

英語日記書こ、、コミュのWhat I learned in England -28 Feb. 2006-

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I’ve come back to Japan from England on 24.Feb.
I had really a great time there!

The school in which I studied for 2 weeks was so small.
But there were classmates who came from different areas in the world.
I respect them all. Most of them are younger than me,
but they have their own opinions and can express them.
I respect Iran classmate’s humor and Thai classmate’s vitality!!!
She can always keep on speaking in English! Fantastic!!

And I had a good home-stay mate who came from Switzerland.
She is 19 years old!! We have the same animal symbols Tiger!
Of course, I listened to her mainly about her boy friend,
but we talked about many kinds of things… about our dreams,
favorite movies, differences in our countries, UK, USA…..
Without her, I would have died because of lonliness.

Through experiences like these, I found three useful expressions!

1. How can I say…? 何て言えばいいんだろ?
2. Sorry? (Pardon?) え、なんて?
3. Can I say ……? これって言える?

And finally, I had a conclusion about my English!
I don’t have to improve my hearing, which is too difficult for me,
and if in trouble, I can say to someone “Pardon?” maybe.
I had better concentrate to improve my speaking!
Now, I’m looking for good and reasonable school for private lesson.

And I haven’t found we Japanese people lived in so controlled-society
until I got information in England.

I have a lot of things to tell you…but it'll be so long…so, I’ll finish by last one.
Studying in England is so expensive but worth doing, I think.
If you like, please step in my mixi page *v*.





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