Mad Tv
From the makers of "tickle me Elmo" and "tickle me Elmo extreme."
comes this holidays season's hottest must have toys,
it's "Tickle me Emo"!!!!!!!!!!
Cousins of tickle me Elmo!
Boys he sad.....:(
"If life is so fair, why do roses have thrown..?"
People who like Tickle me emo MUST join this!
He is just like a real emo kid, so sensitive and oh so dramatic....
"There is no dad.....You hear me? dad......"
"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!! I hurt my self to feel a life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
so ridiculous but so funny, if you like it then join this community, and also you can tell us weird or cool emo kid around you!!!!
What is "Tickle Me Emo"?
(Mad Tv)