

Grupo Bantus Capoeira JapaoコミュのEvent Update!!!

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We’ve got a few updates and event notices to give.

Nudist Beach

Nudist Beach 1st Anniversary is this Saturday night. A whole bunch of great capoeiristas from groups across Japan have been invited to join so this is sure to be a night full of awesome capoeira and hot, sweaty, sexy dancing.
Awesome capoeira, sexy samba dancers, Brazilian DJ, and cute girls in skimpy costumes dancing on stage. Definitely adults only!

Copy and Paste the special invite and get it on your mobile phone for the 1/2 price entry. FREE ENTRY FOR BIKINI WEARING GUESTS!

More info here.

March in March 2007

The friendly people over at Shibuya City Hall double booked Miyashita Park on March 4th, so the “March in March” has been moved back to March 11th. We’ll be meeting at around 12:30pm at Hachiko. We’re hoping all Bantus members come out to support this great cause. You’ll need your white Bantus uniform and some outdoor shoes. It might be a bit chilly, so bring some warm clothes too.
There will be thousands of people in Shibuya at that time, so this will be great promotion for our group. We need volunteers taking photos, handing out flyers, and giving lots of axé.


If we have time we’ll be marching in the demo through the mean streets of Shibuya. This is a once-in-a-lifetime chance no one should pass up!

Annual General Meeting 2007

Straight after the “March in March” we’ll be heading back to Kichijoji for our Annual General Meeting. This meeting is compulsory for all GBC Japan members. Everyone is welcome, regular students, guests, friends etc.

We’ll be talking about many important issues such as:

New Class Fees and Membership Fees.

Bantus Capoeira Camp (March 24th-25th).

World No Tobacco Day 2007 (May 31st).

Bantus Summer Capoeira Workshop with Professor Gringo (June 24th-July 1st TBC).

First Bantus Capoeira Japan Batizado and Festival (September 1st-9th TBC).

Bantus Capoeira Australia 10th Anniversary Batizado and Festival in Perth, Western Australia (September 16th-30th).

Becoming an official Non-Profit Organization.

We’ll also be electing the 2007 committee, sub-committees, and action teams. And also have time for anyone to bring up issues that concern them. If there’s time we’ll have a roda.

Date: Sunday March 11th 2007.

Time: 4.30pm-9pm.

Location: San Chu.

First Sunday of the Month Roda (March)

Date: Sunday March 4th 2007.

Time: 6.30pm-9pm.

Location: San Sho.

Details: 6.30pm-7.30pm Capoeira Angola Class. 7.30pm-8.30pm Roda!



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