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Please tell us your name and where you live.
試験官により、Where are you from?と聞かれる場合があるが、自分の出身地ではなく、現在住んでいる場所を答えること。
What is the most comfortable season to travel in Japan?
Although each season has its own charm, most Japanese would agree that the most comfortable seasons are spring and autumn. As the climate is stable, these are generally the best times of year for travel and sightseeing.
Why is tourism so important to Japan?
Japan's labor force is shrinking because of its falling birthrate and the aging population. The Japanese economy is now also in recession. It is clear that we won't be able to expect steady growth of our domestic economy in the future if we do not take any action. Therefore, it is important for the Japanese government to attract more foreign tourists to Japan, as we will depend more than ever on international tourism as a source of income.
Where do you recommend if I want to go shopping in Tokyo?
?Tokyo is one of the largest cities in the world, so you can find a lot of shopping complexes in areas such as Shinjuku, Akasaka, Roppongi, and Marunouchi. Stores dealing in famous brands like Gucci, Louis Vuitton, and Hermes are plentiful in these shopping complexes. In addition, large hotels have shopping arcades with stores that can send goods anywhere in the world.
?If you are looking for traditional Japanese things, the Oriental Bazaar at Harajuku or souvenir shops at Asakusa is recommended, since they offer a wide range of fans, paper lanterns for room decorations, kimono-clad dolls, paper dolls, happi coats and so on.
?If you are interested in buying some electronic devices, such as digital cameras or portable game consoles, good stores can be found in areas such as Shinjuku, Ikebukuro, and Akihabara.
Where would you recommend if I want to eat some inexpensive food in Japan?
?I would recommend that you go to Izakaya. Izakaya is a Japanese-style tavern that serves a wide range of food and drinks at relatively low prices. It is popular with mostly office workers and young people.
?I would recommend family restaurants. Family restaurants are almost everywhere in big cities, and there the food are reasonably priced. Besides, many of these establishments display, at the front, the plastic samples of the food they offer. This will make it a lot easier for you to order exactly what you want to eat.
How do you explain shoji and fusuma to foreign tourists? What is the difference between them?
Shoji are sliding screens covered with thin white Japanese paper on a wooden frame. They are made to allow sunlight into the room. They separate the rooms in a traditional Japanese house from the corridors or veranda. On the other hand, fusuma are wood-framed sliding doors covered with thick Japanese paper. They separate the rooms in a traditional Japanese house.
What is Tanabata?
Tanabata, or the Star Festival, is held on July 7 to celebrate the once-a-year meeting of two lovers, Kengyu, the cowherd (Altair) and Shokujo, the weaver (Vega). The rest of the year the two lovers are separated by the Milky Way.
What part of Japan has the heaviest snowfall?
It is on the border between Niigata Prefecture and Fukushima Prefecture, or in the mountains of the Hokuriku region. In these areas, snowfall of over two meters is not unusual. The heaviest snowfall on record is eight meters in the mountains of Niigata Prefecture, one of the snowiest regions on earth.
Tell me about Japanese gardens.
A Japanese garden is a landscape garden composed of rocks, trees, ponds, and other natural objects. This type of garden is designed in accordance with the appearance of nature. The three most famous landscape gardens in Japan are (1) Koraku-en in Okayama, Okayama Prefecture, (2) Kenroku-en in Kanazawa, Ishikawa Prefecture, and (3) Kairaku-en in Mito, Ibaraki Prefecture.
What are Uchiwa and Sensu? What is the difference between them?
Uchiwa is a round, flat paper fan with a wooden or plastic handle. It is usually used for keeping oneself cool or fanning a fire. On the other hand, sensu is a folding fan made of paper on a bamboo frame, usually with a decorative picture, design, or calligraphic character on it.
What is the difference between Hiragana and Katakana?
Hiragana are cursive phonetic characters simplified from kanji, or Chinese characters. They are mainly used in combination with kanji. On the other hand, Katakana are angular phonetic characters simplified from kanji. They are mainly used for writing foreign words.
What do you think of the numerous bicycles illegally parked around stations and on streets?
It is unfortunate that the streets around train stations or in shopping districts are always cluttered with illegally parked bicycles. Those bicycles often block the way for pedestrians, and they can be potentially dangerous for people such as the elderly, the physically disabled, and small children. They also may interfere with ambulances and fire services in times of emergency. Each individual should be more responsible, either by parking his/her bicycle in a designated parking lot or by not riding a bicycle and walking instead.
Why do you want to be a tour guide?
?I'm very interested in cultural exchange. I would like to tell others about Japan as well as learn more about other cultures and countries around the world. I also wish to clear up any misconceptions or stereotypes that foreign people may have about Japan. If many people were to get involved in cultural exchange at the grass-roots level, I'm sure it would further improve understanding and relationships between countries.
?First, I've always been very interested in the history of Japanese temples and shrines. In fact, one of my favorite pastimes is visiting them all over the country. For example, I've trekked to all 33 temples on the Bando pilgrimage trail in the Kanto area. Second, I like meeting people from different backgrounds and telling them about the attractions of Japan. For these reasons, I think a tour guide would be a very suitable job for me.



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