

海外オタクと英語で何か!?コミュの海外vs日本 – 文化の違い

  • mixiチェック
  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加

I thought it would be interesting to find the slight differences in Otaku culture between Japan and the rest of the world.


To start the topic…
In Japan, comic books are separated into boys section and girls section
In America, there is no differentiation in gender for comics (graphic novels).



Thx for making this thread.


Let me introduce one interesting thing I found in Australia on this point of Foregin Country vs Japan.


I felt that most of Otaku(especially male Otaku) got Japanese sword (KATANA)in their room!!

I don't think its NOT most though,there are many compare to Japanese Otaku.

Please let me know, if you find strange expression on my English..(´ω`*)

海外アメリカのアニメコンでは「Weapons Dealer」が普通にいますね
Weapons Dealerはサバゲーの物だけじゃなく、

At the US anime conventions, weapons dealers are the norm.
Wepaons dealers not only carry airsoft gear, but Japanese Katana, fantasy swords, movie replicas, bokuto and shinnai as well.


They are all usually cheap and low quality


A quick check of my local anime store shows them carrying bokutos as well.

On the other hand, it seems like there are more survival game and military otakus in Japan.

>> キヴン・ショートさん
>> I don't think its NOT most though, there are many compare to Japanese Otaku.
Be careful of double negatives

I don’t think its most thought, but there are many compared to Japanese Otaku.
In Japan, anime continues every week.

In America, reruns happen often, and anime is shown out of order.
>>Be careful of double negatives
(´;ω;`)gaaaaa しまった!
Thank you for the Correction^^

>>having Japanese sword.
It must be kind of the Otaku symbol..

Speaking of Otaku symbol,I think most of Anime and Manga fan have "キャラクターの下敷き" the celluloid board of anime and managa charactor.(People laid it under written paper.)

I'm very looking forward it!
>キヴン・ショート さん
Character shitajiki collecting in the US is an interesting phenomenon.

In the 90s,the US anime goods market was practically non existent. There were many bootleg items but shitajiki was one of the few things that importers brought over that was authentic and cheap. It was easy to transport and take care of compared to cels and didn’t have the money value like phonecards. At about 250yen, an importer could sell them for about $5 and easily make a $3 profit.

There was also a small shitajiki community that gathered at conventions and did panels, but there was a shitajiki boom around 2000 that inflated prices of shitajiki forcing many old collectors out, and when the boom busted a few years later, many collectors that payed premium prices during the boom were upset and quit collecting.

Now a days, there seems to be fewer importers of anime goods from Japan as more merchandise is licensed and available for cheaper prices. Ebay and Yahoo Auction Japan, became a competitive source for shitajiki and many importers no longer carry newer shitajiki, only older stock. Interestingly, there seems to be many DVD that comes packed with a mini shitajiki as an omake.

I really can’t gauge how many people are collecting shitajiki these days any more.

90年代にアニメグッズはアメリカではあまりありませんでした。アニメグッズとは、殆ど偽者でしたが、下敷だけは本物でした。下敷は簡単に持ち歩けるし、テレカとセル画に比べたら易い。輸入業者 は250円で買って$5で売ったら$3の利益。


今は、アニメグッズは良くライセンスされてアメリカでは安くなっています。色んな人はEbayやYahoo Auctionを使っているので、輸入業者はもう新しい下敷はあまり持ってないそうです。でも、DVDおまけとして下敷付きが良くあります。


Hmmm… this somehow got very long… I like talking about shitajiki…

whoa...You're kind of Shitajiki freak!
That's interesting for me,I enjoyed the aricle~

>キヴン・ショート さん
I am a bit sad that I have not been able to find a active anime goods community on Mixi. It seems that the Japanese Otaku community puts very little emphasis on anime/manga goods, either that or it is a very quiet community (closet otaku?).
The majority seems focused on either cosplay or doujinshi.
My old comment in this community. As for manga.

As for the adding color thing, it is much more important for me.
Colored manga often loses its original...um...筆感(pen-touch?), so usually I don't like the colored manga.
I have joined some anime forum(not Japanese one), and I have seen many colored pic made by some menbers called "colourer". They usually vanished the "筆感". So I would dislike the flipped and colored manga, if they are colored in that way.
It seems foreigners like colored manga better than b&w one...
>Kwalva san
It seems that the general American market is finally accepting black and white graphic novels as well as non-flipped manga. Few black and white graphic novel such as Naruto and Fruits Basket has reached very high on the US bestseller lists.

Something interesting I saw was the rerelease of Parasyte (寄生獣). In the original Tokyo Pop version, the pages were flipped and thus the alien was called Lefty, in the new Del Rey version, they are not flipping pages so they reverted back to the original name of Migi (ミギー righty).
umm.That's interesting!



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