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Daphne: Oh, good morning, Dr. Crane. Not a morning person, are we? Well, never you mind. I am. Can't very well be a good health care provider if you're not up with the cock. I've already taken your father for his morning constitutional. Such a remarkable man - thirty years on the police force. I can understand why you'd want him to live here, although not many sons would do that, not without getting paid for it. Anyway, coffee's made, and I took the liberty of doing a shop. They don't serve much tripe in Seattle, do they?Frasier:And you are...? Daphne: Daphne. Daphne Moon. I moved in yesterday. You hired me to take care of your father.
Frasier:Of course. Forgive me, I'm not quite myself until I've shaved and showered.
Daphne: Oh, yes. I completely understand about one's morning ablutions. I, for instance, can't stand myself 'til I floss all that gunk out of my teeth...
Frasier: Miss Moon! For future reference, if you could just keep your ablutions on a need-to-know basis? Thank you. Now, my coffee.
Martin: The half 'n half's curdled, and the garbage disposal's jammed.
Frasier: Good morning to you too, dad.
Martin: Morning was two hours ago. And close that barn door, we got a lady in the house now.

Frasier: Hey, this isn't my coffee. Where's my finely-ground Kenya blend from Starbucks?
Martin: That's it. Daphne put an eggshell and some allspice in it.
Frasier: Didn't that just dress it up?
Martin: I like it. Gives it a zing. Now, come on, sit down. Your breakfast is ready.

Frasier: Oh, no, dad, dad, look, all I ever have is a bran muffin, and a touch of yogurt.
Martin: Ah, girlie food. Besides, I already fixed your breakfast. Now, I made you "eggs in a Nest."
Frasier: Ah yes, the Crane family specialty. Fried eggs swimming in fat, served in a delightfully hollowed-out piece of white bread. I can almost hear my left ventricle slamming shut as I speak.
Martin: You want cheese on that?
Frasier: No. I'd like to leave some blood flow for the clot to go swiftly to my brain. Can't have my coffee, can't have my breakfast, Oh god, it wasn't a dream. I'll get him for this. And his little dog, too. Where's my paper? Who's stolen my paper? Mrs. Everly, you old bat, I know it's you!
Daphne: Yoo-hoo? It's right here, we brought it in for you.
Frasier: Sorry, sorry.Oh, wait a minute, this... where's the rubber band? This paper has been read.
Daphne: Well don't worry, we won't tell you what's in it.
Frasier: That is not the point. Dad, dad? Come and sit down please, would you?
Daphne: You're going to give a speech, aren't you?
Frasier: Oh, that's right, I forgot, you're psychic.
Daphne: Yes, but I think anyone could feel this one coming on.
Frasier: Let us get something clear. I am not a morning person. I have to ease into my day slowly. First I have my coffee - sans eggshells or anything else one tends to pick out of the garbage. Then I have a low-fat, high-fiber breakfast. Finally I sit down and read a crisp, new newspaper. If I am robbed of the richness of my morning routine, I cannot function. My radio show suffers, and like ripples in a pond, so do the many listeners that rely on my advise, to help them through their troubled lives. I'm sorry if this may sound priggish, but I have grown comfortable with this part of myself. It is the magic that is me.
Martin: Get used to it.
Daphne: I know this is a stressful time, and this is new for all of us, but I'm sure that soon we'll all be getting along swimmingly. Ooh, six more weeks of winter, I see.

Frasier: Down Eddie, down. I said down. Good boy Eddie, just get down. Good good, Eddie get down. Eddie, GET DOWN! Dad, dad, I can't read my paper, Eddie's staring at me.
Martin: Why, you do make quite a picture in the morning. Just ignore him.
Frasier: I'm trying to.
Martin: I was talking to the dog.

Frasier: Don't even think about it!
Frasier: You're listening to Dr. Frasier Crane. Our topic today is... intrusion. Those who encroach on our sense of personal space. The neighbor who plays his stereo too loud. The person who sits next to you in the movie theater when there are fifty other vacant seats. Now let's return to our calls, and let me remind you once more, that our topic today is intrusion, since so many of you seem to be forgetting that.
Roz: Dr. Crane, we have Leonard from Everett, on line two.
Frasier: Hello Leonard, I'm listening.
Leonard: Oh, hi Dr. Crane. Ah, I'm a little nervous, but ah... well, here goes. Several years ago I became afraid of large, open spaces. Like, if I went to the mall, I'd break out in a cold sweat, I'd get so scared that I'd have to run home.
Frasier: Yes Leonard, and your comments on intrusion?
Leonard: Nothing. Just that, now I'm afraid to go outside at all. I haven't seen another person in eight months.
Frasier: Well Leonard, it sounds like you may have a very serious condition known as agoraphobia. But you're not alone.
Leonard: But I am alone, Dr. Crane.
Frasier: Listen Leonard, I'm afraid your problem is too difficult to deal with in the time we have remaining, so if you stay on the line, someone will give you the name of a qualified therapist. Well, that's all the time we have for today. You've been listening to Dr. Frasier Crane, KACL 780. Stay tuned for the news. Then next up, Bob “Bulldog” Briscoe and the Gonzo Sports Show. I never miss it. Yeah, right.
Roz: You want your messages?
Frasier: Oh, listen Roz, just hang on to them. I think I'll stay in here for a while. Today more than most, I feel an overwhelming need for solitude. I've got a fascinating book here, a comfortable chair and a soundproof booth.

Bulldog : Hiya, doc. How're they hangin'?
Frasier: Bulldog, what are you doing here?
Bulldog : We lost transmitter link power in Studio C. I gotta do my show from here.
Bulldog : Hey, where the hell's my Cosell tape? Somebody stole my Cosell tape! THIS STINKS! THIS IS TOTAL B.S.! THIS... oh, here it is.
Frasier: Let me just get out of your way.
Bulldog : Oh, by the way doc, doc, I heard what you said to that kid who fantasizes about killing his parents? You know what I would have told him? Sports. You go out there, break some heads- That'll turn him around.
Frasier: Yes. If only Jeffrey Dahmer had picked up a squash racket.
Bulldog: Hey, where the hell's my Lasorda tape? THIS IS TOT... ah, got it.
Roz: Hold on a second, I have to ask you something. Gary? I broke up with him three weeks ago. The sex was okay, but he was kinda limited. [Frasier moves to leave, Roz stops him] No, no. It wasn't that Gary was bad in bed. I mean, he knew where all the parts were. Unfortunately, most of them were his. Yes, totally passionless, it was like he was thinking of someone else. I know I was. Somebody's here, I gotta go. Alright? Talk to you later. Bye, mom.
Frasier: That was your mother?
Roz: Yeah, why?
Frasier: You talk to your mother like that?
Roz: Well, we're both adults. We talk about everything.
Frasier: Well, isn't that healthy.
Roz: What, you don't talk to your dad like that?
Frasier: Oh, hardly. We hardly speak at all.
Roz: Really?
Frasier: Ah yes, well you know, we're just not really similar people. In fact, my brother and I are a lot more like my mother. You know, if it wasn't biologically impossible I'd swear that dad was dropped in a basket on our doorstep.
Bulldog: [from other booth] Hey sweetcakes, you seen my engineer?
Roz: I think someone's talking to you, Frasier.
Bulldog: Come on, come on, come on!
Roz: [into mike] Yes, he called, he'll be right here. [to Frasier]
So do you want to go across the street and have one of those
expensive coffee drinks?
Frasier: Maybe some other time. Right now, I'd like to continue my quest
for solitude. I'll go somewhere where my father, Mary Poppins
and the hound from hell can't find me. I think maybe I'll just
go sit under the shade of a tree and read in a quiet park.



Frasier: Hello. [realises the room in empty] Hello? Dad? Daphne? Eddie?
[takes off coat; to himself] Could it be?

Frasier: Toreador, Don't spit on the floor, Use the cuspidor-a What do you think it's for-a?
Daphne: [to Martin]...so the elephant says, “He's with me.”Oh, Dr. Crane, you're home. We just got back from your father's physical therapy.
Frasier: Oh, glory be. Oh, happy day. Not that I'm not delighted to see the two of you, it's just that I'm in the middle of a very exciting chapter.
Daphne: Ooh, I understand. So why don't I pop into the kitchen and brew you up a nice pot of tea?
Frasier: No, I just poured myself a glass of wine, thank you.
Daphne: [pointedly looking at watch] I see.
Martin: Whatcha reading?
Frasier: Oh dad, you wouldn't find it very interesting.
Martin: I might. Any good?
Frasier: Well, I haven't formed a opinion yet. Oddly enough, I'm having a little trouble getting into it.
Martin: Thick.
Frasier: Dad will you... Listen, I don't want to offend, but if you wouldn't mind, could you just leave me alone, let me read my book?
Martin: No problem.

Frasier: What are you doing?
Martin: I'm leaving you alone.
Frasier: Well, it's very annoying!
Martin: Ah, what's your problem? You've been sucking a lemon all week.
Frasier: All right, all right, I'll tell you what my problem is, I can't get a moment’s peace alone in my own house.
Martin: Well, forgive me. When you invited me to move in I didn't realise I had to stay chained to the radiator in my room [
Frasier: Perhaps only evenings.
Martin: I heard that!
Frasier: Well, of course you heard it, you're never out of earshot!
Martin: Ah, you know, you've always been like this. You were always a fussy little kid, and it's gotten worse ever since. You and your precious morning routine. You gotta have your coffee, you gotta have your quiet, you gotta have this, you gotta have that. Well, aren't you the little hothouse orchid.
Frasier: Hey, hey-hey-hey! I don't have to sit here and listen to that!
Martin: Ah, if you want everything so perfect, why don't you go live in a bubble?
Frasier: Oh right, oh well, right now it sounds very inviting!

Martin: Finally, a little peace and quiet around here.

End of Act One.
Act Two.

Niles: Hello there, Frasier.
Frasier: Oh, what fresh hell is this?
Niles: That's a nice way to greet your brother. Café latte, per piachere.
Frasier: I'm sorry, Niles, it's just I've been trying to read this book and it seems no matter where I alight I get interrupted.
Niles: Oh, “The Holotropic Mind” by Stanislav Grolf. I love his conclusion that a change in breathing patterns can induce alternate states of consciousness.
Frasier: Great. Now you've ruined the ending!
Niles: I'm sorry, that was inconsiderate. Mille Grazie. So, how's father?
Frasier: Father? You mean the man who's driving me crazy? The man who makes me dread the sight of my very doorstep? The man who just drove me out of my own home?
Niles: And how's work?
Frasier: Niles, I don't know what I'm going to do. Dad and I had another fight. I'm afraid if we stay under the same roof together we'll do irreparable harm to the relationship we have as it is.
Niles: Well, what are the alternatives?
Frasier: Well, if I didn't feel so guilty I'd, I'd do what I should have done in the first place: just move dad and Daphne into their own apartment.
Niles: Oh, for goodness sake, Frasier. It hasn't been that long, you have to give it a chance. And you might remember why you moved him in in the first place.
Frasier: Refresh me.
Niles: You wanted to get closer to dad.
Frasier: I still do. There isn't anything I'd like more, but he makes it impossible. I can't read my book, I can't have my coffee, I can't have any peace in my own home.
Niles: So what you’re saying is, you want to be closer to dad, but you don't actually want him around. Ask yourself Frasier, have you tried to sit down and talk to him - I mean, really talk to him?
Frasier: Well, I... [he thinks about it] Maybe I haven't done my best. I guess I owe that to the old man, don't I? Well ah, thanks for the chat, Niles. You're a good brother, and a credit to the psychiatric profession.
Niles: You're a good brother too.
Frasier: Daphne? What are my things doing here? My leather wing chair? My Kusami lamp?
Daphne: ] We're putting them in the storage room, in the basement. There was no room for them inthe study once we got my furniture in. We discussed it last night, remember?
Frasier: Of course, of course.
Daphne: I was just on my way to ask that peculiar little man from building services to give me a  hand moving them.
Frasier: Oh yes, Kyle. Well, give him my regards.
Daphne: Remind me again - which one of Kyle's eyes is really looking at me?
Frasier: The brown one.

Martin: Daphne left your dinner in the fridge, if you're hungry.
Frasier: Well thanks, but I'm not. Ah... Dad, I'm sorry about the blow-up earlier.
Martin: Ah, forget about it. I already have.
Frasier: You know, I guess there's no secret that there's been a lot of tension between us, and I think maybe one of the reasons is that we never have a chance to sit down and talk. And I... I thought we might have a conversation.
Martin: Right now?
Frasier: Yes, I think now would be a good time.
Martin: Later would be better.
Frasier: It doesn't have to be a long, drawn-out conversation, I'm talking about three minutes of your life.
Martin: Well, I hope it is only three minutes, 'cause my program's coming on.
Frasier: Well, alright. If it'll make you any happier I will get the egg-timer and I will set it for three minutes.

Martin: So what do you want to talk about?
Frasier: Well, the idea is for us to have a normal, honest conversation like two normal people without getting on each other’s nerves. Ready? Go.
Martin: This is stupid.
Frasier: One second? That's our personal best? Let us see if we can beat it. Ready? Go.
Martin: So how about those Seahawks?
Frasier: No sports.
Martin: All right. But no opera.
Frasier: Agreed. Ready? Go.
Martin: This is your idea, you say something first.
Frasier: Alright, alright. I'll, I'll tell you something about myself that ah, that you don't know. Ah, six months ago, when Lilith and I were really on the rocks, ah, there was a time of depression I went through that was so terrible I actually climbed out on a ledge and wondered if life was worth living. I... And then I thought of Frederick.
Martin: And you didn't jump, huh?
Frasier: Good, dad.
Martin: Wow. I never knew that.
Frasier: Well, that's the point of this whole experiment. To tell one another something that we don't know about each other. Something vulnerable. Now it's your turn.
Martin: Okay. [thinks] Well, about two months ago, I was in the basement, going through some old pictures of your mother and me... and all of a sudden something flew up in my eye. And, when I was trying to get it out, I realised I could turn my eyelid inside out, the way kids do at camp.
Frasier: That's it? You call that vulnerable?
Martin: It hurt.
Frasier: Oh well... I'm not talking about that kind of pain, I'm talking about your emotions, your soul. Some sort of painful, gut- wrenching experience.
Martin: Other than this one?
Frasier: Oh, God! Always the flip answer.
Martin: Well, this whole thing's stupid.
Frasier: Well, not to me. Oh, how should I expect anything out of you? You are the most cold, intractable, unapproachable, distant, stubborn, cold man I've ever known!
Martin: You said “cold” twice, Mr. Egghead.
Frasier: Egghead? Egghead?
Martin: You said “egghead” twice, too.
Frasier: Oh, you are so infuriating!
Martin: Well, you're no day at the beach either. You know what you are? I'll tell you later, it's time for my program.
Frasier: Dad, I don't think you see how serious this is.
Martin: Oh, will you give it a rest?
Frasier: We're not getting along, and it's not getting any better. I'm not sure how to say this, but ah... I ah, I'm afraid I'm gonna have to...
Martin: I know what you're trying to say. “You want what's best for both of us.” You want to get me out of here, then you can have your own space, and I'll have my own space, and we can put an end to all this bickering.
Frasier: Well, yes. I guess it wasn't so hard to say after all.
Martin: Except for one thing. I'm not going.
Frasier: What?
Martin: Look, you want us to forge some great father-son relationship, to make some connection. Well, that kind of thing takes a couple of years, not a couple of days, doesn't it? You're the shrink.
Frasier: Couple of years, huh?
Martin: Ah, it'll go by before you know it.
Frasier: Either that, or it'll seem like eternity.
Martin: I'm willing to give it a shot if you are.
Frasier: Okay.
Martin: Great. How about you and me having a beer together?
Frasier: Wow. You know, in all these years you've never asked me that. I'd love to have a beer with you, dad.
Martin: Well then, you better haul ass, 'cause the store closes in ten minutes.
Frasier: Right.


Can't very well be a good health care provider if you're not up with the cock:
cockは基本an adult male chickenをあらわすが、penisの意味でもつかわれる。さらにBritish Englishとしての用法では、よく知る男性に対しても使われるらしい。要は、男と一緒に起きているようではgood health providerにはなれないということを言いたい?!(違っていたらご指摘ください。)

constitutional:old-fashioned: a walk you take because it is good for your health

remarkable: deserving attention or praise

take the liberty of doing sth: 勝手ながら〜する

tripe: the stomach of a cow or pig, used as food

not be myself:(informal): used when the person speaking does not feel well, or is not able to behave normally, for example because he or she is upset or ill

ablutions(formal): if you perform your ablutions, you wash yourself - sometimes used humorously

floss :to clean between your teeth using floss

gunk:any substance that is dirty, sticky, or unpleasant

on a need-to-know basis: if information is given to people on a need-to-know basis, they are given only the details that they need at the time when they need them:

half 'n half =half-and-half :American English: a mixture that is half milk and half cream, used in coffee or tea

curdle=to become thicker or form curd(=凝固する)
※curd=the thick substance that forms in milk when it becomes sour

garbage disposal=(American English) a small machine in the kitchen sink which breaks vegetable waste into small pieces so that it washes down the drain of the sink

be jammed=stuck and impossible to move

barn door=日本語では社会の窓とでもいうのかなw
barnはa large farm building for storing crops, or for keeping animals in

finely:into very thin or very small pieces

groundはgrind:to break something such as corn or coffee beans into small pieces or powder, either in a machine or between two hard surfacesの過去分詞

Kenya blend=ケニヤブレンド

allspice=the dried fruit of a tropical American tree, crushed and used in cooking

dress something up=to make something more interesting or attractive

zing= enthusiasm or energy

bran muffin=ふすま(小麦をひいた時にできる皮くず)で作ったマフィン

a touch of yogurt=,少量のヨーグルト

girlie=typically feminine in character, or suitable for girls rather than boys

fix=o cook or prepare food or drink

fried egg:目玉焼き、卵焼き

delightfully:pleasantly, attractively or enjoyably

hollowed-out :having an empty space inside something

white bread:精白パン

ventricle=either of two small hollow spaces, one in each side of the heart, which force blood into the tubes leading from the heart to the other parts of the body

slum shut=バタンと閉まる

clot=a thick almost solid mass formed when blood dries

swift(ly)=happening or moving quickly or within a short time, especially in a smooth and easy way

I'll get him for this:(informal) to attack, hurt, or kill someone for this

morning person:朝型の人、早起きの人

ease into=to move yourself or something slowly and carefully into another place or position

sans=without - usually used humorously

crisp=paper or cloth that is crisp is fresh, clean, and new

ripple=a small low wave on the surface of a liquid:=さざ波

priggishはprig=someone who behaves in a morally good way and shows that they disapprove of the way other people behave - used to show disapprovalの形容詞

swimmingly:without problems

six more weeks of winter:フレイジャーのガウンの前が再び空いたままになっているのを見てダフネが遠まわしにちゃかしている。(フレイジャーの豪快な下半身を見て)

make quite a picture:何かを思い描く。

Don't even think about it.

intrusion: the interruption of someone or becoming involved in their private affairs in an annoying and unwanted way

encroach on :to gradually take more of someone's time, possessions, rights etc than you should

a vacant seat, building, room or piece of land is empty and available for someone to use

break out in a cold sweat(冷や汗) :if you break out in a cold sweat , it appears on your skin

agoraphobia=fear of crowds and open spaces

Gonzo Sports Show=A sports show that is concerned with shocking or exciting the reader and not with giving serious reports

hang on to something =to keep something:

How're they hanging?
息子の調子はどうだい?/どんな調子だい?/元気かい?◆【同】How are you?◆直訳すると「キンタマはどんなふうにぶらさがってる?」ということで、男性間で使われる下品な表現。

transmitter link=equipment that sends out radio or television signals

this stinks=〈俗〉全く駄目だ。/最低だ。
B.S=bullshitの省略=something that is stupid and completely untrue

fantasize about=to imagine that you are doing something which is very pleasant or exciting, but which is very unlikely to happen

turn around= if someone turns it around, it starts to be successful

Jeffrey Dahmer: A Man of Madness

squash racket:スカッシュ(スポーツ)で使用するラケット

be limited=not very great in ability

swear=to promise that you will do something

quest=a long search for something that is difficult to find

solitude=when you are alone, especially when this is what you enjoy

Poppins=Mary Poppins=メアリー・ポピンズ◆パメラ・リンドン・トラバーズ作の児童文学。不思議な力を持つメアリー・ポピンズが主人公。=Dapheをおちょくった表現

Hound from the hell=a dog from the hell=地獄からやってきた犬=Eddieのことw

Could it be....=もしかして[まさか・ひょっとして]

Toreador=a person who fights bulls to entertain people in Spain=闘牛士

何気ない歌だが、ToreadorのスペインとSpit on the floorのspit(唾を吐く)をこの単語で掛けている

the elephant says, “He's with me"=完全な下ネタであるw
Daphneは度々下ネタに話が向うw Elephentの鼻を=penisに掛けている。

Glory be!=これはこれは!/有り難い!

not that=けれども(that以下)というわけではない

be delighted to see sth=sthを見てうれしく思う

pop into〜=go somewhere quickly

brew up=to make a drink of tea

pour= to make a liquid into a container by holding it at an angle

annoying=making you feel slightly angry

You've been sucking a lemon=渋い顔をする

chain sb=to fasten someone to something else using a chain, especially in order to prevent them from escaping or being stolen

radiator=a thin metal container that is fastened to a wall and through which hot water passes to provide heat for a room

out of earshot=not near enough to hear what someone is saying:

fussy=very concerned about small, usually unimportant details, and difficult to please

hothouse orchid=温室育ちっで扱いにくい奴
(orchid=a plant that has flowers which are brightly coloured and unusually shaped)

go live in a bubble=bubble carの中で生活でもしたらどうなんだという意味?!?!(ここよくわかりませんでした。わかった方御指摘願います。)
バブルトップの車、バブル・カー◆第二次大戦後の復興期にヨーロッパで多く生産されたものを指す。多くは2座で、バイクのエンジンを流用したもの。3輪のものも多い。BMW IsettaやMesserschmittなどがよく知られる。FrasierはBMWの愛好家、崇拝者なので、Martinが皮肉って、そんなに一人がいいならお気に入りのBMWの中で住んでこいや!!と言っていると考えられる。?!?!

inviting=something that is inviting is very attractive and makes you want to be near it, try it, taste it etc: ただしここではもちろん皮肉。

Oh, what fresh hell is this? ここでは、またかよ一体全体これはどういうことだ?、、くらいの意味。

per piachere:イタリア語(意味知っている人教えてください):ナイルズらしいキザ具合。

alight=if a bird or insect alights on something, it stops flying and stands on it=ここでは比ゆ表現。舞い降りるくらいの意味。フレージャーらしい気取った表現。

Mille Grazie:またまたイタリア語。Thank you very muchの意味。はまってるのかな?!

irreparable harm=irreparable damage, harm is so bad that it can never be repaired or made better:

Refresh =to make someone remember something:

owe=to feel you should try to achieve something

wing chair =a comfortable chair with a high back and pieces pointing forward on each side where you can rest your head

Kusami lamp?=これなんかのランプなんでしょうが、どんなランプでしょう?

peculiar=strange, unfamiliar, or a little surprising

drawn-out=taking more time than usual or more time than you would like

get on each other’s nerves.=お互いの神経を逆なでする


be on the rocks=(informal) a relationship that is on the rocks is having a lot of problems and is likely to fail soon

ledge=a narrow flat piece of rock that sticks out on the side of a mountain or cliff:岩礁

flew up in my eye.: flew=flyの過去:目に入ってきた

inside out=裏返しに

gut- wrenching =断腸の思いの、心が張り裂けそうな


intractable=very difficult to deal with or solve

unapproachable=seeming unfriendly and therefore difficult to talk to

Egghead.=someone who is very intelligent, and only interested in ideas and books:

infuriating=very annoying:

you're no day at the beach=遊び心がない奴だな!!

bicker=to argue, especially about something very unimportant

forge=to develop something new, especially a strong relationship

shrink=(informal)a psychoanalyst or psychiatrist -- used humorously:精神科医のこと

haul ass=〈卑〉とても速く走る、さっさと出て行く,




Frasier(フレイジャー)で英語 更新情報

