

UNHCR 国連難民高等弁務官 コミュのチャドの村での大量虐殺行為 - 広がる紛争と膨らむ難民

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今日4月27日(金)のThe Financial Times 紙の日本版9面の記事から。





紛争がwild fireのように広がりやすい。

Observers also lament a dangerous lack of understanding of the complexities of the unfolding drama.


UN Team to Chad's Wadi Fira region,
Another genocide,
The massacre of Chadian villagers the worst atrocity of the four-year conflict that has engulfed the western Sudanese province of Darfur and surrounding areas,
a proxy war between Sudan and neighbouring Chad,
International Crisis Group,
French Mirage F1 jets


By Andrew England

Published: April 27 2007 03:00 | Last updated: April 27 2007 03:00

It had taken a United Nations team a week to get security clearance to visit the villages of Tiero and Marena in Chad's Wadi Fira region, about 45km west of the border with Sudan. When their two vehicles finally arrived earlier this month, the silence was eerie and the stench of rotting flesh overwhelming.

The team of eight UN staff and aid workers had already passed the grim spectacle of two decomposing bodies of men killed by rifle fire as they neared the walled town, formerly home to thousands. Inside, they were greeted by a scene that could only be described as "apocalyptic", says Matthew Conway of the UN refugee agency.


The number of dead may never been known, but the UN estimates between 200 and 400 perished.


(T)he atrocity at Tiero and Marena was certainly one of the worst of the four-year conflict that has engulfed the western Sudanese province of Darfur and surrounding areas. The massacre of Chadian villagers also demonstrated how the conflict has escalated into an even more deadly regional crisis, which has been described as a "genocide" by the US and is still growing in intensity despite all international efforts to stop it.

What started in 2003 as a rebellion against the iniquities of Khartoum's rule by a limited number of black African ethnic groups in western Sudan has now escalated into a proxy war between Sudan and neighbouring Chad, and is in danger of spreading to other states in the region.

The fighting in Darfur has spilled into the Central African Republic, another impoverished, unstable state that borders Darfur and south-eastern Chad, acting as a convenient stepping-stone from one country into the other. Eritrean support for the rebels in Darfur has added to the volatile mix, as does Libyan influence, as rival regimes seek opportunities to destabilise one another. Even France's air force has intervened a number of times to defend the governments of Chad and the CAR.


To the east of Sudan, Somalia is enduring some of its worst violence in a decade as Ethiopian troops and their Somali government allies battle Somali insurgents. To the west, the Democratic Republic of Congo is struggling to emerge from the ravages of a civil war that sucked in the armies of at least six neighbouring states.

"If the wound is not dressed it's just going to get worse," John Prendergast of

the International Crisis Group

says of the Sudan-Darfur-Chad-CAR crisis. "There's oil ready to be thrown on that fire. It hasn't been yet but there's nothing being done to prevent it."

Mr Prendergast points out that there are many precedents in Africa for a local conflict escalating into a regional conflagration.


The Darfur conflict is thought to have already led to the deaths of 200,000 people. Another 2.5m have been driven from their land and forced into makeshift homes, often too scared to venture beyond the perimeters of refugee camps for fear of being raped or beaten by marauding Arab militias.


The Chadian rebels lack co-ordination and Mr Déby has key support from France, the main western player in the region. France has military bases in Chad and has used fighter jets to help counter Chadian rebel advances in its former colony. In December, French Mirage F1 jets were also used against anti-government insurgents in the Central African Republic, which like Chad has a defence agreement with France.

The Darfur rebels are themselves hopelessly divided. The rebellion began with two factions; now there are around a dozen with little clear political strategy.

In Khartoum, meanwhile, it is never clear which of the various cabals in government - Islamists, ideologues, intelligence heads, military officers, business elites and political players - are driving policy.


The international community appears increasingly impotent. It has failed to pressure Khartoum into accepting the deployment of a full UN peacekeeping force and faces criticism that too little attention is paid to political solutions. Chad, meanwhile, has refused to accept a military UN mission on its border, where tens of thousands of Chadians are living in fear and misery.

Observers also lament a dangerous lack of understanding of the complexities of the unfolding drama. "I have been struck by the constant lack of knowledge about this situation in capitals of western countries as shown by visiting ministers and diplomats, together with the arrogance; and that is in particular the American arrogance - 'we can deal with everything, we have the power'," says Jan Pronk, the former UN envoy to Sudan who was expelled by Khartoum last year.




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