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Mr. President, Mr. Secretary-General, Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen,
It is my great honor to address you today on behalf of the Republic of Serbia as we mark the 75th
anniversary since the establishment of the United Nations.
This important anniversary is an opportunity to reaffirm our collective commitment to multilateralism
and principles that we all subscribed to by signing the Charter of the United Nations 75 years ago.
We take pride in the fact that Yugoslavia – whose successor the Republic of Serbia is – was among
the first fifty signatories of the Charter, is one of the founding members of this international
organization which has been active for more than seven decades, serving as a universal platform for
dialogue on an equal footing and playing a key role in the maintenance of peace and stability, human
rights protection and creating conditions for economic development across the globe.
One should not be surprised by a fact that Serbian people and their diplomatic representatives had
actively participated in all international efforts that led to creation of the United Nations, as they
strived towards peace among the nations.
The Republic of Serbia remains firmly committed to the purposes and principles enshrined in the UN
Charter, which are as relevant today as they were at the time of its adoption.
We mark this anniversary of the United Nations at the time when the whole world is battling the
Covid-19 pandemic, a challenge which has affected the entire planet, putting to test our readiness
to act jointly, but at the same time reaffirming that the UN is as needed today as it was when it was
founded, and that its relevance cannot be questioned.
We are deeply convinced that only through mutual cooperation, coordination and respect, can we
muster up a global response to combat this menace.
The Charter of the United Nations should be a constitution of the modern international community,
and a collection of fundamental principles and tenets regulating international relations and
processes within the international community.
Regrettably, at the very end of the 20th century, we in the Republic of Serbia experienced unilateral
measures and actions that undermined and challenged the efficiency of multilateralism and
international cooperation mechanisms and international law itself.
The provisional institutions in Priština declared independence of the so-called Kosovo in a unilateral
act and breached the UN Security Council Resolution 1244, thus seriously undermining the stability
of both the Republic of Serbia and the region as a whole.
I would like to recall that the Republic of Serbia is fully committed to finding a compromise solution
to the issue of Kosovo and Metohija. Serbia has pursued a responsible policy in its best effort to
safeguard the interest of its people and of regional peace and stability.
By defending its sovereignty and territorial integrity and respect for the UN Security Council
Resolution 1244, the Republic of Serbia is also defending international law, the UN Charter, and the
ultimate authority of the Security Council.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Today we face a global wake-up call to join forces and unlock a new, brighter vision of a better and
more prosperous, safe and stabile world that leaves no one behind.
Once again, thank you for your attention.



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