

未来につなぐものコミュのベトナム通信 3

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Xin Chao ( hello in Vietnamese)

How have you been these days? It is already the middle of Oct.! Time goes flow so fast. I hope everyone is going well with your life(-:

I have been in Vietnam for charitable work since the end og August and I want to share some real story from Vietnam, hope you can feel s.t important with you(-:

I have been coming to see an extremely weaken woman, Bich, who has HIV infected for over 4 years. I have known her for a several years. Since I met her, I have had special close feeling towards her, thus I have cared her a lot even though I did not see her. This time, I was so surprised how skinny and weak she has become. I tried to heal her using my energy and love, but it is not easy, I received strong negativity of her thoughts and HIV. She cannot eat, lie down because her all over the body is so pain. Worse, she takes lots of pills, which I don’t know exactly what they are. It is dangerous to take them without eating, but she cannot eat or drink because her throw, tong, stomach lips etc.. are so painful. Checking, her pulse is so fast twice as much as I have. And her all over the body is so hot. It is pain to see her, I do not want to leave her so I come to be with her to hold her hands and massage her or listen to what she talks, talk to her, or just watching her. It is not easy to watch her like that. I wish I could find a way to save her, but she seems going to die soon. She does not have passion to live any more. She is not like who truly she is, loosing her mind... I did not say to her try harder to live, instead to tell her think s.t positive, after being healthy we try to work and play together, now no need to worry about money, work but just imagine something good(-:

At her place, her daughter, her HIV infected husband and their friend who also has same issue. In the house, I can feel the negative vibration. Those two other infected people have been feeling so scared due to having the same virus in their body. They cannot take her to the hospital because they do not have money. It was so pain to hear yesterday' I am so shy to ask money.' after I asked what Bich wants to eat. Whenever I come to their house, they always ask me what I want to drink and try to buy a drink for me. They are too poor to buy food or go to hospital but they still have hospitality to other healthy and wealthier people and hesitate to ask some food... I felt so pain and lost words with the reality.

Moreover, I talked to the other infected woman who used to be like Bich. She has tried to recover herself and become healthier. She came to Bich house to take care of her, but because of the circumstance, she feels scared a lot and feels something wrong to be there. However, she does not have money to find a place. Many people are afraid of being with her because of HIV. For just a few days or emergency period, I wish to take them a safe place for them. When they need help now, they cannot wait. It is so pain to see such a huge gap and discrimination. It is so pain to just watch friends seems going to die..... I want to do s.t but.... then my inside is so pain....

if there are any idea you have or some funds you can support for the emergency case, please help(><) if they need a safe place for a few days I can take them to guesthouse for a few days(100.000 VND=about 7USD per night). After they recover their health of body and mind, they can start working but when they are super weak, they cannot do anything. They can be healthy and work for a long time as normal if they can take good care of themselves. However, no support with poverty bring them negativity and no hope to live. I try to teach how to breathe slowly and talk to them making them to smile or think about positive ways, using YOGA theory and Buddhism thought.

I hope you to understand this hard but real situation now in Vietnam and share love and give some hands (><)





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