

真のキリスト・ニューエルサレムコミュの個人礼拝(A3 #2) 題名:「救われる人々は、わずかなのでしょうか?」

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『〔十戒を〕あなたの目の間にあって記念のもの(としなくてはならない)』。これはそれが絶えず理解の中に存在しなくてはならないことを意味していることは以下から明白である、すなわち、『記念のもの』の意義もまた絶えず思い出させるものであり(『記念のもの』と言われているのは、聖言ではこれは理解について述べられるに反し、『しるし』は意志について述べられるためである)『目』の意義は理解であり、(2701番、他を参照)、従って『目の間の記念のもの』によりそれが絶えず理解の中にあり、また絶えず意志の中になくてはならないことをいかに理解しなくてはならないかを簡単に述べなくてはならない。信仰と仁慈とにより印刻されたものは、または人間が十分に信じもし愛してもいるものは絶えず彼の思考と意志の中に存在しているのである、なぜなら彼は他の事柄について考え、またその事柄のためにいそがしく、そうしたものが心の中に現存しているとは考えていないときでさえも、そのものを考えもし、意志も〔欲しも〕しているからである、なぜならそのものはその心の性質を構成しているものの間に在るからである。それがそうであることは、霊または天使を囲んでいる霊的なスフィアから明白である、なぜなら彼が近付いてくると、そのスフィアから彼はいかような信仰を、いかような仁慈を持っているかが知られ、また彼が心に抱いている多くの事柄も知られ、しかもそれがそのとき彼はそれらのものについて考えていないにも拘らず知られるからである。そうしたものが各々の者の心を構成しており、それらの��のが常にそれらの自身をそこに留めているのである。こうしたものは人間のもとにある非常に多くの事柄を例にとって説明することができよう、例えば色々な反省とか、情愛とか、幼児時代から印刻されている行動とか、そういったものにより説明することができよう、そうしたものは、そのことについては明らかに何ら考えてはいないにしても、絶えずその場に在って、導いているのである。隣人に対する愛、神に対する愛、善と真理を求める愛、信仰にあっても、それは同じであり、そうしたものの中にいる者たちは絶えずそうしたものを欲し、考えているのである、なぜならこうしたものは彼らの中に存在しており、それが内に在るときは、それは『遍く支配している』と言われるからである(6159番、他)。  From AC8065-8067 (Decalogue? See AC1038:8)  It is because of that which Jehovah did for me, in my going forth out of Egypt. That this signifies that they were liberated by the Lord from spiritual captivity and from damnation, is evident from the signification of "to go forth," as being to be liberated; and from the signification of "Egypt," as being spiritual captivity and damnation (n. 8049).  And it shall be unto thee for a sign upon thine hand. That this signifies that it [Decalogue] must be constantly in the will, is evident from the signification of "a sign," as being a constant recollection, for that which is for a sign and for a memorial is for the sake of constant remembrance; that the sign was to be upon the hand was in order that as often as they moved the hand, or did anything, they might be reminded of it; and that the memorial was to be between the eyes was in order that as often as they looked at anything, they might be reminded of it and from the signification of the "hand," as being power (n. 878, 3387, 4931-4937, 5327, 5328, 5544, 6292, 6947, 7011, 7188, 7189, 7518, 7673), here the will, because all the action and power of action which are effected by means of the hand, proceed from the will.  And for a memorial between thine eyes. That this signifies that it [Decalogue] must be constantly in the understanding, is evident from the signification of "a memorial," as also being a constant recollection (it is said "a memorial," because in the Word this is predicated of the understanding, whereas "a sign" is predicated of the will); and from the signification of "eyes," as being the understanding (n. 2701, 3820, 4403-4421, 4523- 4534), consequently by "a memorial between the eyes" is signified that it must be constantly in the understanding, that is, in the thought. How it is to be understood that it must be constantly in the understanding and constantly in the will, shall be briefly told. Those things with a man which have been impressed by means of faith and charity, or which the man fully believes and loves, are constantly in his thought and will; for he thinks them and wills them, even when he is thinking and busy about other things, and does not suppose them to be present in his mind; for they are among the things which constitute the mind's quality. That this is so is clearly evident from the spiritual sphere which encompasses a spirit or an angel; for when he approaches, it is at once known from this sphere of what faith and of what charity he is, and many things he has at heart, although at the time he is not thinking about them. Such things constitute the mind's life of everyone, and they always keep themselves there. These things could be illustrated by very many things with man; as by the various reflections, by the affections, and by the actions impressed from infancy, and the like, which are continually present and guide, even if nothing is manifestly thought about the matter. The case is the same with love to the neighbor, with love to God, with the love of good and truth, and with faith; they who are in these, constantly will them and think them; for these are in them, and when they are within they are said to be "universally regnant" (n. 6159, 6571, 7648).



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