

ウィスパリング同時通訳研究会コミュのPart 7 DeSantis

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Ron DeSantis: (02:22:09)
In fact, shortly after the Floyd riots, I proposed in the legislature, signed a bill to prevent all local governments in Florida from defunding the police. We’re not going to let it happen. We also signed legislation that said, “We’re not going to be in Florida, like they are in Portland, where these people will riot, they’ll loot, they’ll do all these things. They get brought in, arrested. They get their mug shot taken, a slap on the wrist. And then, they get put right back on the street to do it all over again.” No, in Florida, if you riot, if you loot, if you’re engaged in mob violence, you’re not getting a slap on the wrist. You’re getting the inside of a jail cell.
And because we’ve seen the destruction that has happened across this country with Soros-backed prosecutors refusing to enforce the law, refusing to hold criminals accountable, and indeed, giving them a license to commit a whole host of crimes. I asked my office to make sure everyone in Florida … We have 20 elected prosecutors who are living up to their oath of office, and we found one that was not. We found one that thought he was above the law, that he did not have to faithfully enforce laws he didn’t like. Well, we removed him from office. We are not going to let some prosecutor be a law unto himself. That is not the way this system works. And if you don’t like the law, you can run for the legislature, and you can try to change the law, but you don’t ignore the law. I’m excited about the governor’s race here because we need to see more action on the Southern border. And we know that Joe Biden has completely abdicated his responsibility. You know, he took an oath to take care that the laws of this country are faithfully executed. And when he opened that border in January of 2021, he violated his oath of office. He is not upholding the Constitution. And so, we’re in a situation where this is a problem, not just for Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas. Obviously, that’s where it’s the most significant. But if you look around our country now, the number one cause of death for people 18 to 45 is overdose from fentanyl. Where is the fentanyl getting into our country? It’s coming right across the border, virtually unimpeded. We’ve also seen record human trafficking, record sex trafficking. This has been an absolute disaster, because of Biden.
And what I’ve told Kari Lake, I said, “Look, if you’re willing to put people on that border, and keep them from coming in to begin with, I’ll send National Guard to help with that.” You know, you can’t say that, “Oh, the immigration is just the federal government’s job.” Okay, if they did the job. But this is the law, they’re not enforcing it. And they’re trying to say that states can’t do anything to defend their people. So, I think she’s got a good plan at the border. We will absolutely be offering help. I did help in Texas, but they were coming across before they were caught, and then, they just get released anyways. But I will tell you this, these cities, New York and DC, they don’t like when the red states send the illegals to them. I hope, if the Republicans take control of the Congress, that they will do something to hold Biden and Mayorkas accountable for what they’ve done at the border. But Florida is all in to help.
Florida is also proud to have led the efforts to ensure election integrity in our state. When I became governor, we had some problems in my election, and we came in, and I said, “You know what? I’m sick of these botched elections in Florida.” So, one of the first things I did was accept the resignation of Brenda Snipes as the supervisor of Broward County. We removed the Palm Beach supervisor. And then, when COVID hit, we never changed the rules in the middle of the game, like these other states did. We followed the law, and we ended up counting 99% of the votes by midnight on election night. I don’t understand why it takes a week to count the votes. Well, actually I do, because I think people are doing that intentionally.
But here’s the thing. People actually would look at Florida after that. They said, “Man, why can’t other states be like Florida?” I can tell you. They never used to say that when it came to elections in Florida. So we were proud of that. But at the same time, I believe leadership is doing things so that you don’t end up in a crisis situation. So I knew that there was things we could do much better. And so, since the 2020 election, I’ve signed legislation making ballot harvesting a felony in the state of Florida. We’re not going to let these political operatives have a satchel of votes, and just dump them off somewhere. That’s not the way you do a credible election. So, that’s done. That is not going to happen in Florida. We also impose penalties on counties for not cleaning their voter rolls. They need to clean their voter rolls every year. We’ve always had voter ID when you go in and vote in an election, but we’ve had absentee ballot requests, where people can request it. We now have an ID requirement if you want to request an absentee ballot.
And then maybe most importantly, we banned Zuckerbucks in the state of Florida. Zuckerberg poured $400 million into these, “Non-profit groups.” And honestly, I mean, no one had really thought of this. It was very crafty what they did. But basically, what they would do is they wouldn’t just run TV ads saying, “Vote for this person.” No, they would go to the local election offices. They’d give him a bunch of money on the condition that those offices basically let them run the actual election. So you have political partisan operatives in these election offices in key areas. They would ballot harvest. They would do mass mail balloting. They would do all these things. So, he basically hijacked the actual machinery of the election, and that is corrupt as hell. And we’re not going to allow that in the state of Florida. We’re not going to let our elections be run by some oligarch in Silicon Valley. Every state needs to ban Zuckerbucks, and they need to do it very quickly.
We’ve also led in the state of Florida on drawing a very bright line in the sand that says, “The purpose of our school system is to educate our kids, not to indoctrinate our kids.” We’ve enacted a Parent’s Bill of Rights that recognizes that parents have a fundamental role in the education and upbringing of their kids. School systems and individual schools are important parts of the community, but they do not supersede the rights of the parents. Parents have a right to know what’s being taught in the schools, and we’ve enacted legislation in Florida to make sure that right is vindicated where they have full curriculum transparency. We have banned ideologies like Critical Race Theory from our K through 12 schools. We are not going to spend taxpayer dollars teaching our kids to hate our country or to hate each other.
We’re also not going to let the left manipulate history by trying to act like the American Revolution was about things that it wasn’t, and doing that to try to suit a modern ideological agenda. We’re going to teach real history. We’re going to make sure people know the basics. And we’ve also put a renewed emphasis on American Civics, because I think it’s important that we graduate kids that know what it means to be an American, that understand our Constitution, that know that our rights come from God, not from government, that understands we have a Bill of Rights, how those rights have operated, the fights that we’ve had through our history, from the Civil War, to World War II, the Civil Rights Movement, and the Cold War. You need to have a good head on your shoulders when you go out to exercise the duty of citizenry. And part of that means they need to understand what makes America different from some of the other systems.
And so, I signed legislation last year that designates November 7th as a remembrance day for the victims of communism. And what we’re going to do during that day … And what we’ve done is, during that day, we’ve required every school in the state of Florida to teach students about the hundred million plus people that died at these communist regimes in the 20th century alone. They need to know the evils of communism, because we thought it was dead with the Cold War. The left wants it back. You see it all around the world, unfortunately. So, we’re leading on that. And it’s something that’s very important.
We also believe, and look, I have a five, a four, and a two-year-old at home that my wife and I work very hard to keep after, and they give us our money’s worth. But I think parents in this country have a right to send their kid to school, to let them watch cartoons, just to be kids without having some agenda shoved down their throats. You should not have kids in elementary school having lessons on gender ideology. You do not take a six-year-old boy, and tell him he may actually be a girl. That is wrong, and that is illegal in the state of Florida because of our efforts. Not everybody liked that. The media didn’t like it. There’s a company with a pretty big foothold in Central Florida that didn’t like it. And a lot of people said when this was going on, because of all that opposition that somehow I was not going to be able to withstand that. Well, I got news for them. I took an oath to support, and defend the people the state of Florida. I did not take an oath to subcontract out my leadership to a California based corporation with close ties to the CCP. We run the state of Florida, not them.
And look, these companies that go woke, I mean, they have a right to take positions. Although, I think it’s really bad business when they do this, when they go woke, I don’t think they’re representing their shareholders. But fine, you do it. You can take these positions. But when you take positions that you’re going to repeal parents’ rights, that you’re going to go after these very young kids in the state of Florida, you do not have a right to force my citizens to subsidize that behavior. And the fact of the matter is, if you look at Florida, since the 1960s, Disney has gotten more subsidies than any company in the history of our state. They’ve had their own government since the 1960s. What corporation gets their own government? They’ve been exempt from major, major laws in the state of Florida and they’ve gotten massive tax breaks. And so what we said was, “If you’re going to go down that road of being against parents’ rights of wanting sexuality in the elementary schools, we are not going to have a relationship with you where you get this type of treatment.” And so we took action. And because we did, Disney is not going to have its own government anymore. Disney is going to live under the same laws as everybody else. And Disney is going to pay its fair share of taxes.
But it’s important that we just use common sense on some of this stuff. And we’re seeing some stuff going on in our society that’s really, really troubling. Unfortunately, the woke mind virus has infected a lot of institutions in our country, including unfortunately, the medical profession. So we’re now battling in Florida the medical establishment, because they think it’s appropriate to perform sex change operations on minors.
A 14-year-old kid cannot even get a tattoo on their own, yet you’re going to say go in and you could cut off their private parts? That is wrong. And so we’ve put a stop to it in the state of Florida. We’re fighting back against it.
And I just hope that the people have gone through these really brutal procedures as they get older, this is going to be something that they’re going to regret. Those physicians should be sued for the harm that they have caused these kids. So just know when they say it’s gender affirming care, what they’re talking about are chemicals that block puberty. They’re talking about mastectomies. They’re talking about really grot test things further down. And so that’s what’s happening. And they want to use a euphemism to try to act like it’s just normal medical care. It is not normal medical care. And until five minutes ago, nobody would’ve thought that this was appropriate for these young kids. In Florida, we’re putting a stop to it. We also are leading an education beyond just K-12. And so we believe that these universities should be about academic excellence, not about imposing an ideology on their students. So one of the reforms that we just enacted is in the State of Florida at all our state universities, all tenured professors are required to undergo review every five years and they can be let go if they’re not doing the job.
So Florida has led the way fighting back against Biden. And I think we’ve demonstrated the need to have strong governors across the country to be able to push back of what’s going on in Washington DC. And I know Carrie Lake will push back against Biden and that’s very important. I know Blake Masters in the Senate is going to give Biden a lot of problems, which is what we need.
If you think Biden. I mean, how many times did he test positive for COVID? I mean, he’s getting booster shots it seems like every month. I did say like when it first happened that from the State of Florida, we wish him a speedy recovery from COVID, we just hope that the United States has a speedy recovery from Biden. But he kept testing positive and I’m like, “Hopefully it’s not like long COVID what they talk about.” Hopefully, the United States doesn’t have a case of long Biden because we’ve had just about enough of what we can handle.
But I think about Biden and I think about what he’s doing and kind of his lack of leadership. Yeah, you think of some of these other presidents. Think like John Kennedy. What do you think? You think ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country. If you think about President Reagan, you think about Mr. Gorbachev tear down this wall. When I think of Biden, I think of him staring into the teleprompter like a deer in a headlights reading. End of quote, repeat the line.
It’s sad, but it’s true. And the problem with Biden is if you look at the problems we have in our country, the inflation, the energy, a whole host of issues, these are problems that have either been created or exacerbated by his policies. Carter was a better president than Biden has been. I’m sorry. A lot of problems Carter had were dumped on him. He didn’t handle them well. Biden is creating a lot of problems. He was warned that if they spent trillions and trillions of dollars, if they borrowed all this money, that that was going to fuel inflation.



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