

教育日誌コミュのJob Application

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Myspace-chan needed to fill out a job application for a customer services position for a pet food supply store. She has done filling out a job application in the past. I expected to finish the process within an hour. .....but, one hour past, Myspace-chan was still thinking about the question asking about her past job experiences and needed to describe what parts of the jobs she liked and disliked. Since the application contained 6 pages, she was still at page 2. "Hmmm. what should I write about this part?" She seemed having difficulty with thinking and expressing her thoughts at the same time. It was taking longer time for her to come up even a short sentence for each question. I asked her, "look at me and tell me what did you enjoy about the job?" She started to telling me about things she thought she enjoyed at each company. When I asked her questions with more explained details and situations such as "did you like talking and helping people? how about this situation", then she started to answered smoothly. "ok. let's put the things on the application", I said. She started writing. She sometimes had a difficulty writing things down even if she was able to explain me orally, so I helped her reminding what she said.

Another difficult parts of answering the application questions were: 1) describe me your strengths and weaknesses, and 2) what were the things you liked least about the position. Any questions that she needed to describe and explained, she took longer time to answer the questions. Such as the question about describing her weaknesses, she was having a hard time to come up the answer. Any such question is a tricky question and is hard to answer for anybody, so I can't imagine for ASD student to answer. Another questions such as describing things she liked least about the position is also a tricky for ASD student. Mypace-chan started to saying, "the job was bored, and I did not like the manager. Also the business was slow,,,,,,, " She continued. I said, "ok. hold on. It's very clear to me that you did not really enjoy the position. But let's not put all the negative things on the application because....." I explained to her that she needs to carefully answer the tricky questions and carefully choose words and what to write on the application. At first, she seemed confused about what she cannot write and how she needs to write in the certain way. Thus, I explained her some employment rules what to do and not to do, so she can simply follow the rules. It seemed working :)

After completing the application, we went to the store to hopefully submit the application to the store manager directly. At the store, we luckily met the store manager. The store manager was very nice. Mypace-chan seemed to love the store atmosphere and the people who work at the store, which are very important qualities for her. I could see her face was smiling for the entire time during the meeting with the store manager. Good start!

The store manager was kindly reviewing through Mypace-chan's application page-by-page and her resume. That's a good sign! He started asking her some questions. I was standing right next her. He asked, "so, are you willing to work 6 hours sift everyday, except Wednesday and Thursday?" Mypace-chan replied, "yes." The store manager asked, "I saw you are working at XXX. Do you want to continue working there? Is that why you want to have 6 hours sift?" --- The meaning behind the store manager's question was, "Will you be flexible with the time schedule and work for more if possible?" Mypace-chan replied, "Well. I would like to continue working at XXX." (Uhg!) I jumped in the conversation and saying, "Well. I believe Mypace-chan works for XXX as a volunteer, so her schedule can be very flexible if she can get this job. Of course, if she can get this job, her time sift here at this store is more important. I think if she want to continue volunteer at XXX, she can pick and choose the sift based on her availability. Correct?" Mypace-chan agreed, "Yes. I can choose my sift from their website. (smile)" One question down... The store manager's question continued and my nervousness also continued. He asked, "Well, we have now about over staff by three because of summer. But many of them are students and they are going back to school, so we will be more people in the near future. We also have another store locations in A, B, and C. Are you willing to take the different locations?" Immediately Mypace-chan's face looked uncomfortable and concerned after she heard about the locations. It took her a while to answer the question. And, I could not answer the question for her since it needed to be answered by her. We waited for her response. She finally was willing to answer the question. She replied uncomfortably, "Well. I prefer this store because it's close to my house, but the location B is my second choice." I thought it was not too bad answer. I calmed after she replied. The rest of her answers were pretty good. I could tell she really enjoyed talking with the store manager.

After we left the store, we reviewed the questions and answers. I made some comments about her good responses and suggestions how she can answer better. The most important thing when she looks for a job is to be present, willing to be flexible, and showing her motivation but not desperation. We also reviewed some plans of actions what she needs to do such as: 1) send the store manager thank you email, 2) check the other locations and get more familiar with the store, 3) follow up with the store manager her status, and finally, 4) practice an interview questions in case they ask for an interview. We hope to hear back from the store manager soon.



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