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6月30日 Scramble PSYkick出演の為
MSN CORE TRANCEにUPするインタビューがとどきましたのでどこよりも早くお届けいたします。

ASTRAL PROJECTION INTERVIEW Q1: どうも今回インタビューをさせていただく共演者のDj Keiです。僕は実はお二人と10年前位に横浜のクラブで共演させてもらっていて、あの頃はGoa Trance全盛期真っ只中で今とは全く違った雰囲気だったと思うんですが、かなり久しぶりに来日されることになって心境的にはどうですか? Hello, My name is Dj Kei. I am an interviewer and also playing for the party this time with you guys. In fact, I was playing in same party with you guys back in 10 years ago in Yokohama. That was right in time of the golden age of Goa Trance and atmosphere was way different than now. I think it’s been long time for you guys to visit Japan, how are you feeling?
Hi Kei!
We’re feeling great, no complains, looking forward to seeing everyone soon (:
Q2: 日本にはもちろんAstral Projectionのファンが全国的にいると思うのですが、皆さんが知りたいのは何故活動が停止してしまっていたのか?また、3人だった時期からどうして2人で活動することとなってしまったのか?ということだと思うんですがそこのところ詳しくお伺いしてもいいでしょうか? やはりこのことはASTRAL PROJECTIONの歴史を語る上で外せないとおもうので‥。 There are so many fans of Astral Projection in Japan. I think people wants to know why your activity was stopping? And why have you guys become two people? Can you please tell us about it? I think this is necessary story when you tell the history of ASTRAL PROJECTION…

From all the places in the world, being invited to play Japan always puts a smile on our face & we’re so happy for the opportunity. We love coming to Japan- the people, the unique atmosphere, the culture & mentality, food, language- everything.
Although we’ll never be able to read Japanese (:
We’ve played Japan many times and some of the shows were our best ever!
Yes, lately we have been less in the Far East because everything started to open up in the US/Canada & we devoted a bit of attention to that part of the world. But still, we try to come at least once a year to Tokyo, for the soul.
The story of Astral’s third member, Yaniv Haviv, is an old one. More than 10 years ago, when we just started to break out, Yaniv decided to become newly religious and not continue with Astral Projection. It wasn’t easy for us but we respected his decision and we’re still good friend till this day. Today he is a wise rabbi.

Q3: 僕自身DJとしてCOMPACT.REC./TRUST IN TRANCEでのコンピレーションでリリースされた久しぶりのニュートラックをプレイしてみて思わず『やっぱりトランスはアストラルプロジェクションに限るな。』と思ってブースからフロアをみた時に昔と同じ恍惚とした笑顔をみんなしていたのですが、今も昔もサウンドコンセプトで貫き通している部分はなんでしょうか? やはり宇宙的なサウンドは健在だと思いますが‥? As myself a DJ, When I played your new track from COMPACT.REC./TRUST IN TRANCE, I looked down at dance floor and everybody was absorbed and smiling just like back in old days. What is the sticking concept for sound that is not changing from old days? I felt that amazing universal sound is still there…

You’re on to us! We will never abort our roots & love music music music, that’s where the truth is. Music with a vision, melody, power that will excite and make you want more. That’s the way it’s always been for us and that’s that way it will stay. We feel we are in the middle of a musical revolution with Psy Trance becoming a worldwide phenomenon & we are in the prime of our musical journey, working on the new album and trying to connect the melodic powerful with Full On Psy that hits you sooooo hard.
The idea of preserving the basic style but also being innovative and fresh is making us go crazy in the studio. We won’t give up on perfecting. We have hundreds of sequences & sound that can easily make 12 albums, but we’d rather make 1 perfect album.
Q4: 今回のライブを行うパーティーはオーガナイザーの親戚であるトラベラーの青年がカンボジアで2006年に事故で帰らぬ人となり、その追悼パーティーなのですがその彼の好きだったアーティストがブッキングされています。 ある意味珍しいコンセプトのパーティーですが参加されてライブを行うことはどうおもいますか? Party you are playing this time is memorial party of organizer’s relative brother. He died when he was traveling in Cambodia. Artists are booked whom he liked. I think this is very unusual concept party. How do you feel about participated and playing live for it?

Wow, the truth is we weren’t aware at the beginning of the tragic situation, but are honored and excited to play this event.

Q5: 昨年から今年にかけて二枚のコンピレーションに新曲が収録されリリースされ活動再開したのちのある意味、ベストタイミングな来日だと思うのですがニューアルバムがリリースされるのですか?また新しいトラックもライブでプレイしてもらえるのですか? I think this is the best timing to come Japan to play, because you have released 2 new tracks and just stared again. Are you going to release new album? And are you going to play new tracks on your live set this time?
Like we said before, we are working hard on the new album, titled “Open Society”, almost 3 years in the making & trying out the new stuff with crowds all over the world. In our upcoming set in Japan there will be more unreleased material from the album, so the feedback is important. We will definitely have a few new surprises and of course the classic stuff with new arrangements. We hope that the people coming with take a looooooong leave from work for the weekend (:
Q6: 数々のイスラエルトランスの名曲をつくられてきていますが自分達のベストトラックを三曲教えて下さい。 また過去の名曲は今回ライブでプレイされますか? As you have been making so many famous tracks of Israel Trance. Can tell us your 3 best tracks? And are you going to play famous tracks of the past on your live set this time?
We love all our tracks, but just because you asked- Mahadeva, People can Fly, Kaballah.
Yes we will probably play them with the upgrated sound.

Q7: 最近ではPC1台のみでプッシュボタンライブする新人アーティストも増えているのですがイスラエルトランスのゴッドは今回どんな機材を使ったライブを披露してくれるのか?簡単に教えて下さい! What kind of live equipment do you use? And how do you play a live with it?
Today we play with our powerful monster computers, 2 new Macs with many VST’s & 2 external keyboards. Part of the music is played by WAV format while being synchronized with the 2nd computer, which runs extra loops, sound samples and synth part. In addition we have parallel midi channels.
Q8: アストラルのWebサイトをみてビックリしたのですが常に様々な国々でブッキングをこなしていますが今後の活動スケジュールを教えてください! I was surprised when I look at Astral Projection’s website. You have so many bookings in various countries. Can you please tell us your future activity schedule?

Thanks to the many talented artists, the crowds & throughout the Astral revolution, the world completely opened up to Trance music. Today there’s not a place on the planet that isn’t familiar with Trance.
In the near future we will go out on a new worldwide tour to support the new release. We hope we can close a large tour for the Far East & especially Japan. We’ve yet to have played in Thailand.

Q9: いままでもっとも凄い体験だったライブもしくはパーティーの事を教えて下さい!もしかしたらピラミッドの横とかもあるのでは?(笑) Please tell us about your most amazing experienced live or party so far. Have you ever played in front of Pyramids?
10 years ago at Fuji Mountain we did one of the best gigs ever! The way up was so surreal & cosmic. If we were directing a movie, that would be the best location in the world, under the mountain in the clowds, rain, mud, chaos- absolutely crazy! There were 2000 Trance maniacs, generators & a sound system that worked when it wanted to because of the rain. It was an amazing experience for us. It was perfect (:
We really enjoy being in open high places, in the middle of nature, closer to god. We love the skys, mountains, the sea, trees, flowers, the wind, the sun & the rain.
Over the years we’ve done many club gigs too, and we enjoy that also, especially because of the good sound that doesn’t run away like outdoors.
We never played near Pyramids, but if that’s what we’re in for, we’re getting even more excited to come!

Q10: あなた達のファンだった追悼される彼に対して宇宙に帰してあげられるライブをお願いすると共に追悼のメッセージをお願いします! As he was big fan of you guys. Please give a memorial message to him

We are sad to hear he is no longer with us. Could have been a good friend. His spirit and vision will never die. If the whole event is in his honor, that’s a sign that he was a special person, true to his way and good friend.
We hope he will hear the Astral voices and know he will be at the party by spirit- that’s the Astral Projection, his soul hovering above, looking out for us.

Q11: 最後に、日本のAstral Projectionフリークや新しい世代のトランスピープルにメッセージをお願いします! At last, Please give a message to Astral Projection freaks in Japan and new generation of Trance people!
We want you to get on stage & go crazy with us! Get loose, no limits, no rules, no barriers- anyrything is possible.
Be good humans, help one an other and always connect to positive energy.

Don’t be shy to come up, get a picture and drink with us! Hope you go crazy with us.
Until then, come say “hi” at our Myspace & join our community that’s filled with love:






ASTRAL PROJECTIONのメンバーはこんなコミュニティにも参加しています

