

スピリチュアリティーの学際研究コミュのA Model of Psycho-Educational Approach for Spirituality Types Divided by the 3 Factors of Will, Joy and Sense with the princip

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Manami OZAKI1,2 and Takeo OKU2

1 Department of Psycho-Sociology, Faculty of Literature, Tokai University (Kanagawa, Japan)
2 Institute for Consciousness Information Research (Tokyo, Japan)

Abstract: The first purpose of this study is to propose a model of the Psycho-educational approaches according to the type of spirituality based on the 3 factor spirituality theory. The second purpose is to use the principle of primary light colors, to show the traits of spirituality visually and to give information for future investigations to connect psychology and physics on the research of spirituality.
The 3 factor spirituality theory was lead through a series of research using SBAS‐TEST which has been developed to measure spirituality appeared as an individual’s psychological maturity level.
According to the high-low scores of 3 factors, Will, Joy and Sense, 8 spirituality types are formed. Each type has its own trait and the specific psycho-educational approach for each type was proposed. The ideal state of the 3 factors, will, joy, and sense, of spirituality represent The truth, The beautiful and The good. We apply the primary light colors blue, red, and green for the 3 factors, will, joy and sense respectively. By using the principle of primary light colors the traits of the spirituality was able to be explained visually. We also tried to integrate and sort the traditional psycho-educational approaches based on the 8 spirituality types. For the lack of will the approaches focusing on behavioral and cognitive level is appropriate. For the lack of joy the existential level, for the lack of sense the approaches to focus on transcendental level are considered to be useful.
Keywords: Spirituality, Psycho-educational approach, primary light color, Will, Joy, Sense, model, type

1. Introduction

 Both the general and the academic interest and approach for spirituality has been raised recently with the hopes that spirituality would lead us to ultimate happiness1).
In business, people use the term spirituality emphasizing the development of the latent ability or even super natural power to be successful in this world. In the CAM (Complementary and Alternative Medicine) area, spiritual healings which are thought to be the pseudo-scientific or mysterious approaches attract the naïve people2).
Our mission is to explain spirituality with scientific terms and to call their attention to the authentic or healthy spirituality which should contribute to health. We have reported a series of research outcomes for this purpose3-10). First we made the operational definition of spirituality6) and developed the measurement instrument
of healthy spirituality, SBAS-TEST (Spiritual Behavior, administration of the
Attitude and Sense Test3), then investigated the characters of healthy spirituality with the parallel psychological scales which measure the similar personality traits like Sense of Coherence, Authenticity, and Flow4,5) .
The process of the research has shown us the possible model of spirituality according to the 3 factors of the SBAS-TEST. We named it the 3 factor spirituality theory and made a model which explains the spirituality types with the application of the principle of the primary light color. The primary light colors, blue, red and green inspired the image of the ultimate goal of the 3 factors of spirituality, the truth, the beautiful and the good.
The first purpose of this paper is to propose a model of the mapping of the Psycho-educational approach based on the 8 types of spirituality used the 3 factor spirituality theory. The second purpose is to show the model with the principle of the primary light color and to give the information to bridge psychology and physics to explain spirituality/ nonlocal consciousness.

2.SBAS-TEST and the 3 factor spirituality theory

Ozaki’s SBAS-TEST3) is a 30-item tool using the five-point likert scale which measures the three domains of spirituality; will (SB: Spiritual Behavior), joy (SA: Spiritual Attitude), and sense (SS: Spiritual Sense)
We proposed the 3 factor spirituality theory for authentic spirituality. When all of the 3 factors of the SBAS-TEST have high scores the authentic spirituality appears. The first factor, will, means ‘act of will’ in psychosinthesis in which Assagioli explains;

the true function of the will is not to act against the personality drives to force the accomplishment of one’s purposes. The will has a directive and regulatory function; it balances and constructively utilizes all the other activities and energies of the human being without repressing any of them11)

The second factor, joy, is not the same as subjective happiness related to the successful events outside, but inner satisfaction and peaceful stillness fountain from within regardless of the circumstances.
The third factor, sense, represents the spiritual sensitivity to be aware of transcendental dimension of the world. This concept is accepted in general people as spirituality and defined as a narrow definition of spirituality, however the limited definition and the partial understanding of spirituality lead people to a pre-conventional/rational level which is known as the pre/trans fallacy12).
The ideal state of the 3 factors, will, joy, and sense of spirituality, represent The truth, The beautiful and The good. They are all truth observed from aspects, so they can be explained also as objective truth, subjective truth, and intersubjective truth (Fig.4).

3. Spirituality Model

The definition of Spirituality differs depends on the context6). Here we present the three models relating to health, in the view of psycho-education or salute genesis.
Fig. 1 explains how the general public approaches spirituality with 3 factors. The term coaching is used in mostly business fields emphasizing the practical behavioral change and the achievement which is a highly goal oriented approach. This concept accords with the factor will of the 3 factor spirituality theory.
Fig.1The Analysis of the three approaches based on the 3 factor theory of Spirituality 

The purpose of the humanistic psychology is called self-realization or self-actualization. Various counseling techniques are observed to pursue this in self-enrichment seminars and in workshops. They try to find themselves, in other words the existential meaning of life. The spirituality which they treat in this context is corresponded with the second factor of the 3 factor spirituality theory, joy.
There are people who visit therapists or healers to solve psychical, emotional and spiritual problems. The therapists prompt the clients to be aware of their repression by using several deep psychological techniques approaching the individuals’ unconsciousness and even to the collective unconsciousness which is called non local consciousness by Dossey13). They need to go beyond the time and space by reaching the altered consciousness with the technique of meditation, imaging and so on in order for healing to take place.
In body-mind medicine spirituality is placed as one of the important factors for natural healing14-22), however the scientific explanation is still under investigation. We proposed a model of spirituality with 2 axis using the WHO’s proposed definition of health with four dimensions: physical, mental, social and spiritual health23) . We put physical and mental dimensions inside the individual (body/mind) and divided the visible health related issues into the two relationships with people and with nature . This is shown as horizontal line in Fig.2.

Fig. 2. A model of Authentic Spirituality with 2 axis.

Spirituality in a narrow definition is an invisible matter. We divided the invisible spiritual matter related to our being to the relationship with something great (upper direction) and with the soul (lower direction) in the vertical line in Fig.2. Our definition of authentic spirituality is holistic and includes all of the four relationships.

Fig.3 Dual Direction of Spirituality

The difficulty of understanding and explaining spirituality objectively lies on the fact that spirituality cannot be explained fully without mentioning the act of nonlocal consciousness. We modeled the act of dual direction which occurs in the case of spiritual healing. The individual act, for example, a prayer-like attitude, can be explained psychologically but the act of nonlocal consciousness which is widely observed as grace or synchronicity is still difficult to explain the mechanism with the physical evidence. We have developed the model of spiritual healing with the assumption showed in Fig.3.

4. 8 types of spirituality

According to the high-low scores of the 3 factors of the SBAS-TEST, will, joy and sense, 8 spirituality types are divided (Table.1). Each type has its own trait and the specific psycho-educational approach for the lack of the each factor was proposed in Fig. 4.

Table1.8types of the spirituality based on the 3 factor spirituality theory

Capital letters BAS represent the high score of the 3 factors: spiritual behavior (will), spiritual attitude (Joy), spiritual sense (sense) and the lower case bas represent the low score of each factor. The colors shown on the right side of the table 1 corresponds with the colors in Fig. 6.

BAS type means the type which has high scores on all of the 3 factors of spirituality, which is considered a balanced developed authentic spirituality type. BAs type has high scores on will and joy but not on the factor sense, therefore the type has a practical strong will and do the good things with joy but may lack the eternal point of view. BaS type has strong will and the sensitivity for the transcendental domain of the world and does good things without joy. This type is observed among the moral, religious people who force themselves with obligation without joy, and they have the tendency to be depressive and over worked/burn out.
The bAS type person has joy and sensitivity for the transcendental domain and may have peak experiences, however he doesn’t apply the transcendental experiences to every day life. He doesn’t take action to realize the truth practically and is apt to be narcissistic. Type Bas may be observed as a successful business person who can achieve many things with high goals, however his insides may be empty and sooner or later he would have to face the question: What are all these for?
bAs type is observed among happy looking people killing their time not to face reality. They have addiction of all kinds to blind themselves. baS type is the person who is dangerously floating back and forth in the powerful spiritual world. The type bas has no will, no joy nor sense, which is the opposite of the authentic, healthy spirituality.

5. A mapping of the psycho-educational approach

We tried to integrate and sort the traditional psycho-educational approaches for spirituality based on the 8 spirituality types. With the 3 factor spirituality theory, psycho-educational approaches were divided into 3 sections according to the focal points of each therapy.
For the lack of will the approaches focusing on behavioral and cognitive level is appropriate. For the lack of joy, the clients should regain the joy from basic physical desire and take it to the existential level. For the lack of sensitivity for eternity the approaches to focus on transcendental or existential domain are considered to be useful.

Fig.4 The suggested psycho-educational approach for the each type on the 3 factors spirituality theory

The arrows represent the direction of approach shown in Fig.2
CBT: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
REBT: Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy
SFT: Solution Focused Therapy
EAT: Expressive Art Therapy (body movement)

Here we show a trial mapping of the psycho-educational approaches for spirituality (Fig.5). All the approaches have effects on the 3 factors of spirituality and the focal points would be different by the case and the therapists. The ultimate goal of all the approaches are the same and the 3 factors of spirituality; will, joy and sense are correlated. Fig.5 is the first draft of the mapping and needs more investigation in detail in the future.

Fig.5 A map of the suggested psycho-educational approach for the each type on the 3 factors spirituality theory

6. Spirituality and the primary light colors

In this study, a model of spirituality based on the three primary colors of light is proposed, as shown in Fig. 6. In this model, blue, green and red correspond to will, sense and joy, respectively. The white color observed at the center (an overlapping region) corresponds to the authentic spirituality (love).

Fig.6 A model of spirituality based on three primary colors of light

The wavelengths (λ) of blue, green and red are 435.8, 546.1 and 700 nm, respectively. The energy of light is expressed as E = hc/λ (E, energy; h, Planck’s constant; c, velocity of light), and the intensity (density of light) is also important.
In order to have ultimate spiritually accompanied by the strongest energy, there are two important factors to consider based on the principle of light. The first factor is the intensity of light, which corresponds to the score of SB, SS and SA in the three domains of spirituality. When the intensity is high (high values in scores of SBAS-TEST), the light color approaches the white corresponding to spirituality.
The second factor which affects energy is the balance of the wave length. Well-balanced colors of blue, green and red are important in producing white colors, which corresponds to the authentic spirituality.
Red and Blue also correspond with the meme color of the third level: power god and the fourth level: conformist rule by Grave’s Spiral Dynamics theory24). The character of the third and fourth level of spiral dynamics explains the similar personality represented by the same color from the 3 factor spirituality theory, joy and will.
The present primary color model of spirituality should be combined with the psycho-physical model of spirituality8) in the future.

6. Conclusion

We proposed a model of the Psycho-educational approaches according to the type of spirituality based on the 3 factor spirituality theory. The trial mapping based on this theory is useful to applying the clinical approach to enrich spirituality.
The model of spirituality used the principle of primary light colors showing the traits of the spirituality visually and the model inspires future investigation to connect psychology and physics on the research of spirituality/non local consciousness.


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