

役に立つ英語表現を覚えよう!コミュの英語日記添削トピ − Write & Review Diaries Vol.4

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英語の四大能力として、「聴く・話す・読む・書く」 の4種類があると言われますが、これらの能力は英語の語彙や文法などの知識を共通の基礎として必要とするものの、『書く能力なら書く事』『話す能力なら話す事』を日々繰り返す事で、徐々に、より流暢に、より誤りが少なくなる性質を持っています。





【英語日記添削トピ − Write & Review Diaries Vol.1】
【英語日記添削トピ − Write & Review Diaries Vol.2】
【英語日記添削トピ − Write & Review Diaries Vol.3】


Here is my diary:

It is that time of year again. Yes, Christmas is just around the corner and I hope Santa Clause is coming to my town this year. To be honest, I'm not expecting any presents from Santa, but what I want to tell him is a sense of unfairness. Do you know why Christmas is just like a day at my office? We as parents do all the work such as buying and wrapping toys for our children but the fat guy with the suit gets all the credit. You know what I mean? Oh, well ... can you believe that we have only a few more weeks until the new year? Did you make any New Year's resolutions in 2011? Have you accomplished anything? Tell us your story. There is always a first time for everything. If you want to improve your English writing skills, you've got to try writing your diary in English and keep practicing it every day until you comprehend your own style of expressions. Someday I want to be able to freely express my feelings in English which is such a beautiful language, so I will keep on trying to improve my skills. How about you?
It's high time I bade farewell to my partner. It was fun, and I really enjoyed both of us.
Yet this entire year was very painful...
The business comes first. I have no problem with it, as far as I am regarded as an active part of his life. Yet he put all the attention to his work. No date, no intimacy, no anything... it seems forever that I was left alone completely.I did not exist in his mind at all.
What I felt so miserable was that he expected me to be happy and wait for him, even though he neglected me.: He did not say I had to wait, but even though so, he expected me to be there for him. If only he asked me if I am okay like this, and asked me to wait a little more, I would have....
Our talk did not go any place, he blames me for not listening to him, and me being so emotional. I wished to be the partner with him with whom I could do things together, not one side decides everything and the other follows no matter what.
Well, I know I am good, I am healthy, I am radiant, and have lot to give and share.
This is not the end of the world.
My 2012 will be wonderful... that I need to believe to get over this mess.
I really had fun and wish him well. Goodbye... xo
It's been only a day, but it feels totally different.
Somehow I was all ready to let him go, I guess.
I made a christmas card today without his photo. I never imagined the day like this would arrive, and it was such a hard decision not to when ordering.
I was trying to find any silly reason to put ours pictures on...
When I got them in two hours, however, it felt so refreshing ぴかぴか(新しい)
that I knew I have made a good start towards the future.夜
My new phone does not have a special ring tone for him any longer.
So it all started to settle down... even a little by a little.
Amazing how so minor findings like these could keep me moving on.
It might most probably be another hard day tomorrow, but I know I could do this.
Tomorrow is another day :)
Dear Jan,

Sorry for my late reply, but I was very active for volunteer work with a local church group and I needed to wrap it up right before Christmas.

Oh, wow! Thank you for sharing your personal life. I know it's a very painful and heartbreaking time you have gone through because I was in a similar situation. In my case, it didn't happen all of a sudden. Well, actually I didn't realize it would become a huge issue when I neglected a few minor problems at the beginning of our arguments. When it became the issue, I thought it was all my fault. I mean I took it very seriously so I went to see a marriage counselor, who suggested me to deal with a small problem that would not have occurred if two of us were not living together, and also I should have taken the only 50% of responsibilities as a spouse. That really helped me to step back for a moment from the situation to see how I could handle it. Everything happened for a reason and I was able to see clearly what I was doing wrong that I wasn't facing the fact but avoiding the issue in a sense. The heartbreaking experience was very tough to deal with ... but if it didn't hurt me so bad, I probably couldn't learn the lesson and I wouldn't be here today.

Anyway, I believe you are now ready to let go the memories with your partner. I can also tell you that once you find a new partner, you will be able to see the past is just a learning process.

Wishing you a very merry Christmas and hoping you have a wonderful time. ビールとっくり(おちょこ付き)ワイングラス手(パー)
Dear Mr. LoveToPaint,

Thank you for your heartfelt comment.

Yes, it is not easy to maintain the relationship.
It is a constant effort, and a good communication.
Sometimes, our concepts on the words are so different:
he says XXXX, and it means AA to me. So I asked him if he meant AA. He said no. I had to ask again for it did mean AA to me. He said no. Then I asked him what would that mean. Then he said YYYY, which meant AA to me again. Then he says no. I ask again, he says ZZZZ, which means AA to me still, but he says NO...

A day to say goodbye, he finally said he meant DDD.
I still do not understand why he could not say that when I was desperately trying to figure out what he really meant.
He said "because you did not ask me"

He knew I was struggling to understand what he meant and how he felt, yet he did not give me the simple answer, but engaged in telling me I was mistaken....

Hard thing to learn.

My heart is still bleeding. but it would pass.
The days are now getting longer, that means new thing is happening.
I need to be ready so I could fly out with the full wind under my wings.
I will take a time now, and rest well.

Merry Christmas and have a wonderful day...クリスマス

Jan ワイングラス

I received severe maral harassment from the boss.
However,the proof proving it has been suppressed at the company side.
For the reason,it has become difficult to file a lowsuit.
Furthermore,it was made to sign compulsorily by the confidentiality contract and I was silenced completely.
And even if the low is on their side,anyone who sues their employer over this kind of issue is fighting an uphill battle.
The thing will spoil my soul and will lose reliance with many friends as a result.
If it was able to speak about all,it will be easy however.
But,what was lost does not return any longer.


I received severe moral harassment from the boss.
However, the proof proving it has been suppressed on the company side.
For this reason, it has become difficult to file a lawsuit.
Furthermore, I was made to sign a confidentiality contract compulsorily and I was silenced completely.
And even if the low is on their side,anyone who sues their employer over this kind of issue is fighting an uphill battle.
The thing will spoil my soul and I will lose the confidence of many friends as a result.
If it was able to speak about everything, it would be easy however.
But,what was lost does not return any longer.










I have had severe moral harassment from my boss in frequent basis.
(I tried to proof the fact); however, my company hid those evidences.
Thus, it becomes difficult for me to sue the company for this matter.
In addition, I was forced to sign on the contract, which prohibits me to go public on this matter.
But, the thing is, if I had chance to sue an employer with persuasive evidence, I would still need to struggle to fight.
This issue spoiled (ate) my soul, and eventually I lost my credibility among many of my friends.
I wish I could speak up and share everything.
But, I can’t have everything back.

I`ve been facing severe form of psychological harassment at my work, particularly from my superior in daily basis. For this reason I`ve been clandestinely collecting evidences, but company unethically took them away. Now, without any concrete evidences, taking the company to the court seems inconceivable. Furthermore, with yet another unethical threats made from the company to myself, they made me sign certain type of contract which favors the corporate if any info goes public. I am now faced with situation where I am in no place to litigate the company in any possible form.
This issue has made me running on fumes. I am now psychologically and physically depleted. My colleagues and friends believe that I have lost my mind.
I wish someone would`ve given me a little benefit of doubt, and listened to me.
Now, I can`t turn back the time nor reclaim it. It is over, and nothing can be done.


It has been 9 years since I guraduated high school.
Now, I work as a shop manager.
It is so busy, but I love this job.

Sometimes I have think about of my future.
I want to go to college.
I want to go somewhere on a working holiday.
But I'm 27 yeas old, I don't want (/can't) quit my job and I have little savings...


An old memory crossed my mind.
It was newspaper advertisement of the univercity in american military base.

Fortunately there is located in my neighboehood.
It takes about half an hour by my car to get there...


First, I have to sutudy english more!












役に立つ英語表現を覚えよう! 更新情報

