

Waseda Next StageコミュのWaseda Next Stageについて

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"Waseda Next Stage(WNS)は「国籍・年齢・職業・学歴・出身・性別を問わず、各々強みのある参加者が多くの『場』(交流会、スポーツ、鑑賞、見学、勉強 etc)を通し、未知の人やグループに出会い、各人・各グループのやりたいことを形あるものにしていけるサポートをし、魅力を高めていただけるような『場』の提供」を理念にしたいと思います。 月1のパーティ(MNP)、各国レストラン巡り、クッキングパーティ、芸術鑑賞、日本文化体験、他グループとの共催パーティetcを通して大小いろんな「場」を提供してきました。

Waseda Next Stage (WNS) is a group we have created that organizes and holds various events (i.e. parties, playing sports, observing the arts, studying, etc.) utilizing the strengths of each and every participant. As a group we hope to create a place for people from all types of backgrounds to gather, meet and enjoy themselves, have the chance to experience new things, and meet other unique individuals that they may not have the chance to meet elsewhere. We also try to help others bring to fruition events they have been wanting to organize. Some examples of things that WNS does include our Monthly Nomihodai Party (MNP), dining out at ethnic restaurants, Cooking Party, experiencing Japanese Culture, parties co-hosted with other groups, visiting art museums and galleries, going to orchestral and music concerts, etc. Waseda Next Stage is a group where everyone is welcome and provided with a chance to experience new things with new people while making lifelong connections.


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