

ウィスパリング同時通訳研究会コミュのPart 4 Biden Roundtable

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Joe Biden: (49:30)
And these are the leading doctors in the world, happen to be in the United States. And there’s two things that are happening for real. One, help is on the way in terms of vaccines. But the vaccine is not the most important thing, it’s the vaccination. It’s one thing to pay, and the government have people show up and get the vaccine that’s been delivered to the state capital or to hospitals, wherever it’s going to be delivered, another thing to get that vaccine from the vaccine, and I don’t want to scare anybody, but into the arm, to get a vaccination.

Joe Biden: (50:10)
That’s a really expensive proposition. We’re talking about having to make sure over 340 million Americans, and others I might add, have to access to that vaccination. And so that’s going to rapidly, God willing, once we have it, be able to get out, and be able to change the way in which we no longer have to shut down like we did. And what’s happening is, and I hope you all are listening with all the trouble you’re going through. You cannot be traveling during these holidays, as much as you want to.

Joe Biden: (50:46)
I have a large family, you probably… Barack used to kid me about it. I mean, everything for me is family, beginning, middle, and end. When one comes, everybody comes. You think I’m joking, I’m not. We would have 16 people go away every Thanksgiving. And my deceased son, before he passed away, we’d all go away and we’d go away on Thanksgiving to be just a nuclear family, mom, dad, sons, daughters, husbands, wives, grandchildren, and we, the first time, we had a Thanksgiving with my wife and myself, my daughter in the region and her husband, who’s a doctor, in the region. That’s it. All my other kids, everybody else in the family was on Zoom on Thanksgiving, which doesn’t…
Well Christmas is going to be a lot harder. And I don’t want to scare anybody here, but understand the facts. We’re likely to lose another 250,000 people dead between now and January. You hear me? Because people aren’t paying attention. People aren’t paying attention. You are Dan, you’re not letting people congregate inside your restaurant. You know what that would mean. But there’s ways we have to bring down the virus, we have to bring down the replication rate of it, how many… Anyway, and we have to significantly increase testing.
And there’s a lot of things we can do by the spring to be able to get everybody back in the swing of things, and people being able to safely open, and safely be with one another. But look, I know I’m… Trump always made fun of me, I’m always wearing this mask. But let me tell you something, it matters. It’s not about saving my life, it’s about saving your life. When I have this mask on I have the heavy one underneath it. When I have this mask on, it’s less about me being safe, it’s about me making sure that you are safe. It’s a patriotic thing to do, it really is.
I hear all this about, ” Well, it’s a great sacrifice of my freedom.” Well tell that to all the people who went to WWI and gave their lives, and WWII, and the Korean War, and tell… I mean, come on. You’re helping other people. It’s not you. It’s other people. Other people. And so I think we have to change the mindset here a little bit. It’s got to be about giving. About giving. You know that old expression from the Bible, ” What you do to the least of brethren you do unto me.” Well that’s what this is about. I’m not trying to proselytize and convert anybody to anything, but this is basic human decency. Just decency.
So look, I promise you, the things that I’m going to be working on very, very hard are first and foremost getting the billions of dollars that are needed to get COVID under control, get the vaccine distributed, get it out quickly, and get it to the most urgent people, most urgently needed, and that happens to be people who are in nursing homes, because there’s significantly high proportion of those are in the mortality side of things. And the number of people who have died in nursing homes exceeds about anything else. And I have to get it to those doctors and nurses, who by the way, are losing their lives. Their lives. A lot of them, not a joke.
It’s about those first responders, driving those ambulances, making sure that they’re showing up. It’s about that fireman going into a burning vehicle and pulling somebody out and not asking, “Do you have COVID or don’t you have COVID?” I mean, we have to get that. And then to get to the school teachers and small businesses to be able to open, because small business is the economic engine of the country, and restaurants are a major part of that small business, a major part of that small businesses. So I just think that Karen, I know this has a lot of emotional strain on you and everybody else.

Karen: (55:11)Yes. Yes.
Joe Biden: (55:12)But imagine what it’s like if you weren’t even a member of a union.
Karen: (55:18)I know, that’s why I love my union. I know.

Joe Biden: (55:19)
No, I know that, but my point is, that’s the last point I want to make. America is built by the working folks and middle class. And unions built the middle class, and look at all the people who aren’t represented, so don’t have any possibility, talk about a pension, what pension? I remember my dad coming home and saying, “Well, started this pension, the company, he just decided to stop it. Boom, done, over.” Or, remember him rolling around in the bed at night and asking my mom what was the matter. And she said, “Dad’s upset because we lost our health insurance.” You know what I mean?
This is stuff that has a profound impact on people’s minds, on their sense of themselves. And so, but here’s the… I don’t want you giving up hope. I really don’t want you giving up hope. I promise you, hang on, we’re going to get through this. You’re going to get through this. It’s going to be hard as hell for the next 50 to 70 days unless the House acts in some way, the Senate acts and passes some of this material. And Dan, I think we got to go back and look at all the businesses that have gone out of business, and look at all, particularly, [Menardi 00:56:44] businesses.
I know you have something like four out of six black business going out of business. Whether it’s the local grocery store or it’s the beauty salon, or whatever. It’s the center of communities. Most of you are from fairly large cities. Well there’s a lot of rural areas that are really getting crushed. They don’t have anything going for them. We can fix it. And I think when we fix it we got to go back and try to make up for what we didn’t do for you all, what we didn’t do, so people aren’t left with staggering amounts of debt, staggering amounts of… As they go through.
So anyway, as my… Every time I walk out of my grandpa’s house up in Scranton, Pennsylvania, he was a good guy, and he’d yell, “Joey, keep the faith.” And my grandmother would yell, “No Joey, spread the faith.” You’ve got to spread the faith a little bit.

Karen: (57:49)Mm-hmm (affirmative). I like that.

Joe Biden: (57:49)
No, I really mean it. I promise you, I promise you, watch. I always try to do what I say I’m going to do, and if I make a mistake I’ll tell you I made a mistake and I’ll take responsibility. It’s the responsibility of the president of the United States to set the agenda as to how we deal with this crisis. It’s the responsibility… guidepost for how people can move forward. Instead of leaving it to every… And the mayors and governors are working like hell, Democrat and Republican. They’re working like hell.
But, but, they need more guidance and more help. And that’s what my job is as the Commander in Chief. I view this as sort of a standing army we got to put together to deal with this. But we all know, you’ve all been through not just this crisis, many of you have been through difficult times in your life in other ways. We all have dealt with pain. But it’s kind of a… The human condition is that… I believe why we’re going to do okay is, it’s always a bad bet to bet against the United States. The United States is all about possibilities. There’s never anything we’ve tried to do together we haven’t been able to get done. We’ll get this done.
My fear and concern is, how many people may get left by the wayside in the meantime. And that’s the job we have to step up now to do whatever we can now. And by the way, look at all that’s going on. Look at what’s happening in major cities in America, where you see where there’s prosperity, you see miles and miles and miles and miles of automobiles lined up to get food. The food shortage in the United States, lack of access, is overwhelming. Like you said Jessica, people in line, and stepping… Or maybe it was you Karen, standing in line and backing up to let somebody else move.
The American people are showing their grit, and it’s about time the government show it. So anyways, we have a way of trying to keep in touch with you, I know we got in touch with you, Cecilia has it, and I’d like to be able to continue to do that if I can, to see how you’re doing, if that’s okay, all right?

Speaker 4: (01:00:23)Thank you.
Dan: (01:00:24)Absolutely.
Speaker 4: (01:00:24)Yep.
Dan: (01:00:24)Yep.
Joe Biden: (01:00:24)All right? All right.
Speaker 3: (01:00:26)Thank you so much Mr. President.
Speaker 4: (01:00:28)Thank you.
Speaker 3: (01:00:29)I’d like to thank you.
Joe Biden: (01:00:29)Thank you.
Speaker 3: (01:00:30)Karen, Jessica, Laurie, Dan, thank you for letting us in your home.
Joe Biden: (01:00:35)Stay strong, stay strong.
Karen: (01:00:35)Thank you.
Speaker 3: (01:00:35)Thank you.
Dan: (01:00:35)Thanksgiving was the opportunity.
Karen: (01:00:35)Opportunity.
Joe Biden: (01:00:35)No, no, you-
Karen: (01:00:40)Thank you. Thank you very much for listening.
Joe Biden: (01:00:41)Thank you. Okay.
Karen: (01:00:42)You’re welcome.
Joe Biden: (01:00:43)All right, bye, bye.
Karen: (01:00:43)Bye bye.
Speaker 4: (01:00:44)\Thank you all now. Bye now.



ウィスパリング同時通訳研究会 更新情報


