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今回はおなじみの曲"If You Are Happy And You Know It"


If you're (イフヨーア)

happy and you know it clap your(ハピアンユーノウイッ クラップヨア)

たたこう     しあ
hands. (clap clap) If you're (ハンヅ、イフヨア)

happy and you know it clap your(ハピ アンユ ノウイッ
クラップ ヨア)

たたこう     しあ
hands. (clap clap) If you're(ハンヅ イフ ヨア

happy and you know it, and you (ハピアン ユウノウイッ、アンユー)

really want to show it, if you're(リリーワントゥショウイッ イフ ヨア)

happy and you know it clap your(ハピアンユノウイッcァップヨア

hands. (clap clap) (ハンヅ)

このclap your hands をいろいろ変えて歌ってみてください。たとえば、

stamp your feet...足を踏み鳴らす
pinch your nose...鼻をつまむ
raise your hand...手を上げる



Thank you for introducing the song to us.
That melody is familiar to us so much, but I’ve never sung it before.

Since past October, I’ve been joining the choir in the church near my place.
Of course, on Christmas Eve, I joined carol.
The members of that choir was so ‘international’ and the mass was held in English, French and Spanish.
We sang a lot of songs in French and Spanish as well as English.
It was hard to me to sing together with them, even if I had known those melodies.

Every Sundays, I have a lot of difficulties to keep up with American voices, though.
As everyone is so helpful for me, I can enjoy choir.

Thank you for your comments.
It's good to sing in English. It's one of the way to
learn English. I'm trying to sing many songs in English.
Because I teach music to American children. I don't
know many kid's songs. Kids really love it.
Keep singing the choir and enjoy music and English!

By the way, "every Sundays" should be "every Sunday".

Thank you for teaching us a good song.
I tried to sing it.But it's difficult for me.

I sometimes sing English songs when I go to Karaoke.
Queen,Eagles and Beatles..recently we can sing various English songs in Karaoke.
I know it's a good practice to learn English.
But it's hard to sing well.

Do you have a know-how to sing English songs well?

わたしも英語の歌は苦手です。(日本語の歌も苦手?)時には"Tongue twister" (舌がもつれる)ことがよくあり苦労しています。
Dear leiko,
I got it.
‘On Sundays’ or ‘every Sunday’ is correct.

According to Kay, our opportunities to meet English songs are increasing in Karaoke.
In Manhattan, we have some Karaoke shops and I’ve been there.
However, I’ve never sung English songs there, because I prefer to sing Japanese songs.

When I sing English songs, I often experience ‘tongue twister’, too.
I always try to figure out what my problems are, but it is not easy to improve.
By the way, when I sing with native speakers, I can recognize correct pronunciation.
Unfortunately, as I have few colleagues to correct my pronunciation, it is really good for me.
to Leiko-san.
Thank you for your advice.
Memorizing is important...I know,Iknow.
I've learnt English for a long time.
So I can listen and understand little.
But I can't speak very well.

So I try to memorize phrases.
It's a hard work.

to Ossan
There is no English-songs in Karaoke in Manhattan.
It's curious!!
By the way,I think foreign people are not good at Karaoke.I wonder why not.



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