

インド...We love INDIA !コミュのMumbai - Another bell !!

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Without any doubt, this attack in Mumbai is a terrorist act and the most violent in recent times.
The places targeted are busy places and places where there is more presence of foreigners. Luxury Hotels, Cafes, Hospitals, train station, in India's financial capital, all point to and highlight the fact, that in addition to causing huge damage, the target was to generate maximum international and media attention.

We need to understand the motive and the background behind any such attacks.
Though there has always been significant friction between the ethnic communities throughout Indian history, the present attack clearly does'nt fit into this category. There could be other problems, like the never resolved Kasmir issue, a deep sense of frustration with the current Indian polity and international media, and clearly the issue seems to cross the bounds of National borders.

What we can also see is that though the current financial crisis or rich-poor divide could have been the reason for the timing of this attack, it certainly has no such relation to the nature of the problem or cause for such attack.

Post 9/11, the term terrorism has been used beyond its scope to create stereotypes and label certain groups of people as something they might not be. This has basically resulted in marginalization of people and breeding ground for the sublimation of such extreme thinking.
The group which claims this attack calls themselves an Islamic fighters group (Deccan Mujahideen). Little is known of this group and its activities, and though their demands and actions would make it appear in an Islamic name, we need to be careful before we jump to conclusions.

And though to the people who carry out such acts at the low level, it comes to them as a common objective in terms of faith, the people who actually execute them at the higher levels are looking to fulfill some totally different objectives. These viscous objectives, transcend borders and are mostly directed to fulfill certain political objectives or divert attention from the actual problems that exist.
The problems and ills, hatred, that exists on a day-to-day basis, the marginalization of communities, opinions or people, block labelling and stereotyping further aggravates and adds to the chances of such acts to occur time and again.

Today, the world is tied in one thread. A train bombing in Mardrid, or a crack-down in Tibet, is followed all over the world. This brings to ever more importance the role of the media - in not just to highlight but also follow such issues with a more down to earth debative manner.

Surely, we all feel pained by such acts of terror. We grieve the loss of all life and are in extreme shock. But we need to treat all such events as an awakening bell. Either we rise and work to create harmony, understanding, and universal brotherhood, or we sleep and perish in a world of chaos.
One man's loss, is another man's loss.




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