

英語日記書こ、、コミュの-To be continued- Sun.26.Mar.

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This is Kumi!
It's been a long time!
How are you all?

Recently, I‘ve been thinking about what I would write here.
And then an interesting story flashed across my mind.
I heard the story from a Korean woman I got to know on board.

In Korea,
On 14.Feb,
women tell someone how much they love the one.
The way of telling is similar to Japanese way, sending chocolates!
Of course, you know that it’s Valentine’s Day.
On 14.Mar,
men answer women’s feeling, it's White Day.
On 14.Apr,
people who haven’t found their girl-friend or boy-friend yet
eat black Jah-jah-men, a kind of Korean noodles,
together to cheer up each other.
Do you know that it’s Black Day?
On 14.May,
people who haven’t found their girl-friend or boy-friend yet
eat curry together to cheer up each other.
Maybe you‘ll imagine that it’s Yellow Day.

And I heard the continuation of story…

On 14.Jun,
people who haven’t found their girl-friend or boy-friend yet
kill themselves by taking pills…

Of course, it’s joke!
I don’t remember clearly but she maybe told me that it was Blue Day.

I have to make a date with my friend to eat the noodle together,
any time now *o*.


It's an interesting story.
I have heard that Korea have many anniversary. But I haven't know such a unique and an usural!

To know difference of the culture is so attractive!
I want to know many cultures of people!
I'm so glad to find your comment!

I also think that they are funny events!
And I have to eat curry with my friend...14.May.
It's OK,because I love curry...

It is so interesting to know differences of other cultures!
If anyone knows some story about them,
please tell us:-)



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