

ウィスパリング同時通訳研究会コミュのHow the pandemic will shape the near future | Bill Gates

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Chris Anderson: Welcome, Bill Gates.
Bill Gates: Thank you.
CA: Alright. It's great to have you here, Bill. You know, we had a TED conversation about three months ago about this pandemic, and back then, I think fewer than -- I think that was the end of March -- back then, fewer than 1,000 people in the US had died and fewer than 20,000 worldwide. I mean, the numbers now are, like, 128,000 dead in the US and more than half a million worldwide, in three months. In three months. What is your diagnosis of what is possible for the rest of this year? You look at a lot of models. What do you think best- and worst-case scenarios might be?
BG: Well, the range of scenarios, sadly, is quite large, including that, as we get into the fall, we could have death rates that rival the worst of what we had in the April time period. If you get a lot of young people infected, eventually, they will infect old people again, and so you'll get into the nursing homes, the homeless shelters, the places where we've had a lot of our deaths. The innovation track, which probably we'll touch on -- diagnostics, therapeutics, vaccines -- there's good progress there, but nothing that would fundamentally alter the fact that this fall in the United States could be quite bad, and that's worse than I would have expected a month ago, the degree to which we're back at high mobility, not wearing masks, and now the virus actually has gotten into a lot of cities that it hadn't been in before in a significant way, so it's going to be a challenge.
There's no case where we get much below the current death rate, which is about 500 deaths a day, but there's a significant risk we'd go back up to the even 2,000 a day that we had before, because we don't have the distancing, the behavior change, to the degree that we had in April and May. And we know this virus is somewhat seasonal, so that the force of infection, both through temperature, humidity, more time indoors, will be worse as we get into the fall.
CA: So there are scenarios where in the US, like, if you extrapolate those numbers forward, we end up with, what, more than a quarter of a million deaths, perchance, even this year if we're not careful, and worldwide, I guess the death toll could, by the end of the year, be well into the millions, with an "s." Is there evidence that the hotter temperatures of the summer actually have been helping us?
BG: They're not absolutely sure, but certainly, the IHME model definitely wanted to use the season, including temperature and humidity, to try and explain why May wasn't worse than it was. And so as we came out and the mobility numbers got higher, the models expected more infections and deaths to come out of that, and the model kept wanting to say, "But I need to use this seasonality to match why May wasn't worse, why June wasn't worse than it was."
And we see in the Southern Hemisphere, you know, Brazil, which is the opposite season, now all of South America is having a huge epidemic. South Africa is having a very fast-growing epidemic. Fortunately, Australia and New Zealand, the last countries in the Southern Hemisphere, are at really tiny case counts, and so although they have to keep knocking it down, they're talking about, "Oh, we have 10 cases, that's a big deal, let's go get rid of that." So they're one of these amazing countries that got the numbers so low that test, quarantine and trace is working to get them, keep them at very near zero.
CA: Aided perhaps a bit by being easier to isolate and by less density, less population density. But nonetheless, smart policies down there.
BG: Yeah, everything is so exponential that a little bit of good work goes a long way. It's not a linear game. You know, contact tracing, if you have the number of cases we have in the US, it's super important to do, but it won't get you back down to zero. It'll help you be down, but it's too overwhelming.
CA: OK, so in May and June in the US, the numbers were slightly better than some of the models predicted, and it's hypothesized that that might be partly because of the warmer weather. Now we're seeing, really, would you describe it as really quite alarming upticks in case rates in the US?
BG: That's right, it's -- In, say, the New York area, the cases continue to go down somewhat, but in other parts of the country, primarily the South right now, you have increases that are offsetting that, and you have testing-positive rates in young people that are actually higher than what we saw even in some of the tougher areas. And so, clearly, younger people have come out of mobility more than older people have increased their mobility, so the age structure is right now very young, but because of multigenerational households, people work in nursing care homes, unfortunately, that will work its way back, both the time lag and the transmission, back up into the elderly, will start to push the death rate back up, which, it is down -- way down from 2,000 to around 500 right now.
CA: And is that partly because there's a three-week lag between case numbers and fatality numbers? And also, perhaps, partly because there have been some effective interventions, and we're actually seeing the possibility that the overall fatality rate is actually falling a bit now that we've gained some extra knowledge?
BG: Yeah, certainly your fatality rate is always lower when you're not overloaded. And so Italy, when they were overloaded, Spain, even New York at the start, certainly China, there you weren't even able to provide the basics, the oxygen and things. A study that our foundation funded in the UK found the only thing other than remdesivir that is a proven therapeutic, which is the dexamethasone, that for serious patients, is about a 20 percent death reduction, and there's still quite a pipeline of those things.
You know, hydroxychloroquine never established positive data, so that's pretty much done. There's still a few trials ongoing, but the list of things being tried, including, eventually, the monoclonal antibodies, we will have some additional tools for the fall. And so when you talk about death rates, the good news is, some innovation we already have, and we'll have more, even in the fall. We should start to have monoclonal antibodies, which is the single therapeutic that I'm most excited about.
CA: I'll actually ask you to tell me a bit more about that in one sec, but just putting the pieces together on death rates: so in a well-functioning health system, so take the US when places aren't overcrowded, what do you think the current fatality numbers are, approximately, going forward, like as a percentage of total cases? Are we below one percent, perhaps?
BG: If you found every case, yes, you're well below one percent. People argue, you know, 0.4, 0.5. By the time you bring in the never symptomatics, it probably is below 0.5, and that's good news. This disease could have been a five-percent disease. The transmission dynamics of this disease are more difficult than even the experts predicted. The amount of presymptomatic and never symptomatic spread and the fact that it's not coughing, where you would kind of notice, "Hey, I'm coughing" -- most respiratory diseases make you cough. This one, in its early stages, it's not coughing, it's singing, laughing, talking, actually, still, particularly for the super-spreaders, people with very high viral loads, causes that spread, and that's pretty novel, and so even the experts have to say, "Wow, this caught us by surprise." The amount of asymptomatic spread and the fact that there's not a coughing element is not a major piece like the flu or TB.
CA: Yeah, that is devilish cunning by the virus. I mean, how much is that nonsymptomatic transmission as a percentage of total transmission? I've heard numbers it could be as much as half of all transmissions are basically presymptomatic.
BG: Yeah, if you count presymptomatics, then most of the studies show that's like at 40 percent, and we also have never symptomatics. The amount of virus you get in your upper respiratory area is somewhat disconnected. Some people will have a lot here and very little in their lungs, and what you get in your lungs causes the really bad symptoms -- and other organs, but mostly the lungs -- and so that's when you seek treatment. And so the worst case in terms of spreading is somebody who's got a lot in the upper respiratory tract but almost none in their lungs, so they're not care-seeking.
CA: Right. And so if you add in the never symptomatic to the presymptomatic, do you get above 50 percent of the transmission is actually from nonsymptomatic people?
BG: Yeah, transmission is harder to measure. You know, we see certain hotspots and things, but that's a huge question with the vaccine: Will it, besides avoiding you getting sick, which is what the trial will test, will it also stop you from being a transmitter?
CA: So that vaccine, it's such an important question, let's come on to that. But before we go there, any other surprises in the last couple months that we've learned about this virus that really impact how we should respond to it?
BG: We're still not able to characterize who the super-spreaders are in terms of what that profile is, and we may never. That may just be quite random. If you could identify them, they're responsible for the majority of transmission, a few people who have very high viral loads. But sadly, we haven't figured that out. This mode of transmission, if you're in a room and nobody talks, there's way less transmission. That's partly why, although planes can transmit, it's less than you would expect just in terms of time proximity measures, because unlike, say, a choir or a restaurant, you're not exhaling in loud talking quite as much as in other indoor environments.
CA: Hmm. What do you think about the ethics of someone who would go on a plane and refuse to wear a mask?
BG: If they own the plane, that would be fine. If there's other people on the plane, that would be endangering those other people.
CA: Early on in the pandemic, the WHO did not advise that people wear masks. They were worried about taking them away from frontline medical providers. In retrospect, was that a terrible mistake that they made?
BG: Yes. All the experts feel bad that the value of masks -- which ties back somewhat to the asymptomatics; if people were very symptomatic, like an Ebola, then you know it and you isolate, and so you don't have a need for a masklike thing. The value of masks, the fact that the medical masks was a different supply chain than the normal masks, the fact you could scale up the normal masks so well, the fact that it would stop that presymptomatic, never symptomatic transmission, it's a mistake. But it's not a conspiracy. It's something that, we now know more. And even now, our error bars on the benefit of masks are higher than we'd like to admit, but it's a significant benefit.
CA: Alright, I'm going to come in with some questions from the community. Let's pull them up there. Jim Pitofsky, "Do you think reopening efforts in the US have been premature, and if so, how far should the US go to responsibly confront this pandemic?"
BG: Well, the question of how you make trade-offs between the benefits, say, of going to school versus the risk of people getting sick because they go to school, those are very tough questions that I don't think any single person can say, "I will tell you how to make all these trade-offs." The understanding of where you have transmission, and the fact that young people do get infected and are part of the multigenerational transmission chain, we should get that out. If you just look at the health aspect, we have opened up too liberally.
Now, opening up in terms of mental health and seeking normal health things like vaccines or other care, there are benefits. I think some of our opening up has created more risk than benefit. Opening the bars up as quickly as they did, you know, is that critical for mental health? Maybe not. So I don't think we've been as tasteful about opening up as I'm sure, as we study it, that we'll realize some things we shouldn't have opened up as fast. But then you have something like school, where even sitting here today, the exact plan, say, for inner-city schools for the fall, I wouldn't have a black-and-white view on the relative trade-offs involved there.
There are huge benefits to letting those kids go to school, and how do you weigh the risk? If you're in a city without many cases, I would say probably the benefit is there. Now that means that you could get surprised. The cases could show up, and then you'd have to change that, which is not easy. But I think around the US, there will be places where that won't be a good trade-off.
So almost any dimension of inequity, this disease has made worse: job type, internet connection, ability of your school to do online learning. White-collar workers, people are embarrassed to admit it, some of them are more productive and enjoying the flexibility that the at-home thing has created, and that feels terrible when you know lots of people are suffering in many ways, including their kids not going to school.
CA: Indeed. Let's have the next question. [Nathalie Munyampenda] "For us in Rwanda, early policy interventions have made the difference. At this point, what policy interventions do you suggest for the US now?" Bill, I dream of the day where you are appointed the coronavirus czar with authority to actually speak to the public. What would you do?
BG: Well, the innovation tools are where I and the foundation probably has the most expertise. Clearly, some of the policies on opening up have been too generous, but I think everybody could engage in that. We need leadership in terms of admitting that we've still got a huge problem here and not turning that into almost a political thing of, "Oh, isn't it brilliant what we did?" No, it's not brilliant, but there's many people, including the experts -- there's a lot they didn't understand, and everybody wishes a week earlier whatever action they took, they'd taken that a week earlier. The innovation tools, that's where the foundation's work on antibodies, vaccines, we have deep expertise, and it's outside of the private sector, and so we have kind of a neutral ability to work with all the governments and the companies to pick.
Particularly when you're doing break-even products, which one should get the resources? There's no market signal for that. Experts have to say, "OK, this antibody deserves the manufacturing. This vaccine deserves the manufacturing," because we have very limited manufacturing for both of those things, and it'll be cross-company, which never happens in the normal case, where one company invents it and then you're using the manufacturing plants of many companies to get maximum scale of the best choice. So I would be coordinating those things, but we need a leader who keeps us up to date, is realistic and shows us the right behavior, as well as driving the innovation track.
CA: I mean, you have to yourself be a master diplomat in how you talk about this stuff. So I appreciate, almost, the discomfort here. But I mean, you talk regularly with Anthony Fauci, who is a wise voice on this by most people's opinion. But to what extent is he just hamstrung? He's not allowed to play the full role that he could play in this circumstance.
BG: Dr. Fauci has emerged where he was allowed to have some airtime, and even though he was stating things that are realistic, his prestige has stuck. He can speak out in that way. Typically, the CDC would be the primary voice here. It's not absolutely necessary, but in previous health crises, you let the experts inside the CDC be that voice. They're trained to do these things, and so it is a bit unusual here how much we've had to rely on Fauci as opposed to the CDC. It should be Fauci, who's a brilliant researcher, so experienced, particularly in vaccines. In some ways, he has become, taking the broad advice that's the epidemiology advice and explaining it in the right way, where he'll admit, "OK, we may have a rebound here, and this is why we need to behave that way." But it's fantastic that his voice has been allowed to come through.
CA: Sometimes. Let's have the next question. Nina Gregory, "How are you and your foundation addressing the ethical questions about which countries get the vaccine first, assuming you find one?" And maybe, Bill, use this as a moment to just talk about where the quest for the vaccine is and what are just some of the key things we should all be thinking about as we track the news on this.
BG: There's three vaccines that are, if they work, are the earliest: the Moderna, which unfortunately, won't scale very easily, so if that works, it'll be mostly a US-targeted thing; then you have the AstraZeneca, which comes from Oxford; and the Johnson and Johnson. Those are the three early ones. And we have animal data that looks potentially good but not definitive, particularly will it work in the elderly, and we'll have human data over the next several months.
Those three will be gated by the safety and efficacy trial. That is, we'll be able to manufacture those, although not as much as we want. We'll be able to manufacture those before the end of the year. Whether the Phase 3 will succeed and whether it'll complete before the end of the year, I wouldn't be that optimistic about. Phase 3 is where you need to really look at all the safety profile and efficacy, but those will get started. And then there's four or five vaccines that use different approaches that are maybe three or four months behind that: Novavax, Sanofi, Merck. And so we're funding factory capacity for a lot of these -- some complex negotiations are taking place right now on this -- to get factories that will be dedicated to the poorer countries, what's called low- and middle-income. And the very scalable constructs that include AstraZeneca and Johnson and Johnson, we'll focus on those, the ones that are inexpensive and you can build a single factory to make 600 million doses.
So a number of the vaccine constructs are potential. I don't see anything before the end of the year. That's really the best case, and it's down to a few constructs now, which, typically, you have high failure rates.



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