

能のボストン公演実行委員会コミュのPostponement of the Hermit Isseki Performance

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May 29, 2007

To whom it may concern,

Dear Sir/Madam,

We would, first of all, like to thank you for your support for the Noh workshops held in April. There were over 700 participants, which was much more than we initially expected. It was a pleasure to know that Bostonians were so enthusiastic and interested in traditional Japanese culture and arts.

However, it is with great regret that we must inform you of our decision to postpone the performance of the Hermit Isseki in Boston, which was originally scheduled for Nov. 20, 2007, after an evaluation of our fund-raising activities for this overseas performance.

We have decided, as a result of this internal evaluation, to reorganize and strengthen ourselves by creating an organization called INSLA, which stands for Integration of Natural Science and Liberal Arts.

INSLA will be the main organizer for future Noh performances and plans to stage the Hermit Isseki as early as next spring in Boston and possibly in the west coast.

We are hoping to build on the success of workshops in April 2007 to make the future performance a greater success.

We hope that you will continue to support our initiatives through INSLA and that we will be able to bring you the best of traditional Japanese arts, including Noh, to you and your community in the near future.

Yours sincerely, Kazuo Katagiri
Chairman, The Committee for the Hermit Isseki performance in Boston

PS: The announcement of postponement of the Hermit Isseki Performance from INSLA is attached.

May 29, 2007
To whom it may concern,
RE: Postponement of the Hermit Isseki Performance

We would like to inform you of the postponement of the Hermit Isseki performance in Boston, originally scheduled for November 2007.

The reason for this decision is due mainly to the unavailability of the theater we had hoped for, inflated cost of bringing the performance overseas, the delay in Government subsidies and insufficient time for procurement of funds and for coordinating the overall production.

On the other hand, since you have helped us lay the groundwork for our activities in Boston, we are hoping to be better prepared in order to take advantage of this great opportunity by creating a special place for scientists and artists to exchange ideas and interest, through Noh and other exchange programs.

In April, we saw the great success of the Noh workshops in Boston. It was the result of the hard work by the Committee for the Hermit Isseki in Boston. We are very happy that the interest in Japanese traditional arts is rising.

We had the choice to go ahead as planned, but in the end decided against this. However we are already working towards a performance for next year.

Our current goal and challenges are:

1. To find out the most suitable theater, theaters and/or place for a Noh play, where the audience can feel the power of the setting, where the feeling of nature is present, where, like the Boson Museum, energy from many cultures is strongly felt.

2. To create a space and opportunity where the world of science and art can meet;
・ To exchange ideas and further understanding, in accordance with the objective of our organization, INSLA (The Integration of Science and Liberal Arts)
・ To create a space for scientists, artists and students. To expand our network of people to different fields and interests
・ To present unique ideas, views and approaches in face of the different issues of modern science and on today’s society in accordance with INSLA’s objectives.

3. To build a stronger foundation towards the realization of the Hermit Isseki performance in Boston;
・ To make better utilization of funds
・ To create different venues for fund raising activities
・ To keep and continue momentum of the workshops

These plans may sound quite ambitious. However, we are taking these steps encouraged by the enthusiastic support of so many people and especially by the great effort by the Committee for Isseki Sennin in Boston.
We sincerely hope for your continued support and encouragement.

Thank you,

Yours Sincerely,
Tomio Tada, INSLA Chairman
Kei Iwasaki, INSLA Secretary General



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