

Dog Whisperer・Cesar MillanコミュのTranscript of Chat with Cesar Millan on July 28, 2006

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NGC_Chat_Host: Welcome everyone! The live chat with Dog Whisperer Cesar Millan will begin in a minute or two. Please send us your questions now by typing them below, then clicking "Ask." We'll get to as many questions as we can.

Cesar_Millan: Hi everyone. Thanks so much for participating in our online chat. We have a lot of people joining us tonight, so I will try to answer as many questions as I can. Let's get started!

wVirginia: Hi Cesar. Are there certain breeds of dogs that are easier to train than others? Thank you!

Cesar_Millan: Well, in my experience it's not so much the breed that makes training any easier, it's the level of energy the dogs are born with. "Low" and "middle" energy dogs are going to be easier to condition because they are born to be followers. "High" and "very high" energy level dogs are going to require a more experienced owner because those dogs are more likely born to be leaders.

DWFanLady: Hi Cesar! What did you think of the South Park episode that featured you as a character? Did you think it was funny?

Cesar_Millan: It was hilarious! I loved it!

Skillet: What are your thoughts on people who dress up their pets?

Cesar_Millan: As long as you walk the dog before you dress them up, there's nothing wrong with it. If the dog has no topcoat and the weather is not in his favor, I can totally see the need for putting a coat or sweater on him.

indigirl1: Cesar, what do you recommend when one person follows the plan and the other family members don't follow the plan?

Cesar_Millan: Well, I think that's when conversation is important. Everybody has to be on the same level for the benefit of the dog. The goal is to have a balanced dog, and everybody must play a role in keeping him balanced. The family should sit down at the table and say, look if we're going to have a dog, he'll need consistent exercise, discipline, and affection. Otherwise, the human should have a consequence. I'll leave it up to you.

Bethany: With a dog that has a history of aggression, how do you know he will be safe around babies? We are thinking about starting a family, but don't know how to "prepare" the dog. Thanks!

Cesar_Millan: Well, you definitely have to consult a professional. Babies and dogs can only be together if they're both balanced. There was an episode on Dog Whisperer, season two, that addressed this issue. The dog's name was Cosmo. It's important that you don't address this on your own. Get a professional to give you a strategy to follow.

nsweet: What is the best way to teach my puppy to come?

Cesar_Millan: You have to learn about motivation, and what motivates your puppy. Before we ask the dog what he wants, we have to understand what he needs, in order to create that ripple effect. That means you have to learn to fulfill their needs, so they can automatically fulfill your needs. I encourage you to learn about dog psychology.

dmm825: Our dog is an adult. He never had any accidents on the carpet as a puppy, but now is having accidents whenever we leave the house. Why would this start all of a sudden and what can we do to stop the situation?

Cesar_Millan: If the dog is older, it might be a bladder problem, and that is a medical question. It could also be psychological. If it's psychological, he could be marking. Those are the two reasons a dog will pee after he's been great.

Wiegman: How do you take dogs on "off-leash" walks in the woods?

Cesar_Millan: What I do to transfer the dog from on-leash to off-leash is first I make sure he listens on leash, then when he's "in the zone," I drop the leash on the floor. Once he's in the tired state I take the leash off. By the end of the walk, he's off-leash. The next day I'll do the same, but I'll take the leash off before he goes into a tired state. So timing and knowledge are extremely important in being able to send them back to their natural way of traveling.

Ascott: What are your thoughts on electric collars? And how true is it that you can't teach an old dog new tricks. How old is too old?

Cesar_Millan: Before any tool is used, there has to be a bond between the human and dog—regardless of the dog—whether it's a choke collar, electric collar, a "Gentle Leader," or a leash. It's important to develop trust from our dogs before we use tools on them. That's my take on this. You can learn a lot on this from my DVD, "People Training for Dogs," available on my Web site, www.cesarmillaninc.com.

Cesar_Millan: And my answer to the second question: It doesn't matter how old the dog is, they always want to go back to balance. It's my belief that it's never too late.

Lisa: Why is it OK for the dog to be ahead of you when they are pulling you on wheels vs. feet?

Cesar_Millan: Because that's a job. You're utilizing their energy. For example, sled dogs pull, but the musher is in control.

Portia: When a storm is coming, our 19-month-old Lab, that I have had for three months, shakes, pants, and will not go out to potty. She even got frightened when a bird hit the window the other night. What can I do?

Cesar_Millan: Sometimes it's good to babysit a stable, adult dog at times like this. Because sometimes dogs don't take cues from us as well as they do from other dogs, especially at that age. But, if you don't have the option of babysitting a balanced dog, redirect their attention into something more constructive. Do not share negative energy at that moment.

skindred: How can I stop my three-year-old chocolate Lab from incessant licking?

Cesar_Millan: He's fixated. Every time I hear that a dog doesn't have limits, it makes sense to me to give him limits. An obsession mind has no limits.

samwright23: How do you deal with dogs with low self-esteem?

Cesar_Millan: Well, for dogs with low self-esteem, I create activities. For example, going over an obstacle, walking through areas that might make him nervous, joining people in a walk who have balanced dogs. Those activities will build his self-esteem. Do not nurture or feel bad for him having low self-esteem.

Will: Cesar, my four-year-old, adopted golden retriever Dixie is very afraid of the vacuum cleaner. Any tips on helping her?

Cesar_Millan: If the dog runs away from the vacuum, try feeding him next to the vacuum while it is not on. But if a dog is angry-aggressive, then I invite you to watch Monday's episode on Dog Whisperer Week on the National Geographic Channel. There are two Yorkies with a similar issue on this episode.

CF: Hi Cesar! You are such an inspiration! Thank you for what you do. I am 46 and seriously considering getting into dog training. Am I too old to start, and can I support my family doing it? Thank you.

Cesar_Millan: You're never too old to work with animals! They need human beings like you, and it's up to you how much you want in life. Thanks for seeing me as an inspiration!

Norcam: I have two miniature pinschers, one is five, the other is six-months, and they eat each others' stool. Please help. It's sick.

Cesar_Millan: There's a medical reason for it. The dogs are lacking some kind of vitamins or minerals and the vet can advise you on that. It can also start with boredom. When they don't have much to do, since poop has food inside, they feel like they're discovering food.

Star_s_owner: Hi Cesar! I know that when older dogs jump on you, it's a form of dominance, but what about a three-month-old puppy? And how can I stop her from doing it? Thank you.

Cesar_Millan: In a litter of puppies, you're going to have dominant puppies, and what they do is jump on the other littermates. The choices you have are to block or ignore the behavior. You have to make that judgment, since I can't see the puppy.

mia: Hi Cesar. I have an older pit bull and I have problems removing foxtails from his paws. Since I've been practicing your methods, I've come a long way, but he still struggles and puts up a fight. Do you have any suggestions?

Cesar_Millan: Make sure you're always safe. A lot of times when you're taking away a foxtail, they're in a lot of pain. You can ask the help of another person to hold his head. Don't try to take all the foxtails out at once. Take one out, then give him a massage, then take another one out and give him another massage, so you make it a positive experience for him. But teamwork is a great answer to a situation like the one you have. There's also an episode Dog Whisperer: "Pups on Parole" that deals with this.

Star_s_owner: When a puppy is biting the neck of an older dog, is that a sign of dominance?

Cesar_Millan: It depends; we have to read the energy. They target the same area for play or dominance. They're looking for stimulation, so what we need to do is, if the older dog is not stopping the puppy, we have to do it for them, because the puppy could be using dominant energy.

Lab_1: Hi Cesar. HELP!! Our four-month-old Labrador is becoming very aggressive. He will be okay one second and the other, he begins to snarl and lunge at us and bite. He is doing this more and more. Today he did it after playing ball in the pool. Why is he becoming so frightening?

Cesar_Millan: My take on that is don't worry about why, go back to basics.

Dixie77: Hi! I have a question regarding my dog, Champ. He barks at anyone—even me—whenever anyone goes up the stairs. Can you help?

Cesar_Millan: Yes, I can help by suggesting that you closely watch the show, read the book, and then watch the show again. The answer is very simple; you must claim the stairs. It's a ritual. The dog is barking to let you know that those are his stairs, not anyone else's, including his owner. It means that nobody is really the pack leader in your house.

horsecrazy816: I have a three-year-old border collie/German shepherd mix that tries to attack our cocker spaniel when we get in the car. What can I do?

Cesar_Millan: Exercise the collie/shepherd mix by himself before you put him in the car with the cocker spaniel. Then, with the cocker spaniel already standing in the car, use a leash to bring the collie/shepherd mix inside the car and tell him to lie down. Give him something to do in order for him to stop attacking the cocker spaniel. Continue to practice the commands "down" and "stay." This way, the collie/shepherd mix will become the submissive one when he's in the car. Always consult a professional before attempting this.

Jimmy: Hi, Cesar. Thank you for being online! I hope you will be online more often. I am from Quebec City, Canada, and I want to know, if I am fearful of being bitten when I try to put my mom's dog outside of the excitement stage while the dog is barking, can the dog sense my fear and bite me? I think that the energy I send while correcting the dog is nervousness and fear of being bitten.

Cesar_Millan: The majority of the time, they'll still bite you. I'm doing a show airing in season three, which starts in October, similar to your case, about a human who is terrified of dogs, and my goal is to help him to get over that fear. And I will do my best to be online more often.

Isa-Ro-La: Cesar, besides the "exercise, discipline, and then affection" routine for our dogs, do you have additional advice for owners whose dogs suffer seizures? Thanks!

Cesar_Millan: Acupuncture, homeopathy, massage, swimming, or anything that involves relaxation.

K2: Hi Cesar. I'm your biggest fan and always on the BLOG! My dogs are cat-aggressive towards cats not part of our pack (usually outdoor cats). I've tried body-blocking and blocking their view of the cats, and being calm-assertive. What else do you suggest?

Cesar_Millan: I strongly suggest you watch the episode I did with the dog named Buddy, called "Animal Killer," airing Monday night. Sometimes it's good to watch an episode over and over until it becomes part of your strategy.

Tom: We were at your Columbus seminar last week and asked about dog fighting in our home between our Doberman and German shepherd. You were explaining how to use a muzzle. Could you explain how to put them together again?

Cesar_Millan: It's very important that you find a professional in your area who has knowledge about aggression, so he can guide you.

Barngodess: I have four dogs. Should I discipline one when he shows dominance over one of the other dogs?

Cesar_Millan: It depends, though this is what might happen. When a dog is practicing dominance over another dog, he can also spread the behavior to the others, so the rule should be, whatever dog is in a dominant state is going to be disciplined, even if he didn't start the fight or the dominance.

Bodieboy: I use a cane on short walks, but how do I get my five-month-old Labrador retriever to stop pulling the walker on longer walks?

Cesar_Millan: This is when you hire a professional dog trainer who can condition the dog to go and walk with you. Let the trainer know what your goal is.

molly: I have a four-month-old female German shepherd that lunges and barks at other dogs while she's on her leash. Do you have a suggestion on how to stop this behavior? Thank you.

Cesar_Millan: She needs to be socialized. Since your dog is still a pup, she would benefit tremendously from daycare centers. She needs the interaction of her own kind because she's showing signs of antisocial behavior. This is a perfect time to socialize her. Hope you do it.

dmm825: Our dog is very possessive when it comes to taking objects. However, you can take his food or objects away from him without any problem. What can we do to change this behavior?

Cesar_Millan: Redirect him with another object, or change it with food. Eventually, you have to learn to do what he is doing to you. Claim everything in the house as your own, to the point that he doesn't own anything, then share with him. There's an episode Sunday night called "Drop it, Sugar," and that will give you an idea of what I'm talking about.

NGC_Chat_Host: Unfortunately, our time with Cesar is up. Cesar, thanks so much for being here tonight. Do you have any final comments for all of your Dog Whisperer fans out there?

Cesar_Millan: Thanks for joining, everyone. Sorry I couldn't answer all of your questions. Don't miss Dog Whisperer Week starting Sunday and of course, my new DVD, Dog Whisperer, Season One, and my book Cesar's Way are in stores now. Take care and remember to always be a calm, assertive pack leader!






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