

大手町英語倶楽部コミュのAn article report on the paper

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 Scientists find potentially habitable planet.
******* you can find the article on the web.*******

It says Scientists found a planet which has a possibility you can live in.
 It's the planet Gliese 581g.
It's one of planets of a red dwarf star called Gliese 581.

The planet has liquid water and atmosphere.  
You can drink water and take a breath.
The surface gravity is the same or slightly higher than Earth.
And its compositon is rocky, so you can stand on your feet.
Its diameter is about 1.2 to 1.4 times of Earth.
It's bigger, but it doesn't matter.
Its orbital period is 37 days.
You can age easily, so you might be able to live for over 800 years in Gliese time.
But the half of planet side is always facing the red dwarf star.
So the half of globe is always basking and bright.
And, the other side is always dark.
If you go to the planet, which side do you like to live?
Bright side or dark side?
Or everlasting twilight zone?
Then, the scientists says the planet is rather close.
They said that They could find it nearby and quickly.
They says it's only 20 light years.
It means 180 trillion kilometers away from Earth.
Is it CLOSE?
I can't believe it. they must be crazy.
We've never reached Mars even now.
Human being has never done it yet.
I guess human being can't last for long.

By the way, the article doesn't mention about the exist of living things on the planet.
There is a lot of good conditions for living things.
I think they already must be there.
The scientists are planning to immigrate or invade?
it remind me the movie Avater.
Human being is baddie side in the story.
Anyway this article was interesting.

For your information.
A red dwarf star is "赤色矮星" in Japanese.
Its life span is longer than the universe.
It's a smaller star then usual.
So it was named of 'dwarf'.
It's interesting,

That's all.



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