

地球の片隅から...コミュのPublished August 2, 2006

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Castro Is ‘Stable,’ but His Illness Presents Puzzle

MEXICO CITY, Aug. 1 - Cuba was wrapped in uncertainty on Tuesday, as the Communist government released a statement suggesting that its longtime ruler, Fidel Castro, had survived intestinal surgery but giving few details of his condition.
メキシコシティ,8月1日 - キューバは、共産党政府の長年の支配者であったフィデル・カストロ氏が腸の手術を乗り切ったと示唆したが、彼の状態の詳細が明らかにされずに公表された為、火曜日には確信がないとして各メディア紙の帯紙に書かれた。

After a long day of speculation and rumor, an announcer on state-run television and radio said he had spoken to Mr. Castro and read a statement that he said had been written by the Cuban leader, who will be 80 on Aug. 13. In the statement, Mr. Castro said that his condition was stable but that the full extent of his illness would not be known for several days.

“The most I can say is that the situation will remain stable for many days before a verdict can be given,” the statement said. “In spirits, I find myself perfectly fine. The important thing is that the country is running perfectly well. The country is prepared for its defense by the Revolutionary Armed Forces and the people. Our compatriots will know everything at the appropriate time.”

State-run television showed no pictures of Mr. Castro, nor did it broadcast his voice. It remained unknown where the surgery took place or where he was recuperating.

On Monday night, he handed power temporarily to his brother, Raul, to undergo surgery to repair intestinal bleeding, according to a statement read on Cuban television.

News that Mr. Castro had relinquished power for the first time in his 47-year rule prompted expressions of concern from leftist leaders in Latin America and set off immediate celebration among Cuban exiles in Miami. [Page A10.]
カストロ氏が彼の47年間の統治で初めて権力を捨てたというニュースは、マイアミでのキューバの追放の中でラテンアメリカの左翼リーダーから関心な表現を促して、即座の祝賀を始めました。[ページ A10.]

The transfer also set off intense speculation about Cuba’s future. Raul Castro, who has acted as defense minister for decades, made no public appearances. He is 75 years old and seems to lack the charisma, political skill and rhetorical brilliance of his brother. His detractors in the United States say he will find it hard to hold the government together if Mr. Castro were to die.

Sean McCormack, a State Department spokesman, made it clear on Tuesday that the United States would take an active role in shaping events on the island if the Cuban leader dies. “The United States and the American people will do everything that we can to stand by the Cuban people in their aspirations for a democracy,” he said.

President Bush said Monday, before Mr. Castro’s illness was announced, that the United States policy would be to undermine Raul Castro’s rise to power. “We are actively working for change in Cuba,” he said, “not simply waiting for change.”

There were unconfirmed reports that the Cuban military had been placed on high alert on Tuesday morning, and that civil defense militias were warned to brace themselves for unrest and to keep a weather eye out for a United States invasion, residents said in telephone interviews.

Rumors ran through Havana. Some people pointed to the fact that Mr. Castro’s message had been written on a computer as evidence that his health was much worse than the government had let on.

“People are very disoriented,” one history professor said in a telephone interview, speaking on the condition of anonymity because he feared arrest. “Dissidents are worried and fear that at any moment there could be a wave of detentions.”

Still, the streets of Havana were relatively quiet, as people went about their daily lives, trying to eke out a living in the island’s crippled economy. “The situation is totally tranquil, normal,” said Armando Brinis, a government spokesman. “Everyone is working. There are no soldiers in the street. Nothing like that.”

Dora Fleites Gutierrez, 51, a hospital worker in the central city of Santa Clara, said a pall of sadness hung over the nation.
サンタクララの中心都市の病院の労働者である51歳のDora Fleites Gutierrezさんは悲しみの棺衣が国を覆ったと言いました。

“The people are experiencing fear and sadness at the thought of losing the commander,” she said. “But if the worst happens and he were to die, then his brother will remain and everything will continue to be the same. We don’t fear there will be a change with Raul. He has the same ideals.”

Mr. Castro has been a major world figure and a leftist hero since he and a band of guerrillas forced Cuba’s previous dictator, Fulgencio Batista, from power in January 1959. He became an implacable enemy of the United States in the early 1960’s, allying the island with the Soviet Union and bringing the world to the brink of nuclear war during the administration of President John F. Kennedy.

As Communist rulers fell in Eastern Europe or opened up their markets in the late 1980’s and early 1990’s, Mr. Castro clung stubbornly to his ideology and the Cuban economy, long crippled by a United States embargo, continued a slow slide that impoverished most of its people.



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