

WE ARE THE FALLENコミュのCarly Smithson 最新ブログ(2009年7月22日投稿)(和訳あり)

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★Wednesday, July 22, 2009 "Bury me Alive"★

Hey Friends
So I just wanted to write a quick blog to say hi . Hope you all had a good weekend . As you all may know I have joined a new band called "We are the Fallen" . I have to say I have never been happier in my career . For the past year I have been busy working on my solo post Idol project . After the show and tour ( though I had many people working in my team ) I felt a little alone as a solo artist . I was writing wonderful music but I felt Like something was missing from the music .
I was approached by former Evanescence member Ben Moody at 2am to join a band with his old band mates Rocky Gray and John Le Compt and bass player Marty O Brien . Ben is roommates with my very good friend Monique and I had met him maybe once at his house but didnt really know him at all . We spoke for hours about what we were looking for in our careers . Everything creatively that we both wanted to achieve matched both outside music and in music too . It was like we were moving on the same road on different sides of the city . My friend Monique had seen this and prompted Ben to look at me on Youtube .
I pondered joining the band for around 24 hrs . It was a big decision to make but I knew it was the right one . The first writing day I was so nervous . Even though I knew I was a good writer here I was with 4 guys who have already put their stamp on the world with their music . It only took a few mins for me to get comfortable and by the end of the session we had a song in motion called Paradigm ( which is awesome by the way ) . On the way home I told the boys about an incomplete song I had been working on . The untitled demo had no versus but a strong chorus and a bridge (a bridge is the part where the song changes after the second chorus ) . I played them the demo an they loved it . They reworked the chords to the versus the next day and took the song to a whole new level . The untitled song had become Bury Me Alive . It was so strange to us all that in the first week of meeting each other we had become a family . It was like we had known each other forever . We crack the same jokes , watch the same TV shows and listen to the same music . After being in so many tattoo shops over the years I guess im used to being around a bunch of tattooed Metal dorks so it wasn't hard fitting in with the band . Ben and my husband also share the same obsession with Star Wars !!! Which I love to watch but as a wife I get a little irritated when I come home from LA yesterday and find a 6 ft Storm Trooper in my f#ckin kitchen ( Ok thats off topic but it needed to be said !! )
Anyway I think I gave ya'll the bones of the story so far . Its awesome to embark on this journey now with 4 friends around me . Our song is Bury me Alive and we hope you love it . You can listen to Bury me Alive on our myspace page at myspace.com/wearethefallen . If your not our myspace friend please join our friend list so we can keep in touch with you .
The response from you all has been amazing over the last few weeks . We make music for us but also for you fans . We thank you for all your great feedback over the last few weeks and when we launch our song at radio soon we will be looking to our street team and fan club for their help . To join with them you can go to carlysangeles.net or wearethefallenfans.com and sign up or wearethefallen.com .

Im also on twitter at twitter.com/carlysmithson . Its where i unload all the garbage in my brain for human consumption .

Much love to you all
Carly Smithson ( tater )

★2009年7月22日(水曜日) "Bury me Alive"★

 とりあえず挨拶がてらに日記を書いてみたわ。みんな週末はどうだったかしら。みんな既に知ってると思うけど、私は"We are the Fallen"という新バンドに加入しました。私は今までのキャリアの中で、今が一番幸せだと言いたい。過去数年間、私はアイドルプロジェクトにおいて、ソロで忙しく活動してきました。ライブやツアーの後(一緒に多くの人がチームで働いていたにも関わらず)、ソロアーティストとして少し孤独を感じていたの。素晴らしい曲と共にあったけど、でも、なんていうか、何か物足りない気分だった。


 私は一日中バンドに参加するかどうかを考えたわ。自分にとって、大きな決断だった、でも、正しかったと思っている。初めて曲を書いた時、とても緊張したわ。自分でも自信はあったけれど、なにせ音楽ではすでに世界規模を経験している、4人の男達と一緒だったもの。でも、彼らとの音合わせが終る頃には、緊張も解けてリラックスすることができたわ。家に帰る時、彼らに書きかけの曲があることを伝えたの。タイトルもついていないデモ曲で、楽器パートもなかったけど、メインコーラスとブリッジのパートまではできていた(そのパートは、第2のコーラスに変わる部分までだった)。私がそのデモ曲をかけたら、彼らはすごく気に入ってくれたわ。彼らはコードを編集し直して、次の日には、全く新しいレベルにまで仕上げてくれたの。そのタイトルがついてなかった曲が"Bury Me Alive"になった。


 とにかく、今までの経過をみんなに伝えたかった。こうして、4人の仲間と一緒に新たな旅を始めることは、素晴らしいことだわ。私達の曲は"Bury Me Alive"、みんなが気に入ってくれることを願っています。"Bury Me Alive"は私達のマイスペース:http://www.myspace.com/wearethefallenで視聴できます。もし私達のマイスペースのフレンドじゃなかったら、ぜひ参加してね。ここ数週間のあなた達からの反応は素晴らしかったわ。私達は自分の為に曲を作っているけど、でもそれはあなた達ファンの為でもあるの。あなた達の素晴らしい感想、意見に感謝しています、そして、ラジオでも曲を発表して、すぐにもストリートチームやファンクラブを立ち上げるわ。みんな応援してね!









WE ARE THE FALLENのメンバーはこんなコミュニティにも参加しています

