental Retardation
41. Package for Multiple Sclerosis
42. Package for Muscular Distrophy & Handicapped Children
43. Package for Obesity
44. Package for Oligospermia Infertility & Other Genital Diseases
45. Package for Osteoporosis (Asthi-Susirata)
46. Package for Otorrhagia, Tympanitis & Deafness
47. Package for Parkinsonism (Kampa-Vata)
48. Package for Pimples (Yuvana Pidika)
49. Package for Premature Ejaculation in Males
50. Package for Psoriasis & Eczema
51. Package for Rhinitis, Coryza, Sinusitis & Asthma
52. Package for Sciatica & Cervical Spondylitis
53. Package for Sinusitis, Asthma, Chronic Rhinitis & Coryza
54. Package for Sprue Syndrome, Diarrhoea & AMA (Toxic By-product)
55. Package for Thalassemea
56. Package for Tumour or Adenitis or any Growth of Body
57. Package for Tympanitis, Deafness & Otorrhagia
58. Package for Ulcerative Colitis



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