

ウィスパリング同時通訳研究会コミュのScott Morrison launches Space Agency in Adelaide

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THE HON. STEVEN MARSHALL MP, PREMIER OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA: Thank you, Prime Minister. Our space odyssey continues. An historic day for South Australian, historic day for Australia. A great day for Australia with the opening by the Prime Minister of the Australian Space Agency right here in Adelaide on Lot Fourteen. This is really becoming a centre of international respect with the Australian Space Agency, the Smart Satellite CRC, the largest space-related research project in the history of Australia, the Australian Institute for Machine Learning and much, much more. We're so excited about this project because of the jobs that it is going to create in the future. And we've already seen a massive uptake and rollout of new SMEs, start-ups, scale-ups in the space sector and this is going to create thousands and thousands of jobs. We are so excited about the federal government's ambition for space-related jobs and the massive ambition to accelerate this over the next decade. And Adelaide is right at the epicentre of this ambition.
PRIME MINISTER: Thank you, Premier, thank you, Steven. And thank you, Dr Clark and Karen Andrews, the Minister for Space. The Minister for Industry, Science and Technology. This is a plan for jobs. This is why I'm here today. This is about jobs. Since we were first elected, more than 1.5 million jobs have been created in Australia by the hard work and effort and investment that has gone into our economy, creating jobs, creating futures for Australians all across the country. At the last election I said we were going to create more jobs, another 1.25 million jobs and 20,000 of those jobs are going to be here in the space industry. A space industry that is growing faster than the global economy, faster than our regional economy. This is an industry that is generating good wage jobs, career jobs, future jobs. Kids who are growing up and going through and doing STEM courses today and those who will be in the future. People of all ages finding opportunities. There’s a company here in South Australia called XTEK, they used to make carbon components for cars, then they started doing it in the defence industry as a result of significant investments we're putting in the defence industry and now they're doing it in the space industry. That's why this is important. We put $600 million into developing the space industry here in Australia. Headquartered in South Australia, where as you can see, you get the critical mass of all the government operators coming together and creating this hub for innovation, this hub for taking the space industry forward. But more importantly, that draws together the private investment that is going to make this industry what it can be here in Australia. And that private investment by small entrepreneurs, those smaller companies, those SMEs, but also large companies as well, investments and technology coming from overseas and the partnerships that have been formed with the space agency and so many others around the world, not the least, of course, being NASA with our Moon to Mars mission and our participation in what is an incredibly exciting mission.
But at the end of the day, as exciting as space is, it's about the jobs in space that really matters, the jobs that are actually going to be generated, that are going to boost the livelihoods and the incomes of Australians, whether here in South Australia or elsewhere right across the country. So we're excited to be here today. And the plan that you have there is our space plan is a plan for jobs. And that's why I'm excited to be opening this today. We're very pleased to be taking this initiative forward. It's one of so many, whether it's been in defence industries or other parts of the economy, where Karen Andrews is leading that charge. We're ensuring that we're staying ahead, that we're involved in the industries that are going to drive the global economy into the future and that we’re well placed for that and not just for the sake of today's economy and the challenges we face today, but ensuring that we’re well set-up here for the future. So I want to congratulate the Premier on his great leadership here, the Lot Fourteen development, which was perfectly situated, perfectly designed to accommodate our ambitions for the space industry to bring this all together here. I want to congratulate Dr Megan Clark and all of the team of the space agency and all the other government agencies that have been involved, the CRC, CSIRO, everyone else who has been part of this tremendous initiative and to you, Minister, Karen, thank you so much for your passion for this. She is our resident nerd in cabinet when it comes to this issue and that's a good thing because we need more of that because they go on to be astronauts and they go on to do all sorts of amazing things and enliven the imaginations of Australians all across the country. So well done, Karen, for your tremendous passion on bringing this together here with Megan on time, on budget. And we launched. Karen?
THE HON. KAREN ANDREWS MP, MINISTER FOR INDUSTRY, SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY: Thank you, Prime Minister. And you're absolutely right, space does bring out the inner nerd in which I'm really quite, quite proud of. I mean, who doesn't get excited about space and the wonderful opportunities not just to look at what's happening in space and to be part of the NASA mission to the moon and beyond to Mars. But all the great things that can come from space that help us in our everyday lives. So many of you would have used GPS to get here today, you would use GPS on a daily basis, most likely. That's the information that comes from space. That's the things that we need to focus on, how we're going to make life easier for everyday Australians, for our businesses, for farmers, for our producers. We’ll be looking at how we can harness all of the technology to make sure that we are better prepared for the next bushfire season. We'll be looking at earth observations. We'll be looking at what our terrain is showing. There are so many fabulous things out there that are part of space and we intend to capture each and every one of those of amazing things. Currently, the space industry in Australia employs about 10,000 people and is worth about $3.9 billion. The plan that we have in place that we're currently implementing will grow the space industry here in Australia to triple in size to $12 billion and to employ an additional 20,000 people by 2030. The occupations are very diverse. We will, of course, have astrophysicists, we’ll have scientists, we’ll have engineers, we’ll have electricians, we’ll have shift workers. So there are a whole range of jobs that are out there. The Australian space agency has led the charge. The Premier, Steven Marshall, has done an outstanding job here in South Australia. He has been supporting the growth of his sector here from day one. Quite frankly, the Prime Minister, as you've heard, is absolutely supportive and backing the Australian space industry. And of course, whilst we’ve headquartered the Australian Space Agency here in Adelaide, we are working with every state and territory to make sure that we take all of Australia on this amazing journey with us, whether it's talking to Western Australia about robotics, whether we're talking about a launch potentially in Queensland, we already have, the amazing business, Gilmore Technologies that are looking at launch and test rockets. There is something for every state and territory here in Australia. So the Australian Space Agency is well and truly open for business. The Australian space industry has already lifted off. So, Prime Minister, with the greatest respect to you, there is only one thing left to say, and that is beam us up, Scotty.
JOURNALIST: Prime Minister, would you see a possibility, the Minister has mentioned launch facilities in Queensland. Would you see Woomera at any point reactivated for this program?
PRIME MINISTER: Well, look, you wouldn't expect me to comment on the operations of Woomera, but I mean, last night I was speaking to some of the Korean investors and they're talking about launch capacities here in South Australia. So really, with space, the sky's not the limit. It's bigger than that. And the interest, because of our coordinated and concerted focus on bringing the space industry here together in South Australia, that attracts the ideas. This is how these industries grow. They get a roll-on, they get a critical mass. And when you get a critical mass and incredibly clever, talented people, then it grows from there. And South Australia is well-positioned. So wherever that might be, there are no possibilities that really can't be pursued when you get the capital, the private sector working together with the government sector, including the risk managers upstairs, who I also met to ensure that that's all done according to [inaudible]. That's really important. And so it is a consolidated, coordinated effort and that's what attracts the investment and that's what sees things like that launch off the ground.



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