

埼玉英語会 英検1級・準1級 コミュの'Weak sanctions give Russia permission to attack' - Zelensky

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In President Volodymyr Zelensky's latest Facebook address,
he calls on world governments to increase their sanctions against Russia,
warning that a failure to do so would equate to "permission" for it to continue
its attacks on Ukraine.

"Today, Western countries announced a new package of sanctions against
the Russian Federation," he said.

"This package has a spectacular look. But this is not enough," he continued.

"Still it can hardly be called commensurate with the evil that the world saw
in Bucha.
With the evil that continues in Mariupol, in the shelling of Kharkiv,
in Russia's attempt to launch a new global bloody offensive in Donbas."

He says that Ukraine continues to insist on a "complete blockade" of Russia's
banking system, and for the democratic world to refuse to buy Russian oil.

He also called out western leaders, who he said had not found the backbone
yet to stand up to Russia.

"Some politicians are still unable to decide how to limit the flow of dollars and
euros to Russia from the oil trade, so as not to jeopardise their own economies,"
he adds.

Bucha killings ‘appear to be premeditated’ - US senior defence official

Attacks on civilians by Russian forces in the Ukrainian town of Bucha
“appear to be premeditated”, a US senior defence official has said.

“Just looking at the imagery – when you see individuals with their hands tied
behind their backs and evidence of being shot in the head,
that certainly appears to be premeditated,” said the White House official.

“It appears to be planned. It certainly appears to be very, very deliberate.”

Moscow has denied involvement and described reports as fake news.

The Biden administration also confirmed on Wednesday that Russian forces
have completely withdrawn from areas around Kyiv and Chernihiv.


The Kremlin denies it all: the footage of bodies lying in the streets in Bucha,
the mass graves and the terrible testimony of witnesses.
And state TV parrots the narrative.

Since evidence of apparent Russian atrocities emerged from the settlements
around Kyiv, programme editors have gone to extraordinary lengths to discredit
the reports as a fabrication, a lie concocted by Ukraine and the West.

To switch on Russian TV has, for weeks now, been to step into a weird parallel
universe where glossy presenters and well-dressed pundits chronicle a successful
"special military operation" in Ukraine. There is no war, just heroic Russian soldiers
defending the motherland while taking care to avoid targeting civilians.

The horrific images from Bucha have been broadcast, but viewers are told that
the gruesome scenes were staged by Ukrainian officials, with help from the West.

"This was done by professionals, probably British. They're the best in the area of
information operations," said commentator Gevorg Mirzaryan. "[They know how]
to place the bodies correctly, do everything correctly, create a nice picture for
the necrophilic Western consciousness."

Talk show host Olesya Loseva even suggested that the town of Bucha had
deliberately been chosen because President Joe Biden had recently used
the word butcher to describe Vladimir Putin, so "for Americans this word
should be clear".

It is a classic Kremlin tactic in the face of such accusations - deny,
dismiss as fake and, if possible, blame someone else.


Vladimir Putin and his officials have consistently sought to portray
Russia's neighbour as the aggressor and the West as a threat to Russian security.
They have accused Ukraine, aided by the West, of trying to acquire
nuclear weapons and develop biological weapons for use against Russia.

One of Vladimir Putin's favourite justifications for the invasion is that
Ukraine must be "de-Nazified". It's a commonly repeated narrative that exploits
Russia's long and painful memory of World War Two.

The claims of Nazism are completely baseless, but the foreign ministry recently
accused the government in Kyiv of being steeped in Nazi ideology and
of committing "horrendous crimes".



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