

ウィスパリング同時通訳研究会コミュのLIONEL ROUWEN AINGIMEA, President of Nauru

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His Excellency Lionel Rouwen Aingimea M.P.,
President of the Republic of Nauru
Commemoration of the seventy-fifth anniversary of the United Nations
September 21, 2020
[Pre-recorded statement]
Mr. President,
Distinguished delegates,
Ekamwir omo,
I have the honor to deliver this statement on behalf of the Republic of Nauru to commemorate the
75th Anniversary of the United Nations and on the adoption of the Declaration.
On this occasion allow me to pay tribute to former World Leaders and the founders of the United
Nations who had the boldness and heart to imagine, envision and create this global organizationa United Nations for the peoples and nations. Their aspiration to save humanity from the scourge
of wars remains a testament to the legitimacy of the United Nations.
Today, I join you from the safety of my home country to renew our commitment to the purposes
of the United Nations, the principles of the United Nations Charter and convey our full support to
multilateralism. It is impossible to imagine a world without the United Nations and the laudable
goals of fostering international cooperation, coordination and response in ensuring peace and
security, prosperity of our peoples and safeguarding our planet.
Mr. President,
On this 75th Anniversary, we must also look forward to the next 75 years. How can we and should
we evolve as an institution to be fit for purpose? For those who are not familiar, Nauru is a small
island state situated in the central western Pacific Ocean.
As a small island developing State, climate change remains the single biggest threat to our
sustainable development and brings to the forefront our vulnerabilities as an island nation. The
world must immediately, reduce their greenhouse gas emissions and achieve sustainable
consumption and production patterns in line with the obligations of the Paris Agreement and the
2030 Agenda. Addressing climate change is the challenge of our generation, and mitigation of and
adaptation to climate change represent an immediate and urgent global priority.
The implications of the humanitarian impacts and economic disruption of COVID19 is what we
might expect if we do not take concerted and collective action to reduce emissions and plan for a
multilateral response to the implications of climate and security. We can and must do better.
Mr. President,
While climate change is the greatest threat to our country, we also look to the UN to support the
interests and needs of even the smallest members. The digital cooperation we speak of in the
Declaration will be a pillar for our connectivity to other nations and other markets. Being
physically isolated need not be an insurmountable obstacle to sustainable development, if we can
take advantage of the digital era. Affordable and safe digital access for all, should be a partnership
priority as we move forward.
And, as highlighted by others the full and timely implementation of the Addis Ababa Action
Agenda on Financing for Development is a key component of our ability to deliver on the 2030
Throughout the pandemic, our experience with the United Nations and its responsiveness to
support the most vulnerable has been a disappointing one for my country. But it is with hope that
as we gather here today to commemorate the 75th Anniversary of the United Nations, renew our
commitment to strengthen multilateralism and rebuild our trust in the United Nations. Our vision
for a United Nations we need is one that is current with the times, upgraded, upscaled and uplifted
to be responsive to our needs, and be nimble to deliver on the ground where it matters most.
Our aspiration is for a secure, safe and sustainable future for our people. We want a United Nations
that should be able to help us plan against future pandemics, address the climate crisis by taking
urgent action, safeguard us from an economic regression and depression that will further
exacerbate the existing inequalities amongst nations. Let us implement a new sustainable pathway
through the Decade for Action on SDGs.
We look forward to a successful 75th session and assure you the full support of my delegation.
Ma tubwa kor (I thank you)



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