

海外記事を読もうコミュのTIME Essay(著作権無視で翻訳)

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The Limits of Power
China's economic might may be growing, but don't
underestimate its global image problem.

Thursday, Jul. 19, 2007 By BILL POWELL

The economic influence of the world's rising power
grows by the day. Its trade surplus mounts inexorably,
as does its stash of foreign exchange — the essence of
influence in today's world. Meanwhile, its direct
investment, loans and aid to poorer countries soar,
especially in resources-rich Africa. Its embassies grow
in size and influence, often surpassing those of the
United States, whose power around the world seems to be
waning. It's no wonder that diplomats, academics and
journalists around the world speculate with increasing
frequency about the growing "soft power" of the new
kid on the block, and how there seems to be so little
the flagging U.S. can do about it.

And as we all know, Japan went on to become the new
superpower. American workers now sing Japan's national
anthem and do calisthenics every day before going to
work in Japanese-owned companies, while little girls
all over the world learn the tea ceremony and wear

OK, I made that second paragraph up. But not the first.
In the late '80s and early '90s, as a bureau chief in
Tokyo, I did my bit to help forge the conventional
wisdom about the grim future of the U.S. That we were
wrong about Japan's supposed soft power — that's to
say, a nation's ability to get other countries to do
what it wants without coercing them — became laughably
obvious about halfway through the '90s. Journalists
then spent the latter half of the '90s writing about
Japan's "lost decade."

It's useful to keep that in mind as the trope about
soft power again gets earnestly bandied about, only
this time with China as the newly ascendant power.
Long a favorite subject among policy wonks, the
discussion has now gone mainstream. In May, Joshua
Kurlantzick published a book titled Charm Offensive:
How China's Soft Power Is Transforming the World, while
the International Herald Tribune has in recent days high
lighted Beijing's efforts to woo the government of East
Timor, in part by financing construction projects.

Let's first state the obvious: China's influence,
particularly in its East Asian backyard, is burgeoning.
That's a result of China's torrid growth in the last
decade, as once suspicious neighbors have increasingly
been drawn into its sphere of economic influence. At
the same time, every poll shows admiration for the U.S.
diminishing abroad, thanks mainly to its inept flailing
in Iraq. But from there, be careful about what
conclusions to draw. It's one thing to say China's
economic clout is rising, but quite another to say that
its soft power is on the rise. The two aren't the same:
soft power is not about a government's inherent
attractiveness, but a society's — of which a government
is only a part.

That's why the talk about China's soft power is
exaggerated. There's no question that China's economic
success, coupled with its ongoing political repression,
is a godsend to a lot of governments, particularly
despots. It says to them: see, your citizens can be
economically satisfied without you having to worry
about this democracy stuff. China ostensibly offers an
economic model in which state-owned companies continue
to play a big role. And when things go wrong — when,
say, companies obsessed with cost cutting contaminate
food exports — you can swiftly execute (as China did on
July 10) the head of the country's Food and Drug
Administration. Forget the tiresome headache of
drawn-out legal proceedings; you can show a mortified
populace at home and abroad a bloody head on a pike and
get on with things. If you're a developing world
dictator, what's not to like?


But soft power's real potency comes not from what other
nations' governments think of you, but what their
citizens think. It's about how a country is perceived,
what it stands for. And a lot of people know there's
more to China than just 10% GDP growth. They know it
has now, by some estimates, overtaken the U.S. as the
world's largest source of CO2 emissions. That 13 of the
world's 20 most polluted cities are in China. That
Beijing censors its press and the Internet with
withering efficiency.

I'm not even sure China is the real comer in Asia when
it comes to soft power. Think of India, and what comes
to mind? Poverty? Sure. A tempestuous relationship with
Pakistan? Check. But how about Bollywood, booming
software and high-tech industries, and a vigorous
ソフト・パワーに関しては中国がアジアにおいて本当に有望かどうかはまだ定かではない。インドを考えると思い浮かぶのはなんだろう、貧困か? たしかに。パキスタンとの激しい関係か?チェック。でもインド映画産業や成長著しいソフトウェアとハイテク産業、それに活発な民主主義はどうだろう。

Those who exaggerate the rise of China's soft power —
and mourn the U.S.'s loss of it — tend to dismiss
democracy. In the U.S., they'll often say, it produced
George W. Bush, who begat the Iraq mess in democracy's
name. But Bush is gone in a year and a half, and his
party has already been tossed out of power in Congress.
Meanwhile, in China, the Communist Party will still be
in power in 2009 and, I'd bet, for a long time to come.
And 1.3 billion people, whether the economic miracle
goes on or not, will have no real say in the matter.
That, you might say, is a hard fact.


意味不明の部分を教えてね。TIME Essay は難しい。


It says to them: see, your citizens can be
economically satisfied without you having to worry
about this democracy stuff.




without のあとのyou とその前のthem はたぶん同じのような気がします。民主主義を心配しないといけないのは、市民でなく支配者だと言いたいのだと、、。
China ostensibly offers an
economic model in which state-owned companies continue
to play a big role.



And when things go wrong ― when,
say, companies obsessed with cost cutting contaminate
food exports ― you can swiftly execute (as China did on
July 10) the head of the country's Food and Drug




国営企業が、重要な役割を担っているモデルを提唱しながら、都合悪くなると、国家の役人を速攻処刑する。というふうに、state-woned と country は、かかっているようです。まあ、やっていることが矛盾だらけと言いたいのでしょう。
Forget the tiresome headache of
drawn-out legal proceedings; you can show a mortified
populace at home and abroad a bloody head on a pike and
get on with things. If you're a developing world
dictator, what's not to like?




この場合のa bloody head on a pike のpikeは、たぶん「道路」という意味。headは、中国食品医薬局長の「頭」、この「頭」は、その前のheadacheにかかっていて、自分らの「頭痛」のことはすっかり脇に置いといて、中国食品医薬局長の「頭」を血だらけにして、苦痛を与えることで、、、みたいなニュアンスだと思う。

ようするに、この民主主義たるものについて配慮する義務を果たすことなく、あんたらの市民に、経済的満足を与えることに成功しているとやつらに、いいたいわけ。 中国は表向きは経済モデルを示し、国営企業は今後も大きな役目を担うとする。 そして、ことがうまくいかないとき―まあ、いえば、コストカットで頭がいっぱいの会社が、食品輸出の汚染を起こしたりすると、あんたらは、中国国営の食品医薬局長を速攻処刑できちまう(7月10日に中国当局が実行したように)。 延々と続く法的手続きの面倒な頭痛を忘れ去り、あんたらは、国内外の心痛する中国民衆に、路上に横たわる血まみれの頭を見せて、ことを進めることができる。あんたらが発展途上国の独裁者であるとすれば、ほかに例えるものなんてないだろう(独裁者そのものだ)。


尚、TIME ESSAYは謎解きや今どきの世界や昔の世界の知識が織り交ぜられているので、それを調べるだけで勉強になります。それに慣れてしまえば、それより優しい文章を読むのは楽になります。薬袋氏は謎解きの方法を説いた本を出してます。それによると1週間考えてやっと分かった分の例が出てきます。英文の奥に隠れた筋の謎、TIME ESSAYは面白〜い。(笑顔)

on a pikeでウェブ検索すると、
Lyle learns that there is one bloody queen who always
get proper capitalization: the Bloody Queen. 『Her head
was put on a pick 2,000 years ago.』 It doesn't specify
her name. Morn learns that she died in a major battle
near the Dragon Matriarch's house now stands. A
significant amount of land was destroys and thousands
died. The land has since recovered. The Faerie King
slew her, beheaded her, and 『put her head on a pike.』
Her generals either died in battle or were exiled out
of Faerie.


また、Lifting the heads on pikes, they carried them in triumph through the city.(http://chi.gospelcom.net/DAILYF/2003/06/daily-06-14-2003.shtml)



a bloody head on a pike

なるほど、a bloody head on a pikeは、アングロサクソン系の風習なのですね。うーん。これは分からんはずだ、、、。一見では、、。
TIME ESSAYを丹念に読むことで色んなことを学びます。辞書や辞典に載っていない事柄を。晒し首ってところでしょうか?



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