

Susan Millerで英語☆の会コミュの2008年9月の牡羊座

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Aries (March 21 - April 19)

Your September Horoscope by Susan Miller

Aries Horoscope for September 2008

By Susan Miller

The past few months have brought many changes and unexpected developments, so as you enter September, you probably feel excited but also a little exhausted by adjustments you've had to make lately. At the start of September, you appear to be running yourself down and taking on too much. You may not have much choice, however, because the problem seems to be that management has not been able to hire enough personnel to do all the work that needs to be done. (If you're in your own business, you've not had the funds to hire more recruits.)

You'll be playing catch-up from the very start of the month, but don't be blue - in this economy, be glad to have a job. (If you don't, you've some glittering aspects, so one appears to be on the way, if not now, certainly by late December or early January. It will be a big one!)

Take care of your health, particularly near September 3 when Saturn will oppose the Sun. This will be a very difficult day, for Saturn limits or constricts everything it touches. You may find you feel tired or overwhelmed with work, and because of this you may view the world though a very dark filter. This feeling will pass sooner than you think, so hang in there.

You may be able to reorganize your workflow to allow you to become more productive and faster at getting it done so that it will be less of a drain. You may be very sensitive to criticism on September 3, but try not to take things too hard. Accept what's helpful about the advice, but discard what's not.

I have one last comment about this day, September 3, plus or minus one day. The Sun rules your fifth house of love and fun, so Saturn's dampening effect may bring news of a separation between you and a sweetheart, perhaps one that cannot be helped, say, due to work obligations that will include travel or because of a study program that will take your beloved to another part of the country. I suppose it's possible that on this day some Aries will choose to leave the person they've been dating, but if so, it will be because Saturn has made you very realistic and you have come to see something you can no longer ignore.

The very next day, September 4 - a Thursday - you will get VERY exciting news about your career, thanks to Jupiter in perfect angle to the Sun. If you work, you will almost certainly score a major victory on a project you've been concentrating on. If you need to interview for a new job or present an idea to a client, this will be the day to do it.

Another day to keep your eyes open for fabulous developments in your career will be September 8 when Jupiter, Pluto, and Saturn will work together to speed up the pace in your career progress. Over past months, you may have had problems getting approvals on key projects, but from now on, hold on to your hat! You'll be moving at the speed of light and be perfectly poised to achieve remarkable professional progress in the days to come. Watch the conversations you have on or near September 8. They will be very telling!

If you are in college, again, you'll be in luck on September 4 because Jupiter rules your ninth house of higher education. You may ace a test or in other ways receive praise or good news from a college official. September 4 will be one of your most positive, happy days of the month.

Now that July and August are over, you may have more time to devote to physical fitness. The new moon that occurred last month on August 30 will exert a lot of energy in early September. That new moon will present your most ideal opportunity of 2008 to start working out, or if you have been exercising, to go to build strength and achieve a whole new level of competency.

Also, if you've had a health concern, the first two weeks of September would be the right time to get medical specialists' advice.

Next, let's have a look at the Harvest moon period, which clusters near September 15, a time that will be difficult for everyone. I will give you certain dates, but remember to give a plus or minus of one or two days to each.

Your first sign that things are not going to be easy will come on September 12, when Uranus will oppose the Sun and three days later, on September 15, the full moon will conjoin Uranus. This makes this full moon one of the most volatile of the year, and it will be almost impossible for you to predict what may come up. First, protect your health, particularly your digestive system and feet. This is a nerve-jangling aspect too, so try to maintain a calm atmosphere.

Your sixth house of work will be involved, so you might have to deal with unexpected changes with an assignment or in regard to certain problems with subordinates or other personnel. Whatever you need to handle at this full moon, September 15, it will be something you'd never expect. There will be few ways to fully prepare, other than to keep your schedule light so you have room to maneuver and respond. Try to anticipate contingencies and have backups. Murphy's Law will prevail - "If anything can go wrong, it will go wrong, sooner or later."

There's more. At this full moon, September 15 (plus or minus four days), a piece of information may suddenly surface that could leave you speechless. This would involve some sort of secret someone had apparently tried to hide from you - a secret that the universe apparently wanted you to find out. Although it may be news that's hard to hear, be glad that you know what you do, for having this information will protect you. The whole episode could leave you feeling jittery or shaken - be kind to yourself. Things will improve after this full moon is over. That's the good part about full moons - they present situations that have to be dealt with immediately and then thankfully, they are quickly over.

Mercury will go retrograde from September 24 to October 15 - you will start to feel life slow down much sooner, however, from the full moon, September 15, onward. If you are planning to make a big life initiation - to sign a lease, buy a house, accept or start new job, or buy an expensive item, for example - you will need to act as early as possible in September to keep from becoming entangled in the coming Mercury retrograde web.

If you are not familiar with Mercury in retrograde, here's a brief explanation. Mercury is the planet of communication, commerce, transportation, negotiation, perception, and thinking. When Mercury retrogrades, the planet begins to operate in a weaker state, causing all the areas ruled by Mercury to suffer. We become forgetful, and we send out confusing messages or misunderstand others' messages sent to us. Mercury rules all objective thinking - the very thing the world relies on to spin properly - so it is one aspect that affects everyone of every sign in the same way.

It is never wise to sign a contract when Mercury is retrograde because later it would only have to be renegotiated. In a slightly different manifestation, you may alternatively find that the promise of that contract would not be fulfilled. Similarly, shopping for pricy items is never advised during these phases, but especially not for electronics or for any machines with moving parts. Wait until October 18 or beyond to plan your actions or shopping.

The new moon at month's end, on September 29, may give you the impetus to open serious talks with a partner because developing conditions seem right to do so. If you've been dating someone very seriously, you may suddenly decide to get engaged or married within the coming six months. If you were born on March 26 or within five days of this date, you will notice the powerful effects of this friendly new moon the most.

With your ruler, Mars, also in the seventh house of partnering all month, it's clear you'll be in a collaborative mode. Venus will be in the same partnering house too, and her presence suggests that your relationship with your partner should be warm and supportive. Further, because Venus will be in strong angle to Pluto, any association you begin to plot now would likely prove lucrative for you, too.

Mercury however, as said, will be retrograde, and it will retrograde in your partnership sector - this very same house! I suggest that you talk but not make any final decisions until October 17(or later) if possible. The full moon next month on October 14 will fall in Aries, so you would be making your important decision or announcement right on time. (All full moons have an area of influence of plus or minus four days.)

If you are married but not considering any sort of new business partnership, you may nevertheless be ready to hire a new lawyer, accountant, or architect, or be planning to consult with a new doctor at this time, as the seventh house, so lit up for you, rules all types of experts we hire.

If you aren't about to consult with a new professional expert, then your spouse or significant other may bring you important news. Or, he or she may suggest a new idea that you can work on together in coming months.

Romantically, it's clear that seriously attached Aries will do a little better than those who are single and looking for love. The heavy-duty planetary aspect on September 3 (which may bring untoward news about a love relationship), and the wild ones at mid-month near September 15, will be hard on everyone. You may be a little distracted and not in the mood for romance.

There is one day that will be pure gold and a sure exception to the rule - arriving September 11 - thanks to an impending meeting of Venus and Mars, the cosmic lovers, a once-a-year event. Fortunately for you, these two ultra-romantic planets will rendezvous in your seventh house of commitment. It's possible you may have reconciliation with someone you still love and hope to have in your life again. Even if there is no one you used to be involved with and wish you could be again, be excited about this lovely day. Be sure to circulate! The job of Venus and Mars is, after all, to set off the spark of new love!


Lots of change is in the wind as September begins, but fortunately, most of the biggest shifts will involve people you know rather than involving you directly. Partners will create the momentum, and you seem happy enough to follow them.

The big pressure points of September will happen early, on or near September 3, and tensions will build in the middle of the month, at the full moon, plus or minus four days, encompassing September 11-17. After mid-September things will calm down quite a bit. Planets emphasizing Virgo and Pisces this month are not likely to come gunning for you, dear Aries, so that should be good news.

Take care of health issues on September 3 when Saturn will oppose the Sun. This won't be an easy day, and if anyone looks at you the wrong way, you may get completely unnerved. Try not to take things too much to heart - it may be sheer tiredness that makes you so vulnerable.

Saturn is essentially cold and frozen, and meeting up with the fiery Sun can be a bit depressing. You may be avalanched with work on this day, September 3, and perhaps feeling quite overwhelmed. If someone criticizes your work - most likely it would come from a VIP - accept the advice objectively, but don't be deflated by it.

The very next day, career news that arrives on September 4 will set your spirits soaring, thanks to a lovely interplay between the mighty Sun and Jupiter. This will be a four-star day, perfect for making a presentation or scheduling an interview.

September 8 will be a big, positive day too, for on this day, Pluto and Jupiter will turn to direct speed after having been retrograde for months - since May 9 and June 25, respectively. If you feel that lately you've not made as much career progress as you hoped, it was these two key planets having been retrograde. Both are influencing your tenth house of fame and professional progress, so it may have felt like you were walking down an up staircase. From September 8 onward, it will be go, go, go! Watch the days surrounding September 8 for a possible breakthrough.

When Uranus opposes the Sun on September 12, conversations with a female co-worker, underling, or authority figure could erupt into an angry confrontation, and if so, it would be over the way an ongoing project is proceeding or the methods this person is using to get the job done. Stay out of the line of fire if you can. Words said today could leave lasting scars on all concerned.

With so much going on at work, you'll need to find ways to reduce stress. Consider spending more time on your sports / fitness routine, for this is one area that will glow for you. Thanks to the recent new moon that recently appeared at the end of August, early September will offer you one of your best opportunities of the year for building strength and muscle, and for weight loss through a sensible diet. Make your first move to a new program from September 1-7.

A shocking secret that someone tried to conceal from you may now suddenly come to your attention. That would occur on or near the full moon, September 15, plus or minus four days. The matter may involve your home, a roommate, or parent, so keep your antenna up. Whatever you hear could shock you. Alternatively, someone you know may be in a hospital, nursing home, or other confined area, and you may be needed to provide your good cheer.

The opportunity to bond more closely with a partner will occur on the new moon, September 29. In your personal life, if dating seriously, you may now get engaged. Alternatively, you may use this energy in a business way too, by signing with an agent, broker, or headhunter, as a few examples of experts who may be able to help you get ahead. Be aware that Mercury will go retrograde from September 24 through October 15. Open talks but don't finalize them until October 17, 18, or beyond.

Your ruling planet, Mars, recently moved into Libra, the sign opposite yours, and you seem in a more collaborative mode. Excellent. To accomplish personal or professional goals in September, you'll need to present a diplomatic attitude and be wiling to compromise. Trying to maneuver things your way won't quite work, as the wisdom of the group will rule in September.

Key dates:

Best romantic evenings: September 6-7, 11, 17, 19-21, 25, and 29-30

Fortify health, rest, and don't take criticism too hard: September 3

Venus and Mars kiss on September 11, a golden day, especially for those who have a partner.

Streamline work projects to improve workflow and to avoid feeling overwhelmed or pressured to do more, and quicker: September 1-11

Career prospects will brighten considerably, pace increases. and career blocks fall away: September 8

Begin a fitness plan (best time of the year): September: 1-7

Remain diplomatic: September 12

A shocking secret surfaces at the full moon: September 15

Form a bond with your partner or consult with a professional at or after the new moon: September 29










できるだけ関わらない事が賢明。 このことは関係者一同に永久の傷跡をつけるかもしれません。

9月前半はフィットネスおよび賢明な食事による減量のためにこの1年のまたとない機会となるでしょう。 9月1日〜7日から新プログラムにしてください。

だれかがあなたから隠そうとしたショッキングな秘密はもう、突然あなたの知るところとなるかもしれません。 それは満月の前後4日間に起こるでしょう。





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