

英語日記 Discussion in EnglishコミュのWar in Iraq

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An US army officer who criticized that US started a war in Iraq is now facing a court martial. Now that not a few people in US complain about a policy of the President Bush about Iraq, which might affect the result of the midterm election on in November 2006.

I believe that there were two reasons the President Bush started the war in Iraq in 1993. Off course the strongest direct reason is the 911 Terrorism in 2001. But I regard the reason is not an essential reason. One essential reason is oil in Iraq. The other is for demand by arms industries that is one of the strongest backing of him and his family. He seemed to eager to increase the military demand of US as a payback for support for his election by these arms industries.

I think the President Bush use the strong impact of the 911 to make American people aggressive. Thanks to 911, his approval rate increased and he might start the war in Iraq with ease.

There is a not accepted theory that the President Bush planned 911 and let an US air-force plane crush into a building of Pentagon. Then he shammed these attacks were executed by Al-Qaeda. There were many suspects report about 911 including call from cell-phone being 35,000 feet up in which no cell-phone can call. Regardless of whether this theory is true or false, US can hide the detail about 911.


Thanks for giving a new topic, ふじいさn!!

Well, I'm not sure why the president Bush bigan Iraq War in 2003, but I believe that the reasons Mr Bush stated before the war are not everything. The reasons he said are・・・1, Iraq still has mass destruction weapons, which threaten other countries. 2, Iraqi people are under the oppresion of Saddam Hussein. 3, Iraq backs up terrorism, and needs to be changed into a democratic country.

Again, I don't think these are all of the reasons he started the invasion. As ふじいさn mentioned, there are a lot of natural resources in Iraq. By democratizing Iraq, and by making the country be based on capitalism, the United States tried to stabilize the supply of oil. Also, they tried to lessen the disorder in Middle East Region, which will happen in the future because of the depletion of oil. In my opinion, US thought that other countries in Middle East Region would be democratized like Domino Theory, if Iraq was democratized. It doesn't seem to happen so far.

If the war is really based on oil money, it would be unforgivable. To be honest, I think it is. The invasion seems to be failed so far. Now, many American people claim that the president Bush should withdraw the troops from Iraq. I think it is corrent choice. The war, itself was
wrong, so there's no reason to countinue it (Mr President seems to be eager to continue it though…). I often see American media saying something like "many American soldiers were killed in Iraq again", but I wonder if they know many more Iraqi people, not soldiers, were killed by American soldiers. They should think about both.

I think war is one of the ways to deal with international or internal conflicts, but I'm always against war. It is the worst solution. 9.11 was disheartening tragedy even for me, not American, and I understand why American people got raged, but they should've calmed down.

If I were asked if Iraq War was wrong of right, I absolutely say "It was wrong".

Thank you for reading!!
I think your statement is more appropriate than my descriptions that include a lot of suspicious descriptions and subjectively descriptions.

I also worried about the problem about self-defense force and the issue of constitutional change in Japan.
I agree with you on the US's real aim of its war against Iraq. Wars always tie in to their interests and they can make money. Developed countries try to intervene in the countries which are rich in resources, but avoid being involved in disputes in developing countries which they are not interested in economically such as in the case of the Civil War in Rwanda in 1994.

During the war in Iraq, many foreign people including journalists and travellers have been kidnapped by Iraqi insurgents and killed in cruel ways. On the other hand, shocking photos and video footage showing mistreatment of Iraqi prisoners by US soldiers have been released.

I think wars drive people into madness. Bush may feel boxed, but he should withdraw its troops from Iraq as soon as possible in order not to sacrifice any more innocent people.
Thank everyone for your comments.
And thank myu-san for your new comment.

I’m sorry about few responses and recent absence of creating new topics.
Now I have many things to do especially prepare for an exam, so it’s difficult to collect information about a topic.

But I read a book about 911 these days.
This book say that one of the reason why US do not attack North Korea is that Japan buy very expensive deals like a missile defense system from US military industry when North Korea progress the nuclear weapons development and the danger of North Korea threats Japanese people. If the biggest threaten in Asia, North Korean dictatorial government is removed, most of Japanese people may well agree with cutting off American bases in Japan.

Though I wonder this book tell us true, I can recognize a possibility that US government plan the 911 terror.
I highly recommend knowing this kind of rumor.



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