

ウィスパリング同時通訳研究会コミュのPresident Joe Biden signs 'Buy American' executive order

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8:17 から始まります。
President Joe Biden: (00:00)
… If that’s okay with y’all. Last week, we immediately got to work to contain the pandemic and deliver economic relief to millions of Americans who need it the most. And today we’re getting to work to rebuild the backbone of American manufacturing unions, the middle class is based on a simple premise that will reward work, not wealth in this country. And the key plank of ensuring the future will be made in America. I’ve long said that I don’t accept the defeatist view that the forces of automation and globalization can’t keep union jobs from growing here in America. We can create more of them, not fewer of them. I don’t buy for one second that the vitality of American manufacturing is a thing of the past. American manufacturing was the arsenal of the democracy in World War II and it must be part of the engine of American prosperity now. That means we are going to use taxpayers’ money to rebuild America. We’ll buy American products and support American jobs, union jobs.
For example, the federal government every year spends approximately $600 billion in government procurement to keep the country going safe and secure. And there’s a law that’s been on the books for almost a century now to make sure that that money was spent, taxpayers’ dollars for procurement is spent to support American jobs and American businesses. But the previous administration didn’t take it seriously enough. Federal agencies waived the Buy American requirement without much pushback at all. Big corporations and special interests have long fought for loopholes to redirect American taxpayers dollars to foreign companies for the products that are being made.

President Joe Biden: (01:57)
The result, tens of billions of American taxpayers dollars supporting foreign jobs and foreign industries. In 2018 alone, the department spent $3 billion, the Defense Department on foreign construction contracts leaving American steel and iron out in the cold. It spent nearly 300 million in foreign engines and on vehicles instead of buying American vehicles and engines from American companies, putting Americans to work. Under the previous administration, the federal government contract awarded directly to foreign companies went up 30%. That is going to change on our watch.
Today I’m taking the first steps in my larger Build Back Better recovery plan that invests in American workers, unions, and businesses up and down the supply chain. And I know the previous president that’s in our office by promising to buy America and said he would Buy American policy, but here’s why this is different and not the same. I’ll be signing an executive order in just a moment tightening the existing Buy American policies and go further.
We’re setting clear directives and clear explanations. We’re going to go to the core issue with a centralized, coordinated effort. Look, today I’m creating a director of Made in America at the White House Office of Management and Budget, who will oversee our all of government Made in America initiative. That starts with stopping federal agencies from waiving Buy American requirements with impunity has been going on. If an agency wants to issue a waiver to say, “We’re not going to buy an American product as part of this project, we’re going to buy a foreign product.” They have to come to the White House and explain it to us.
We’re going to require that waivers be publicly posted. That is if someone was seeking a waiver to build this particular vehicle or facility, and is going to buy the following foreign parts. That waiver, the request where it’s going to be posted. Then we’ll work with small American manufacturers and businesses to give them a shot to raise their hand and say, “Yeah, I can do that here in my shop in my town.”
It’s about as you heard me say before, I used to have a friend who was a great athlete who said, “You’ve got to know how to know.” These small businesses don’t even know they can compete for making the product that is attempting to be waived and to be able to be bought abroad. And I’m directing the Office of Management and Budget to review waivers to make sure they are only used in very limited circumstances. For example, when there’s an overwhelming national security, humanitarian, or emergency need here in America. This hasn’t happened before. It will happen now.

President Joe Biden: (04:58)
Here’s what else we’re going to be doing. Under the Build Back Better recovery plan, we’ll invest hundreds of billions of dollars in buying American products and materials to modernize our infrastructure and our competitive strength will increase in a competitive world. That means millions of good paying jobs using American-made steel in technology to rebuild our roads, our bridges, our ports, and to make them more climate-resilient, as well as make them able to move faster and cheaper and cleaner to transport American-made goods across the country and around the world making us more competitive.
It also means replenishing our stockpiles to enhance our national security. As this pandemic has made clear, we can never again be in a position. We have to rely on a foreign country that doesn’t share our interest in order to protect our people during a national emergency. We need to make our own protective equipment, essential products and supplies. And we’ll work with our allies to make sure they have resilient supply chains as well.
We’ll also make historic investments in research and development, hundreds of billions of dollars to sharpen America’s innovative edge in markets where global leadership is up for grabs. Markets like battery technology, artificial intelligence, biotechnology, clean energy. The federal government also owns an enormous fleet of vehicles, which we’re going to replace with clean electric vehicles made right here in America by American workers, creating millions of jobs, a million auto worker jobs, and clean energy, and vehicles that are net zero emissions.
And together, this’ll be the largest mobilization of public investment in procurement infrastructure and R&D since World War II. And with the executive order I’ll be signing today will increase Buy American requirements for these kinds of projects and improve the way we measure domestic content requirements. For example, right now, if you manufacture a vehicle for the federal government, you need to show at least 50% of the components of that vehicle were made in America.
But because of loopholes that have been expanded over time, you can count the least valuable possible parts as part of that 50% to say made in America. While the most valuable parts, the engines, the steel, the glass are manufactured abroad. But basically we’re batting zero for two. The content threshold of 50% aren’t high enough. And the way we measure the content doesn’t account for US jobs and economic activity. We’re going to change that as well.
The executive action I’m signing today will not only require the companies make more of their components in America, but that the value of those components is contributing to our economy, measured by things like a number of American jobs created and/or supported. At the same time, we’ll be committed to working with our trading partners to modernize international trade rules, including those relating to government procurement to make sure we can all use our taxpayer dollars to spur investment that promotes growth and resilient supply chains.
And here’s what else the action does. When we buy America, we’ll buy from all of America. That includes communities that have historically been left out of government procurement, black, brown, Native American, small businesses and entrepreneurs in every region of the country. We will use a national network of manufacturers called the Manufacturing Extension Partnership that’s in all 50 States and Puerto Rico to help government agency connect with new domestic suppliers across the country. This is a critical piece of building our economy back better and including everyone in the deal this time, especially small businesses that are badly hurting in this economy.
… Small businesses that are badly hurting in this economy. The executive action I’m taking also reiterates my strong support for the Jones Act and American vessels, and our ports, especially those important for America’s clean energy future and the development of offshore, renewable energy.
I’ll close with this. The reason we need to do this is America can’t sit on the sidelines in the race for the future. Our competitors aren’t waiting. To ensure the future is made in America, we need to win not just the jobs of today, but the jobs and industries of tomorrow. And we know that the middle-class built this country and we also know unions built the middle class. So let’s invest in them once again. (09:49)
I know we’re ready. Despite all we’re facing, I’ve never been more optimistic about the future of America than I am today. Given even just half a chance, the American people, the American workers has never, ever let the country down. Imagine if we give them a full chance. That’s what we’re going to do. I’ll stop here and sign the executive order and then come back and take some of your questions.
This executive order is entitled Ensuring the Future is Made in America By American, All American Workers.(10:44)
There we go and now I’m happy to take your questions.(10:46)
[crosstalk 00:10:49].
Jonathan Lemire: (10:54)
Thank you, Mr. President. Jonathan Lemire with the Associated Press. Two topics, if I may. The first, you have made reopening schools a central part of your first 100 days agenda, and you’ve long portrayed yourself as an ally to the teachers and unions. Right now, the Chicago Teachers’ Union has refused, they’ve defied an order to return to in-person classrooms because of a lack of vaccinations. Do you believe sir, that teachers should return to schools now?

President Joe Biden: (11:25)
I believe we should make school classrooms safe and secure for the students, for the teachers and for the help that’s in those schools, maintaining the facilities. We need new ventilation systems in those schools. We need testing for people coming in and out of the classes. We need testing for teachers as well as students. And we need the capacity, the capacity to know that in fact, the circumstance in the school is safe and secure for everyone.
For example, there’s no reason why the clear guidance will be that every school should be thoroughly sanitized, from the laboratories to the hallways. And so this is about making, and none of the school districts that I’m aware of, there may be some public school districts, have insisted that all those pieces be in place.
And I might add it’s the same kind of thing I hope we can do with small businesses and businesses, making sure they have the capacity to test their workers when they come in, to make sure they have plastic dividers in between their booths, in their restaurants, et cetera. To make sure they can sanitize.
So it’s not so much about the idea of teachers aren’t going to work. The teachers I know, they want to work. They just want to work in a safe environment and a safe as you can rationally make it. And we can do that. And we should be able to open up every school, kindergarten through eighth grade, if in fact we administer these tests.
And it’ll have the added advantage, I might add, of putting millions of people back to work. All those mothers and fathers that are home taking care of their children, rather than go to work, even when they can work. They’re not able to do it unless they have the luxury of working distance wise like many of us do. They’re not able to do it. And so this is about generating economic growth overall as well.
Speaker 1: (13:34)Great. Alex from Reuters.
Alex Alper: (13:35)
Thank you, Mr. President. I’m Alex Alper from Reuters. I wanted to ask a question about Navalny, if you are considering imposing sanctions on any of the individuals involved in his attempted poisoning and/or his arrest when he returned from Germany. And if not, is that related to your concerns about it potentially derailing a New START extension. Thank you.

President Joe Biden: (14:04)
I find that we can both operate in the mutual self-interest of our countries as a New START agreement and make it clear to Russia that we are very concerned about their behavior, whether it’s Navalny, whether it’s the solar winds, or whether it’s reports of bounties on the heads of Americans in Afghanistan, I’ve asked the agencies in question to do a thorough read for me on every one of those issues to update me in precisely where they are. And I will not hesitate to raise those issues with the Russians.

Speaker 1: (14:47)Jeff from NBC.
Jeff: (14:48)
[inaudible 00:14:48] A question about your COVID relief deal. On Friday, you said the nation is in a national emergency, we should act like it. Given that, given the scale and the severity of the need, how long are you willing to get sufficient Republican support before you would green light Democrat attempts to use reconciliation for instance, to pass that bill?

President Joe Biden: (15:05)
Well look, the decision on reconciliation will be one made by the leaders of the House and the Senate, but here’s the deal. I have been doing legislative negotiations for a large part of my life. I know how the system works and I can’t guarantee anything at all, but I can say that what I’m going to be doing and we’ve already begun, is making it clear to the leadership in the House and the Senate, as well as the group of 16, bipartisan group, as well as Republican individuals who have an interest in the issues that are in my package and saying, “Here’s what I’m doing. Here’s why I want to do it. Here’s why I think we need to do it. And what kind of support can or can’t you give to that? “And then we go on to the way in which we deal with legislation all the time.
We didn’t have any votes for the recovery package when Barack and I came into office, we were short three votes. We didn’t know we had the votes until the day of bringing it up. But here’s the deal, it’s interesting. And I know you ask a lot of these questions, you know the answers, but you have to help educate the public as well. I’m not suggesting you don’t know what I’m about to say. No one wants to give up on their position until there’s no other alternative. They have to make a decision that they don’t do what, they don’t support what is being proposed, or they insist on what they have, or they let it all go away, fall down.
I think we’re far from that point right now, the decision to use reconciliation will depend upon how these negotiations go, and let me make clear about negotiations. I’ve always believed part of negotiation on the part of a president and/or a chairman of a committee trying to get a major piece of legislation passed, is about consultation. It’s not enough for me just to come up to you and say, “I like this. I expect you to support it.” I want to explain to you why I think it’s so important in this package that we have to provide for money for additional vaccines. Why I think it’s so important why we provide for money to extend unemployment benefits. Why I think it’s so important that we provide money to provide for the ability of people not to be thrown out of their apartments during this pandemic, because they can’t afford their rent. And to make the case to you why I think and what I think the priorities within this piece, that we think the priorities are, I apologize, within this legislation and I don’t expect we’ll know whether we have an agree…
… legislation. I don’t expect we’ll know whether we have an agreement or to what extent the entire package will be able to pass or not pass until we get right down to the very end of this process, which will be probably in a couple of weeks. But the point is, this is just the process beginning.



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