

真のキリスト・ニューエルサレムコミュの個人礼拝(A1) 題名:再生への望み

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*Message from Heaven?

個人 礼拝・家庭礼拝式文(参考)

Personal Worship / Home Worship Liturgy (an example)



  トュシゥドハテヒ  ムニペビ  ―バクテ   :ムシ

 生再    の中    み望 :名題


1. Everyday reading of the Holy Bible (for the conjunction of the internal man and the external man), morning and evening worships (Prayer readings of the Lord's prayer) and besides, we must keep the external formal worships in a proper manner, rightly every weekend. (Weekend Holy Worship Services are as the base of a New Church Christian life, it is a base of the keeping the Decalogue. Those who could not keep the Sunday Worship Service ---- due to the business or required by the employment ---- must build up a habit to do the Worship Services every week, even the Wednesday, or the Monday for the substitute worship services, for the coming days of the life in the world of spirits. This worship service may be, even with only one man service, many ancestors, good spirits, and angels gathered to hear, especially the Heavenly Doctrine, and the Hebrew Word? )


 *"Please arise." Toward the holy altar, that is the Decalogue with the internal senses, Old and New Testament Hebrew Bible. "We shall begin the Japan New Jerusalem Church in Co. Worship Service for the Lord's year of the 2XXX, X, XX."


2. *"Please be seated." Silent worship (music proper for the meditation). Toward the Lord Jesus Christ, about 3 minutes we are going to meditate. We are to check the Decalogue with our daily life, one by one within ourselves for the entire last week. We shall read the contents of the meditation. "The One only God of the heavens and the earths, Lord Jesus Christ, we pray toward you. Guide us to do self examination daily, according to the Commandments of the Decalogue and its internal senses with our external daily life and with our internal daily life. Especially, we are to avoid the adultery, lustful acts, revenge and hatred, secret stealing, stealing by force, lies and profanation, intentions with every kind of evils and its lusts, and if we did them by mistake or with the willed intentions or doing them right now, Lord! please give us a heart to repent them, and the necessary power, wisdom, a way to overcome them. We beg you Lord! Please help us Lord!"( about 3 min.)

1. To have no other gods before the Lord requires that our ruling motive in all things great or small shall be to do right in His sight, not to be like those who love "the praise of men more than the praise of God."


2. To make no graven image means not to rely on man-made ideas or feelings in preference to God's [Decalogue] as standards for our thoughts and affections.


3. Not to take the name of the Lord in vain requires that we inwardly love and respect divine qualities and especially the Word of God [Decalogue, Hebrew Bible, and the Heavenly Doctrine], never taking them lightly or being led away into thinking the Word is a mere human book.


4. To keep the sabbath holy requires that we welcome Sunday as an opportunity to put aside our weekday preoccupations and seek spiritual nourishment and strength.


5. To honor our father and mother demands open acknowledgement and worship of our heavenly Father [Lord Jesus Christ] and support of our spiritual mother, the Church.


6. "Thou shalt not kill" requires, as the Lord Himself taught, that we rid our hearts of all feelings of resentment, hatred, and revenge, which are the root of murder.


7. "Thou shalt not commit adultery" demands not only purity of thought, speech, and conduct but, in the deepest sense, the acceptance of the truths of the Word in their purity, unmixed with our own ideas.


8. "Thou shalt not steal" forbids also harmful gossip, belittling of our neighbor, and especially anything which shakes his faith or puts a stumbling block in his way, and inmostly self-satisfaction, taking credit to ourselves for goodness and wisdom, for this is stealing from the Lord Himself.


9. "Thou shalt not bear false witness" requires honesty with ourselves as well as with others. We must seek to recognize and support the good in our neighbor and not to misjudge him or exaggerate his evils. And we should remember Heavenly Doctrine’s teaching concerning the larger neighbor, and exercise the same justice and restraint in our dealings with our community, our country, and the church.


10. "Thou shalt not covet" demands contentment with the talents and opportunities which the Lord has given us to use and with the environment which He has assigned to us as our field of service.



 *十戒について参考個所(出エジプト19:16−25、20:1−21、ドールノート第二巻p.124−138参照) 真のキリスト教412−416(412の1行目から3行目、 5行目から7行目、414の1行目から3行目、14行目から16行目まで、415の1行目から2行目まで、5行目から8行目まで、416の1行目から8行目まで)、[十戒の追加参考文:天界の秘義8859−8912、真のキリスト教283−331、黙示録講解950−1028]。





 From AC8065-8067 (Decalogue? See AC1038:8)

It is because of that which Jehovah did for me, in my going forth out of Egypt. That this signifies that they were liberated by the Lord from spiritual captivity and from damnation, is evident from the signification of "to go forth," as being to be liberated; and from the signification of "Egypt," as being spiritual captivity and damnation (n. 8049).

 And it shall be unto thee for a sign upon thine hand. That this signifies that it [Decalogue] must be constantly in the will, is evident from the signification of "a sign," as being a constant recollection, for that which is for a sign and for a memorial is for the sake of constant remembrance; that the sign was to be upon the hand was in order that as often as they moved the hand, or did anything, they might be reminded of it; and that the memorial was to be between the eyes was in order that as often as they looked at anything, they might be reminded of it and from the signification of the "hand," as being power (n. 878, 3387, 4931-4937, 5327, 5328, 5544, 6292, 6947, 7011, 7188, 7189, 7518, 7673), here the will, because all the action and power of action which are effected by means of the hand, proceed from the will.

 And for a memorial between thine eyes. That this signifies that it [Decalogue] must be constantly in the understanding, is evident from the signification of "a memorial," as also being a constant recollection (it is said "a memorial," because in the Word this is predicated of the understanding, whereas "a sign" is predicated of the will); and from the signification of "eyes," as being the understanding (n. 2701, 3820, 4403-4421, 4523- 4534), consequently by "a memorial between the eyes" is signified that it must be constantly in the understanding, that is, in the thought. How it is to be understood that it must be constantly in the understanding and constantly in the will, shall be briefly told. Those things with a man which have been impressed by means of faith and charity, or which the man fully believes and loves, are constantly in his thought and will; for he thinks them and wills them, even when he is thinking and busy about other things, and does not suppose them to be present in his mind; for they are among the things which constitute the mind's quality. That this is so is clearly evident from the spiritual sphere which encompasses a spirit or an angel; for when he approaches, it is at once known from this sphere of what faith and of what charity he is, and many things he has at heart, although at the time he is not thinking about them. Such things constitute the mind's life of everyone, and they always keep themselves there. These things could be illustrated by very many things with man; as by the various reflections, by the affections, and by the actions impressed from infancy, and the like, which are continually present and guide, even if nothing is manifestly thought about the matter. The case is the same with love to the neighbor, with love to God, with the love of good and truth, and with faith; they who are in these, constantly will them and think them; for these are in them, and when they are within they are said to be "universally regnant" (n. 6159, 6571, 7648).


3. *Please raise. Please open the Hymn number 245. (Before the world was formed)


4. Kneel before the Holy Bible, bow down to it and say the Lord's prayer without sound only within the mind. Open the Holy Bible, (Open the part of the Exodus chapter 20, which represents the entire Holy Bible). After opening the Holy Bible, bow down head toward the Holy Bible and rise. Fire the two candles in both sides of the Holy Bible, they are the correspondence of the essential of the New Church: first to the left side of the candle to fire; then fire the right side of the candle.


 *"Please be seated." Readings (prayer readings). "'these two articles, the acknowledgment of the Lord [Jesus Christ as the One only God of heaven and earth], and a life according to the commandments of the Decalogue [covenant of the salvation of soul], which are the two essentials of the New Church, are to be taught until the end and the beginning (n. 491).'・・・'These are the two olive-trees, and the two lamp stands, which are standing before the God of the earth,' signifies love and intelligence, or charity and faith, from the Lord with them (n. 493)." (AR Summary chapter 11)


 "And I will give unto My two witnesses, signifies those who confess and acknowledge from the heart that the Lord [Jesus Christ] is the [One only] God of heaven and earth, and that His Human is Divine, and who are conjoined to Him by a life according to the precepts of the Decalogue. The reason why these are here meant by 'the two witnesses,' is, because these two are the two essentials of the New Church. That the first essential, that the Lord [Jesus Christ] is the God of heaven and earth, and that His Human is Divine, is 'a testimony,' and consequently, that they are 'witnesses' who confess and acknowledge it in the heart" (AR490)








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