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Thanks for your for your responds to my mail.Your present last name can not stop you to put up a claim in your former last name,this has nothing to do with this claim,only what I want from you is your consent and accept to champion this transaction with me.Secondly,your english is not so bad that I can not understand it,unless your side which I can translate every word to your langauge for your understanding,when replying please tell me the langauge you understand well.

However,I contacted you to help me claim this fund since they will accept anyone I presented to them as my late client next of kin and the bank will regard and pay this inheritance fund to him.I have been doing this alone before contacting you and this transaction is 100% risk free because it is necessiated by circumstances,all the documents that will be needed will obtain in your name and favour as your representative attoney here.So I need your hands of coperation,let get this for ourselves.

I therefore consider it expedient to give you the details of this transaction. I have gone through your mail with the contents well understood. I want to assure you once again that this transaction is purely legal and 100 per cent risk free, I am your representing attorney here and all the documents that will covers you as the real next of kin to my late client's will be obtained in your name and favour, and also my late client's file is in my position, I am here to guide you till the fund is transferred into your bank account.

This transaction is legitimate and in essence it will undergo normal procedures as stipulated in the financial and allied matters act and all legal documents will be issued in your name. I contacted you because you are sharing thesame last name with my late client Mr.S.D.Takahashi.

My late client, Mr.S.D.Takahashi(blessed memory) was born in 1944. He worked with Shell Development Petroleum Company Togo as an engineer and later retired to private practice as a consultant and formed an oil servicing company. He operated an account with ECOWAS REGIONAL INVESTMENT BANK,Lome-Togo until his death in an auto accident on 31st of October 2000 along with his wife and their two daughters( May their souls rest in peace).

Now be advised my friend that in line with my operational master plan for the success of this our mutual benefit business, what you are required to do now is to tender an application to the bank as next of kin to this deceased customer putting claim over his balance with the bank. This application will be written and then faxed or email to the bank for immediate action and processing to start.

As soon as they receive this application, documentation for the claim will automatically start. It will be tendered to the board of directors of the bank for approval. As soon as the approval is obtained, you will be issued an approval letter, approving your application as the next of kin/sole beneficiary to the deceased. For being involve in this transaction, I have therefore resolved to offer you 25% of the total sum as gratification in helping me champion this business, it was after careful consideration that I arrived at offering you this 25% and I have no doubts that it would be appreciated.

As soon as you give me your hands of cooperation, I will send to you the specimen of the text of application which you will fill and send to the bank and the transaction will commence immediately. Please note that this transaction requires utmost trust,sincerity and confidentiality for its conclusion.Below is my information:

Business Name: Kojo. Associate & Co.
Address:11 Rue AhepeBe,Lome-Togo.
Telephone Number:+228-962-59-94.
Fax Number: +228-941-78-36.

Please I will like to have your following information to enable me prepare Letter of Recommendation and have it tendered to the bank as soon as you send the application to the bank, officially recommending you to the bank as the next of kin to their deceased customer.

1. Your full name:
2. Address/ Home or Office:
3. Occupation:
4. Marital Status.
5. Nationality:
6. Current Telephone/Fax Number.

And for any clarification, feel free to call me on my direct phone number: +228-962-59-94
Looking forward to hearing from you.

My regards to you and your family and God bless.

Your's Faithfully,
Barrister Kojo Yawu.






Don't worry and don't respond!!!!
この英語いくらなんでもひどexclamation ×2無視したほうが良いですよー(長音記号1)パンチ
皆さんの意見に賛成です^^ スルーして下さい。



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