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Number 4083 definition of a classic

English exercises.

Mark Twain's definition of a classic was "something that everyone wants to have read but no one wants to read."
peacock words bother him
The governor denounces be dense of delict
a manual dexterity task
sparse credibility
dismissal, lay off
good influence to severely poverty
precipice, cliff ,bluff
criticize, critique
Serial experiments lain
a method of accounting, called accrual basis
The actuator affirms sensible confession
refueling outage
A specimen is turning down own shipment
firework burden
The demand outreaches the supply.
certified baller during latency period
vain as a peacock
committee, community, Communist Party
aristocracy burdens milieu
bolster her to be able to playing
homespun Corkscrew appreciates him
Telexistence= terex + existence
He is breed like rabbits
Take part in the clumsy banquet
paradigm debilitates own self
Research expenses about microlite glass
spare no expense
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