

チベット青年会議コミュのTYC observes 14th Martyr’s Day

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29th April 2012 is commemorated as Martyr’s Day according to the Tibetan Youth Congress’s calendar of activities marking the day pawo Thupten Ngodup self –immolated in 1998. This year marked the 14th Anniversary of Martyr’s Day.

TYC executive members with guests
The morning programmed started at 7 am at Lhagyal Ri to perform the incense-burning ceremony (sangsol) where about 300 people gathered to observe the day. The occasion was graced by the presence of Kasur Sonam Topgyal as the Honorable Chief Guest – one of the four founding members of TYC – and other distinguished guests including former TYC centrex members and representatives from various NGOs.

Following the sangsol, sweet rice (dresil) and butter tea was served to the mass. At 8.30 am, the Chief Guest paid his respects to all the fallen heroes of the Tibetan struggle by lighting up the butter lamp and offering a the ceremonial scarf (khatag) to the statue of pawo Thupten Ngodup.

The President of TYC, Mr. Tsewang Rigzin read the statement of the day followed by a speech by the chief guest on the significance of the day. Finally, the vote of thanks was given by the Cultural Secretary of TYC, Mr. Jigme Sholpa.

Chief guest, one of founders of TYC Kongo Sonam Topgyal describing importantce of the day
The activity for the evening started at around 6.30 pm where hundreds participated in the candle-light vigil which started at the main square in Mcleod Ganj and marched on to the Cholsum Pawo Dhoring (Martyr’s Pillar of the three provinces of Tibet). The gathering observed a minute silence to mourn the lives sacrificed by our brave brothers and sisters inside Tibet for the cause of Tibet. The introductory speech in Tibetan was given by the Social Service Secretary, Mr. Yeshi Tharchen followed by a speech in English by the President Mr. Tsewang Rigzin. The candle light vigil concluded with the singing of the Tibetan National Anthem and Dhentsig Monlam (Prayer to the word of truth).






チベット人に「勇者」と呼ばれるトゥプテン・ゴドゥップ氏の焼身自殺 1998年4月27日。衝撃的映像が含まれるのでご注意を。



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