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英語第2次試験まで、あと3日と迫ってきましたが、今年受験される方に、 <予想問題厳選60題>をお送りします。
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       2007年度英語第2次試験予想問題 厳選60題
Please tell me about one of the scenic attractions in Japan.
Please tell me about one of the most popular hot spring resorts in Japan.
I'm interested in national parks in Japan. Which national park should I visit?
What types of gardens are there in Japan?
I'm interested in Japanese festivals. Please tell me about one of the most famous festivals in Japan.
I'm interested in Japanese gardens. Which garden should I visit?
I like mountains. Apart from Mt. Fuji, which Japanese mountain should I visit?
Where can foreign tourists in Japan obtain tourist information?
What is the most famous rock garden in Japan?
How would you explain Nijo Castle in Kyoto?
What does the proverb “Never say Kekko until you see Nikko” mean?
When and where is Japan’s largest fireworks display held?
What is the charm of Japanese autumn?
Where do you recommend I go to see beautiful coloured leaves in Japan?
What are the important qualities for a tour guide?

How many seasons do you have in Japan?
Which is the best season for foreign tourists to travel in Japan?
Please tell me about some geographical features of Japan.
Japan is a mountainous country. Please tell me about Japanese mountains.
Please tell me about one of the industrial cities in Japan.
Please tell me about one of the agricultural regions in Japan.
I want to see a typical active volcano in Japan. Where should I go?
How often does Japan have typhoons?
Why does Japan have a lot of earthquakes?
Why are there so many hot springs in Japan?

What did the Meiji Restoration bring about in Japanese history?
What is the difference between emperor and shogun?
Can a woman become emperor?
Who is the current emperor?

I can't use chopsticks. What should I do?
On what occasions do Japanese go to Shinto shrines?
How do Japanese spend New Year holidays?
How do Japanese spend bon holidays?
Please tell me about one of Japanese festivals.
Why do so many Japanese learn English?
Why is money often given as a gift in Japan?
Why do Japanese like hanami?
Why do Japanese all wear black at weddings?
Please give me some examples of Japanese superstitions.

What is the difference between udon and soba?
What is the difference between kimono and yukata?
What is the difference between Shinto and Buddhism?
What is the difference between Buddhist temples and Shinto shrines?
What is the difference between kabuki and noh?
What is the difference between sake and shochu?
Will you explain the rules of sumo?
I’m interested in matcha. Where can I have matcha?
How do you celebrate Tanabata, or the Star Festival?
Why is kabuki more popular than Noh in present Japan?
Tell me about some unique characteristics of the kabuki stage.
Tell me about traditional Japanese landscape gardens.
Please describe a karesansui garden. Where can I see karesansui gardens?

Please tell me about one of Japan's important industries.
Please tell me about one of Japan's leading companies.
Please tell me about Japan’s educational system.
What kind of health insurance system in place in Japan?
How should Japan cope with the problems that may arise in an aging society?
What do you think about the continually declining birth rate?
Why do many Japanese students go to “juku”?
What do you think about the idea of starting English education in elementary school?




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