

木山光コミュのオランダ人に嫌われる 方法 オランダ人から演奏拒否

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オランダ人に嫌われる 方法

日本人と オランダ人対決


thank you very much for your help.

I got an E -mail from Ineke Beemsterboer.

I wrote some motivation about my composition. Please look.

I respect Masonna . His voice is god of noise!!







It is very important!!

We found somebody else to perform your piece. An ensemble which you know very well: De Ereprijs from Apeldoorn. So please contact Wim Boerman on ereprijs@wxs.nl

Best wishes,


Van: 譛ィ螻ア 蜈・<ferneyhough@hotmail.co.jp>

Datum: 6 april 2007 14:50:14 GMT+02:00

Aan: romainbischoff@planet.nl

Kopie: ferneyhough@gmail.com

Onderwerp: Dear Romain Bischoff ( Dutch Vocal Laboratory ) :ツ? Gaudeamus Prize

Dear Romain Bischoff ( Dutch Vocal Laboratory )

I got E-mail from Ineke Beemsterboer.

Thank you for performance in Gaudeamus Prize 2007.

I would like to discus about my composition.

1. I think this work is difficult .

So 4 singers and 1 percussionist and 1 conductor is best.

Becauseツ? Whenツ? Iツ? recorded this work , Iツ? recorded with 1 conductor and 1percussionistツ? &ツ? 4 voice performars .

2 , How many score do you need ? or Do you need several parts?

Becauseツ? Whenツ? Iツ? recorded this work , All voice performars see score .

Because ,

It is a kind of chorus work , All voice performars do Not need several parts.

3,ツ? Iツ? recorded this work , Iツ? used many microphones .

ツ?I needツ? 3 microphones for each voice performars .

Because Each voice performars use clap hands & step floor & shout .

Percussion performar use clap hands & step floor & shout too .

4 , Last year ,ツ? I listend your performance in Gaudeamus week 2006 .

So I have a question.

All singer can shout a lotツ? and sing mongolian overtone (Khoomei, xoomei) ?


Because many classical singers hate shout a lot and sing mongolian overtone (Khoomei, xoomei).

I need not classical voice.

I need voice performance .

I respect Masonna . His voice isツ? god of noise!!







It is very important!!

Thank you very much.

kind regards,

Hikari Kiyama

From: "Ineke Beemsterboer" <ineke.beemsterboer@gaudeamus.nl>

To: "'?? ?'" <ferneyhough@hotmail.co.jp>

CC: "'Romain'" <romainbischoff@planet.nl>

Subject: RE: selected for the Gaudeamus Prize

Date: Wed, 21 Mar 2007 14:50:20 +0100

Dear Hikari,

The Dutch Vocal Laboratory agrees with performing your piece. Romain

Bischoff of the Dutch Vocal Laboratory would like to ask you whether you

agree with performing it with 3 singers and 1 percussionist.

I will cc this e-mail to Romain Bischoff, then you can discuss this matter

together. Romain, see below the e-mails and information I got from Hikari


Best wishes,



-----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----

Van: ?? ? [mailto:ferneyhough@hotmail.co.jp]

Verzonden: woensdag 14 maart 2007 20:22

Aan: ineke.beemsterboer@gaudeamus.nl

CC: ferneyhough@hotmail.co.jp; ferneyhough@gmail.com

Onderwerp: RE: selected for the Gaudeamus Prize

Dear Ineke Beemsterboer

Thank you for your e-mail.

1, Can I use 1 conductor and 1 percussionist?

ツ?Becauseツ? Whenツ? Iツ? recorded this work , Iツ? recorded with 1 conductor andツ?


percussionistツ? &ツ? voice performars .

This work is very difficult .

Please talk with performars .

2,ツ? Iツ? recorded this work , Iツ? used many microphones .

ツ?I needツ? 3 microphones for each voice performars .

Because Each voice performars use clap hands & step floor & shout .

Percussion performar use clap hands & step floor & shout too .

Please talk with performars .

Thank you very much.

Best wishes,

Hikari Kiyama

" <ineke.beemsterboer@gaudeamus.nl>

>To: "'?? ?'" <ferneyhough@hotmail.co.jp>

>Subject: RE: selected for the Gaudeamus Prize

>Date: Wed, 14 Mar 2007 10:35:46 +0100


>Dear Hikari,


>Thank you for your e-mail.

>We are now talking with ensembles and singers to get it performed. Iツ?


>let them know it is for 4 or 8 singers. If I know who they will be, Iツ?


>ask them to e-mail you.

>I will also change your title.


>Best wishes,



>-----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----

>Van: ?? ? [mailto:ferneyhough@hotmail.co.jp]

>Verzonden: dinsdag 13 maart 2007 20:09

>Aan: ineke.beemsterboer@gaudeamus.nl

>CC: ferneyhough@hotmail.co.jp; ferneyhough@gmail.com

>Onderwerp: RE: selected for the Gaudeamus Prize


>Dear Ineke Beemsterboer


>Hallo縲?Thank you縲?for your E-mail.


>I will go Gaudeamus week this year too!!



>So I want to check some detail.


>1. ツ? >Hikari Kiyama (Japan, 1983) Over Drive Chorus [for four players]


>Is it right????


>Because Maybe I write down on scoreツ? Over Drive Chorus


>[for four voice parts] (4th part play alsoツ? percussion )


>It is right.


>please change works name.


>ツ? Over Drive Chorus

>[for four voice parts] (4th part play alsoツ? percussion ).


>2ツ? , ツ? How many singer can I use ??


>Because ,ツ? [for four voice parts]ツ? meansツ? 4 or 8 voice performars.







>3 , ツ? Who areツ? voiceツ? performars .


>Can I send E-mail ??


>Becauseツ? Whenツ? Iツ? recorded this work , All voice performars see score .


>Because ,

>It is a kind of chorus work , All voice performars do Not need several


kind regards hikari kiyama




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