

教育日誌コミュのEnglish Writing Class & Teamwork Part 2

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Tennen-kun and Hyper-kun met today to work on their English Writing Class assignments. Today is the first day to work together as a team.

At first, they both seemed confused about what to start. They obviously needed someone to navigate them what and how to work on as a team. Working as a team is not something they are used to it. I thought, "this is a good practice." I was first observing them, but they seemed doing their own things without letting other know what each is doing or confirming each other what they want and/or need to do next. I finally jumped in, "hold on. what are you doing now?" They both talking at the same time explaining what each is doing. I said, "Wait. do you guys know what you need to do with your assignments? why don't you tell me?" Hyper-kun opened his module and explaining what they need to do this week. When Hyper-kun finished, I asked Tennen-kun if that's what he also needs to do. Tennnen-kun agreed. "Ok. now the rule is that before you start anything, you both have to ask each other and confirm what you need to do." They agreed. Hyper-kun started, "according to the module, we have to do ABC. I think we should do C first." Then Hyper-kun started to opening the C material and started to read. I said, "Hold on. Did you ask Tennen-kun if he is ok to do and confirm?" "Tennen-kun, do you understand what you need to do and what Hyper-kun is doing?" Tennen-kun replied, "No." I said, "Ok. Hyper-kun. Tennen-kun does not understand what you are doing, so you need to explain what you are doing. Then do you know if Tennen-kun is ok with what you are doing?" Hyper-kun replied, "No. I don't think he knows." "Ok, then. Now how can you approach to Tennnen-kun so that he can understand what you are doing." Hyper-kun said, "Tennen-kun, I think we should first do this assignment. I can do this part. You maybe can do that part. What do you think?" "Good job!" Tennen-kun said, "I think that's a good idea." during the work session, they sometimes focused on too much about what they were doing and forgot to check in with others. But since I was observing and pointed to them in the right ways, they seemed redirecting themselves in the right direction and comfortable working each other and working on their assignments. Most importantly, they found each other that Tennen-kun is faster reader than Hyper-kun, and Hyper-kun is better writer than Tennen-kun. They both still read the materials and answered the questions each other, but it seemed helping them to do the assignments in an effective way.

At the end, I asked their progress about working as a pair. They both satisfied and thought it was helpful. They agreed to meet next week to work on their assignments as well.



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