


  • mixiチェック
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Round 1: Education
THBT Korean universities should have the right to select their students based on their own standards.
THW require high school students take classes in fine art and music.
THBT single sex schools are more effective than coeducational schools.

Round 2:
THBT governments should exclusively use open source software for all administrative tasks.

Round 3: Sports
THBT all professional sporting leagues should have wage caps for their athletes.
THW allow the use of performance enhancing drugs in sports.
THW require all nations participating in the Olympics to include female athletes in their delegations.

Round 4: Pop Culture and Media
THW censor obscene lyrics in music.
THBT politicians should not be allowed to own media companies.
THBT the Academy Awards do more harm than good.

Round 5:
THB developing nations should nationalize their energy resources.

Round 6: Economics
THW abolish the inheritance tax.
THW abandon regional trading blocs for global, multilateral trade.
THBT China's position as the world's factory does more harm than good.

Octofinals: Law and Order
THW have juries participate in all criminal trials.
THW post information about pedophiles on the Internet.
THB all white collar criminals should serve mandatory jail time.

Quarter Finals & Rookie Semi Finals: Massive Engineering Projects
THW join the race to build the world's tallest building.
THW outlaw the reclamation of coastal wetland areas for development.
THB deep space exploration is a waste of resources.

Semifinals: International Relations
THS the partitioning of countries plagued by ethnic violence.
THB the United Nations should have a standing army.
THW make Jerusalem a UN protectorate.

Grand Final:
THB minority communities brought over during past colonial rule have a right to reparations.



GF: THBT developed countries should punish companies whose sub-contractors use abusive labor practices in the third world

Semis: THW give foreign workers the right to vote in general elections

R5: THBT Marriage should come with an expiry date

R4: THW not allow patients to refuse life-saving medical treatment

R3 motion: THBT all governments should provide low-cost public housing to all their citizens

R2 motion: THW require all social networking sites to have user-elected board members universities

R1: THW privatise all public universitites

Demo Debate 1: THBT financial assistance for the poor is the responsibility of charities, not government.

Demo Debate 2: THBT schools should actively undermine traditional gender stereotypes.|
Philippine National Debate Championship Motions 2011
Round 1 THBT it is legitimate for governments to require their people to be vaccinated against common diseases.

Round 2 THW prohibit universities from preferentially admitting the sons and daughters of their alumni.
Round 3 THBT the US government should not have the power to execute its citizens, who are alleged terrorists, without due process.
Round 4 THW abolish the double jeopardy rule for the previously acquitted.
Round 5 THW abandon Zion.
Round 6 THBT financial institutions should not divulge information that may risk market stability in times of economic crisis.
Round 7 THBT social institutions should recognize and support the nature of children as sexual beings.
Round 8 THR the implementation of development models that place conditions on transfers of financial assistance to the poor.
Octofinals THS national and international bodies that govern the evolution of language.
Quarterfinals THW withdraw from Wall Street.
Semifinals THR the sequestration of refugees in camps.
Grand Finals THBT in the interest of economic and geopolitic stability, the ASEAN should cede Spratlys to China.

Masters Cup (Semis) THW decriminalize murder in defense of animals
Masters Cup (Finals) THW extend legal protection to the ugly.
Union Cup THW remove all state benefits to the married
Axiom 2011, Delhi University, India MOTIONS

Octos :
1. THW prohibit expression that portrays convicted criminals in a
positive light.
2. THBT National sporting teams should reflect the diversity of the
national population.
3. THW not allow Whites to Contest Elections in Africa.

Quarters :

1. THW allow only law enforcement agencies and not private
individuals to own and bear arms.
2.THBT it is legitimate for the State to destroy historical evidence to
curb/avoid social unrest.
3. THBT all products should carry carbon foot-print data on their

Semis :

1. THW grant more votes to the North Eastern States in India (North
Eastern States is the 7 Sisters + Sikkim)
2. THW allow corporations to pay higher salaries to employees who
agree to not have children during the term of employment.
3. THW grant Palestine and other stateless nations representation in
the UN (Representation means the status of a full member, and not an
observer nation)

Finals :

1. THBT Saudi Arabia should prohibit Afghans, Pakistanis and all
citizens of countries with Al Qaeda bases to go to Mecca to perform
their Hajj and/or Umrah as part of the war on terror (Debated)
2. THBT fear should not be used as a means of propagating religion to
3. This House feels that the Catholic Church should waive celibacy
requirements for its priests.
Huber Debates 2011 University of Vermont
1. THBT inmates who hold prison jobs should be paid at least the minimum wage.

2. THBT Spain should end bullfighting.

3. THBT Saudi Arabia should not allow Afghans, Pakistanis or anyone else who have al Qaeda bases in their home country to travel to Mecca to perform the Hajj or Umra.

4. THW only issue transfer payments to individuals who vote.

5. THW pay drug addicts to be sterilized.

6. In countries with high AIDS rates, THW impose mandatory male circumscision.

Quarters: thbt

major fiscal policy decisions should be subject to a referendum

Semis: thbt ordinary police officers should not carry lethal weapons

Finals: thbt black comedians, musicians, and other public figures should not use the n-word.

Novice final: THW spoil the ballots of racist candidates
UCU motion

R1 THBT the USA should stop its military support of Taiwan

R2 THBT the state has a duty to provide free, unlimited and uncensored access to the Internet at every home

R3 THW legalise all forms of hatespeech

R4 THW ststill pronounce a verdict for civil cases which have been settled out of court

R5 THBT each country has a duty to limit population growth

Semi You are the commander of an Israeli submarine in the Persian Gulf. It is the day after Israel was annihilated in a surprise Iranian nuclear attack. THW not use Israel's second strike capabilities

Final THW halt all state-sponsored efforts to integrate immigrants into society
Durham IV 2011

R1 THB the police should not create perp walks.

R2 THW teach boys those aspects of subjects which are thought to be most interesting to them, such as military history.

R3 THW require all newspapers to be constituted as cooperatives, owned and run by journalists.

R4 Insofar as it is cost effective, THBT authorities should routinely gather and access as much information, including private and personal information, that may conceivably be useful in solving or preventing crime, as possible.

R5 THW punish NHS workers who do not blow the whistle on malpractice, corruption or negligence, of which they know, as if they had carried out the act themselves.

Main Break Semi Finals This house would not prosecute people living below the poverty line for purely acquisitive crime.

Novice Final This house believes it is illegitimate for governments to prevent any peaceful protest in public space.

Main Break Final This house believes that the media should not use the phrase 'big society' uncritically.
Guindon Cup Motions 2011
1 - All else being equal, THW prefer a school with a uniform to a
school without a uniform.
2 - TH would compel patent holders to make efforts to bring their
patents to market in order to retain those patents.
3 - THW scale fines to assets
4 - THBT post-communist governments should destroy the files kept on
their citizens by communist-era secret police.
5 - THBT a post-You-Know-Who
(Voldemort) Hogwarts should abandon the House system
Semifinal motion: TH opposes extinguishing protesters who self-immolate.
Novice final motion: THBT the state should actively support the
decision of parents to home-school their children.
Final motion: THW prefer a media that does not speculate on celebrity
mental health issues.
Guindon Cup 2010 Motions
1- TH supports the imposition of publication bans on all criminal trials.
2- THBT China should incentivize the rearing of female children.
3- THBT prison sentences for animal cruelty are unjust.
4- Assuming effectiveness, THBT the EU should use economic sanctions
which target swing states to influence the outcomes of American
5- THW consider the diversity of the community when allocating
subsidized housing.
Semifinal: THBT children born to parents illegally in the country
should not be citizens.
Novice final: THW abolish life sentences without parole. (run as THS
the death penalty over life sentences without parole)
Final: THW prefer a religion that considers humanity inherently good
to a religion that considers humanity inherently flawed.
Hong Kong Debate Open 2011 Motions

Prelim Rounds

1.This house would ban the participation of children in clinical drugs trials
2.This house would abolish the minimum wage
3.This house would ban religious organizations from establishing schools
4.This house support the Occupy Wall Street Movement
5.This houses would ban all approaches that seek to cure homosexuality
6.This house believes that U.S.A should not veto the Palestinian bid for statehood at the United Nations


This house supports the use of drones (remotely operated unmanned armed attack vehicles)


This house believes that companies should be held liable in their home countries for environmental damage in other countries

Semi Finals

This house would ban agencies that broker international marriages

Grand Final

This house regrets the policy of assassinating terrorist leaders instead of bringing them to trials
Cambridge IV 2011
R1: THW allow familes to check members into rehab for drug and alcohol addiction.

R2: THW Ban research universities from developing strong AI.

R3: THW provide the poor with financial incentives to prevent gentrification.

R4: THBT China should make extracting a full apology for Japan's war crimes a top strategic priority.

R5: THBT feminist should not campaign against polygmy in poor countries.

Quarters: THBT the use of conscripted soldiers should be a war crime.

ESL Semis: THW take the children of Amish and put them in care.

Final: THW break up Goolge's search monopoly.
WSDC Capetown 2012 Prepared Motions

•This house believes that newly democratised Arab nations should not allow religious parties to participate in elections

•This house believes that the feminist movement should seek a ban on pornography

•This house believes that developing nations should place limits on internal urban-rural migration

•This house believes that states should enshrine legally actionable socio-economic rights
IDAS 2011 Academy & Tournament Motions

1. THBT it is the states' obligation to finance art.

2. THBT every countries’ educational system should focus on the teaching of English.

3. This House Would Allow Abortion Only In the Case of Both Parents' Consent

4. THBT the European experiment has failed

5. This House Believes the Media in Western Liberal Democracies is Not Independent and Free

6. THW give every citizen a positive and a negative vote at elections

7. THS the implementation of a global ‘Robin Hood' tax

8. TH regrets the non-democratially appointed leaders of Greece and Italy.

9. THBT the EU should condition Serbian membership on recognition of gay rights.

10. This house believes that newly democratised Arab nations should not allow religious parties to participate in elections


1. THBT Greece should go bankrupt. QUARTERS

2. THBT there will be no peace in the Middle East without an independent Palestine. FOUR

3. THBT the media should show the true horror of war. ONE

4. THBT war criminals should be put on trial in their home countries. FIVE

5. This house believes that the feminist movement should seek a ban on pornography. FINALS
6. This house believes that states should guarantee legally enforceable socio-economic rights. SIX
7. TH approves of hacktivism against misbehaving corporations. TWO

8. THW give transnational EU citizenship to the Roma. THREE

9. This house believes that companies should be held liable in their home countries for environmental damage in other countries. SEMIFINALS

Victoria IV

R1: THW ban child beauty pageants
R2: THB Israel should unilaterally preemptively strike Iran
R3: THBT individuals should be required by governments to invest a defined portion of their salary for their retirement
R4: THW forcibly remove the homeless from the streets and place them in mental institutions or rehabilitation
R5: THW consign the European Union to the dustbin of history
R6: TH supports comprehensive parental leave paid for by employers
SF: THW camp out in solidarity with the “Occupy” protestors
GF: THB newly democratised Arab nations should not allow religious parties to run for office
Centrale IV 2011 Motions
R1: THB that parenthood should be by license only
R2: THBT states should actively try to break down internet censorship of foreign regimes
R3: THBT gay professional sportspeople have a duty to come out
R4: THBT the European Union should have direct powers of taxation
R5: THW legalize opium production in Afghanistan
Semi-final: THBT serial marital infidelity should be a bar to seeking high political office
Final: THW partition Belgium

Melbourne Mini 2011 Motions!
R1: THW sell uranium to India.
R2. THBT Facebook should remove pages that joke about rape.
R3. THW take drastic action against Syria.
R4: THW break up companies deemed too big to fail.
R5: THBT marriage licenses should have to be renewed periodically.
R6: THW ban all blood sports involving animals.
SF: THW allow health care professionals to opt out of any stage of abortion, including before & after care.
Final: THBT the US should support Palestinian statehood.
Janki Devi Memorial College 2011 Motions
Octos :
1. THW prohibit expression that portrays convicted criminals in a
positive light.
2. THBT National sporting teams should reflect the diversity of the
national population.
3. THW not allow Whites to Contest Elections in Africa.

Quarters :

1. THW allow only law enforcement agencies and not private
individuals to own and bear arms.
2.THBT it is legitimate for the State to destroy historical evidence to
curb/avoid social unrest.
3. THBT all products should carry carbon foot-print data on their

Semis :

1. THW grant more votes to the North Eastern States in India (North
Eastern States is the 7 Sisters + Sikkim)
2. THW allow corporations to pay higher salaries to employees who
agree to not have children during the term of employment.
3. THW grant Palestine and other stateless nations representation in
the UN (Representation means the status of a full member, and not an
observer nation)

Finals :

1. THBT Saudi Arabia should prohibit Afghans, Pakistanis and all
citizens of countries with Al Qaeda bases to go to Mecca to perform
their Hajj and/or Umrah as part of the war on terror (Debated)
2. THBT fear should not be used as a means of propagating religion to
3. This House feels that the Catholic Church should waive celibacy
requirements for its priests.
Motion ideas from Tuna 12-2011

Animals that can pass a threshold of sentience and intelligence should be given special rights.

THW allow only law enforcement agencies and not private
individuals to own and bear arms.

THW allow corporations to pay higher salaries to employees who
agree to not have children during the term of employment.

THBT fear should not be used as a means of persuading children

THBT if international terrorists cannot be captured and brought to trial then assassination is acceptable.

THW discontinue the use of the 5 cent Euro coin.

THW ban war toys for children.

THS a one-way trip of human settlers to Mars.
English Mace Motions 2011
Round 1: THW allow gifted students to skip years in primary and secondary school
Round 2: THB that all countries should abandon the fight against climate change and should just seek to adapt to its consequences

Round 3: (Pre-released motion) THB that all US primary elections should be held on the same day

Round 4: THB the EU should centrally govern all vital aspects of the economies of heavily indebted eurozone nations

Round 5: THBT single parents in prison should be provided with special treatment to allow them to raise their young children from behind bars

Semi-Final: THB that Pakistan should cease all assistance to the United States in the fight against the Taliban

Grand Final: THW criminalise all forms of racist speech and behaviour, even where it falls short of directly inciting racial hatred or violence
Bucharest Universities Debating Cop 2011
THW register, mark and keep under the strict control of the government all citizens with superpowers

THW grant administrative-teritorial autonomy to the Szekely Land

THBT the gay community and supporters of gay rights should stop supporting the claim for gay marriage

THBT the free-market doesn't make the average person free

and the final motion : THW privatise the police

Rochester December Scrimmage 2011
Rd. 1 – This House Would Mandate equal media coverage of men’s and women’s sports.

Rd. 2 – This House Would allow families to check members into rehab for drug and alcohol addiction.

Rd. 3 – This House Supports a 100% death/inheritance tax.

Public debate - Given the technology, This House Would clone endangered and recently extinct species.

Founders Trophy Indonesia 2011
Motions at the 2011 Founder’ Trophy Debating Tournament held in Indonesia from the 25th to 27th of November and which featured 48 teams.

R1: THW hold Wikileaks and its affiliates criminally liable for espionage

R2: THBT animals should be represented in the Parliament

R3: THBT the feminist movement should not celebrate slut walks

R4: TH supports China’s plan to take over Europe’s debts

R5: THBT UN aid to newly democratized Arab States should be linked to the promotion of secularism

QF: THW require HIV carriers to disclose their condition before marriage

SF: THBT the Palestinian Authority should keep pushing on their UN membership bid proposal

GF: THW let Papuans exercise their right to self-determination
Northeast Asian Open 2011
- R1: The Middle East THBT Israel should preemptively strike against Iranian Nuclear facilities.
-R2: Politics THW allow individuals to sell their votes for financial compensation.
-R3: Economics THW end all fiscal austerity measures and increase government spending.
-R4: Taiwan THBT Taiwanese government should abandon all efforts towards formal independence.
-R5: Ethics THW legalize polygamy.
-Pre QF: Religion THBT equal opportunity legislation should extend to religious institutions.
-QF: Justice THW try the Syrian dictator, Al-Assad.
-SF: International Obligations THBT all countries must ratify binding targets in any international agreement on climate change.
-GF: International Law THBT international law should recognize the right of each state to unilaterally undertake humanitarian intervention.
-EFL SF: Development THBT all government contracts should buy locally manufactured goods and services.
-EFL GF: Environment THW impose a maximum cap on the usage of water
Singapore Debate Open 2011

R1. THW cane children in schools.
R2. THW protect uncontacted tribes from the outside world.
R3. THW compel religiously affiliated organizations to provide birth control coverage under the new US health care laws.
R4. TH Regrets Palestine's full membership in UNESCO
R5. THW completely privatize the public transport system in developing countries
R6. THBT states should provide military assistance to environmental militants
QF. THW actively discredit Orientalism, specifically the western conception of an Asian Identity.
SF. TH should only appoint female generals
GF. THW allow citizens to sue their government for mismanagement of natural disasters.
Pan African Debating Championship 2011 Motions
THW have the African Union take over all peacekeeping duties in Africa
THW introduce the death penalty for high profile cases of public corruption
THW prefer Saif al Islam Gaddafi to stand trial before the ICC as opposed to being tried by the National Transitional Council in Libya
THW ban the payment of bride price
THBT government decisions concerning the environment should be independent of the will of the electorate
THW establish a special tax on high earning sportsmen to fund the development of sport
THW cap family spending on funerals in Africa
THW establish vocational high schools in addition to ordinary academic high schools
THBT African countries should not sell any mineral rights to foreign owned companies or foreign governments
THW forcibly test its citizens for HIV
THW ban political parties that use religious rhetoric in their election campaigns
THW require governments to outsource their police force to private companies
THBT at no stage in their lives do children have any financial obligation to their parents
Full list of motions:
R1: THW abolish use of all offensive drones in military interventions.
R2: THW compel priests to register as sex offenders.
R3: THW ban all experimentation of God particle.
R4: THBT Durban agreement does more harm than good.
Final Motion: THW recognize Palestine as a nation.
WUPID 2011 Motions
R1. TH would abolish permanent membership of the UN Security Council.
R2. With the benefit of hindsight, TH regrets awarding President Barrack Obama the Nobel Peace Prize.
R3. THBT Asia should welcome Chinese Military Expansion.
R4. THBT Malaysia should embrace the right to peaceful assembly.
R5. THBT The peaceful resolution of conflicts in South America must include the international legalization of cocaine.
QF. THBT the UN should insist on focused assassination attempts prior to approving wider military action for regime change.
SF. THBT all whistle blowers from the military should be given amnesty.
GF: THBT unfettered capitalism is the greatest obstacle to world peace.

Beijing Open 2011
R0: THW make the EU (European Union) a single country
R1: THW allow women to participate in front-line combat operations
R2: THBT the children of illegal immigrants should be provided full access to state services
R3: THBT countries should deny foreign companies access to their natural resources
R4: THW ban pornography
R5: THW require companies to publish the salaries of their staff for all employees to access
Half OF: THBT China should seek to become a major participant in the reconstruction of Iraq
QF: THBT academic institutions should provide equal funding for male and female athletics programs
SF: THBT all governments should provide low-cost public housing for all citizens
GF: THW criminalize the failure to provide reasonable aid to people in distress
2011 Asian British Parliamentary Debate Championship hosted by North South University 2011
Motions for the 2011 Asian British Parliamentary Debate Championship hosted by the North South University

R1: THW ban violent sports
R2: TH regrets Myanmar’s appointment as future ASEAN chair
R3: THW abolish gated communities with extensive private security
R4: THW require all media outlets to be organised as cooperatives, owned and run by journalists only
R5: THW not allow countries undertaking military intervention abroad to harvest natural resources while they are there
R6: THBT feminists should campaign for fathers’ right
Pre QF: THW criminalize the refusal to render reasonable assistance to people in distress
QF: THBT states should punish more harshly acts of terrorism committed by own citizens than those committed by citizens of their countries
SF: THW use state education system to actively promote atheism
GF: THBT micro-credit program should stop exclusively targeting women
6th Stamford National Debate Championship 2011

University Category
R1: THW make politicians in health,defence,education or emergency services qualify for office.
R2: THW use military against Somali pirates
R3: THW not prosecute beat-up wives for killing their husbands
R4: THW hold the state liable for injuries or deaths due to being homeless
SF: THW require large online social networks to be controlled democratically by their user
GF: THBT state should pay wages to housewives and house husbands.

Schools Category
R1: THBT for the Wall Street party is over
R2: THBT 1/11 will happen again
R3: TH proposes unified education system for Bangladesh
R4: THBT Harry Potter is ruling Dalim Kumar’s territory
SF: THBT Libya war is not over
GF: THBT women should pay less income tax than men
Prepared motions for the 2012 Indonesian Varsities English Debate

Economics and Politics
THW introduce a financial transaction tax
THW forgive student debt
THBT the government should not treat water as a basic human rights, but rather as a commodity

Modern Society
THW provide free broadband internet services for everyone
THW give tax breaks/credits for those who choose to commit into a covenant marriage
THW require online gaming companies to compensate therapy costs for players who become addicted to MMORPGs

THBT developing countries should embrace reproductive tourism
THBT the Arab Spring has been a disaster for women
THBT the feminist movement should celebrate Disney Princesses

International Issues
THW expand the permanent membership of the UN Security Council
THBT Pakistan should abandon its collaboration with the USA in the War on Terror
THBT the West should push on with its plan to embargo Iranian oil
Empire Debates - King's College NYC 2012
1. THS strong rent control laws

2. This House would homeschool

3. This House believes that the American Revolution was unjustified.

4. This House believes that most people should not go to college.

5. This House would delete its Facebook.

6. This House would end public sex offender registries.

Novice Final: THW not stop Internet privacy.

Semifinals: THS Ron Paul for President of the United States

Finals: A future dept of justice should prosecute Obama admin officials for illegal drone strikes.
WSDC 2012 Motions
Adj Test: THW make voting compulsory
R1: THW ban alcohol {Impromptu}
R2: THBT newly democratised Arab nations should not allow religious parties to participate in elections {Prepared}
R3: THW allow single parents in prison to raise their children behind bars {Impromptu}
R4: THBT developing nations should place limits on internal rural-urban migration {Prepared}
R5: THBT the police should use racial profiling when fighting crime {Impromptu} Defition of racial provided by organizers “the singling out of an individual from a group on the basis of race”
R6: THBT the feminist movement should seek a ban on pornography {Prepared}
R7: THS Child Labour in the Developing World {Impromptu}
R8: THBT states should enshrine legally actionable socio-economic rights {Prepared}
OF: THBT the govt should create special schools that teach in endangered indigenous languages {Impromptu}
QF: THBT Gay rights organizations should out gay public figures {Impromptu}
SF: THS 100% tax on all inherited wealth {Impromptu}
GF: TH regrets South Africa’s decision to use the Truth and Reconciliation Commission rather than prosecuting perpetrators of crimes committed under Apartheid {Prepared}
Reserve: THBT government run broadcasting stations should give airtime to racist political parties {Used between India and Mexico in R5}
5th NUJS Parliamentary Debate 2012, Kolkata
Motions used in 5th NUJS Parliamentary Debate (January 20-22, 2012)

Judge test for internal pool (January 19, 2012)

?THBT it was a bad idea to invite Salman Rushdie to the Jaipur Literature Festival

Judge test for external pool (January 20, 2012)

?THW hold social networking websites liable for offensive content posted by their users

Round 1 ? The dismal science (20/1/2012)

?TH is against private sector participation in the management of pension funds
?THBT devaluation of national currencies is a justifiable tool to boost export earnings
?THBT central monetary institutions should be insulated from executive control

Round 2 ? The faith factor (20/1/2012)

?THW no longer impose the requirement of celibacy for Catholic Priests
?THBT the state should offer financial assistance to interfaith couples
?THBT there is nothing wrong with conversion through inducement

Round 3 ? Sport (20/1/2012)

?THBT violent sports involving animals should be prohibited
?THBT players on national teams should not be contractually prevented from participating in profit-driven professional leagues
?THW establish a special tax on high-earning sportspersons to fund the development of sports

Round 4 ? Beyond Boundaries (Foreign Affairs) [21/1/2012}

?THBT the targeted killings of Iranian nuclear scientists is justified
?THBT national governments should not hire foreign lobbying firms to represent their interests
?THBT there is an obligation to repatriate deposed tyrants back to their home countries

Round 5 ? Gender and Sexuality (21/1/2012)

?THW endorse the Slutwalk campaign
?TH supports the idea of paternity leave
?THBT women in developing countries should embrace reproductive tourism

Round 6 ?Why this Kolaveri Di? (The ‘frustration’ round) [21/1/2012]

?THBT school libraries should not stock the Harry Potter series of books
?THW tolerate nudism in beaches and public pools in India
?THW allow all communities to freely use the n-word

Octa-finals and Novice quarters ? Love thy neighbours, debate their motions (22/1/2012)

?THW not arrest fishermen who cross national maritime boundaries
?THW prosecute the perpetrators of the 1971 conflict in Bangladesh
?THBT armies should not be allowed to operate commercial ventures

Quarter-finals and Novice semis ? People Power (22/1/2012)

?THBT constitutions should not be amended without direct citizen participation
?THBT corporations should not be allowed to make political contributions
?THBT democracies should give full voting rights to their diaspora

Semi-Finals and Novice final ? Blackboard Jungle (22/1/2012)

?THW not include class participation as a component of evaluation for taught courses in colleges
?THBT student feedback should be given weightage in decisions about promotions of faculty members
?THBT professional bodies should not be involved in the regulation of higher education in their respective fields

Final (22/12012)

?THBT the Prime Minister of India should be an elected member of the Lok Sabha
Malang High-School Open Challenge 2012 in Indonesia

1. THW substitute US military base with ASEAN military base
2. THBT Reproduction Health bill is only a society myth
3. TH still distrust government of Myanmar in general election result

Legal & Ethic
1. TH support offensive public service advertisement
2. THBT PETA promotion on animal protection through porn is unethical
3. THBT the distribution of porn content by third-party is liable to be punished

1. TH regret the ratification of Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty (CTBT)
2. THW ratify Rome Statute
3. THBT the candidacy of mass media owner as president is premature

Education & Psychology
1. THW impose mental health institutes to provide Biopsychosocial Model Therapy
2. THBT psychological test as a requirement to enter university backlashes with the idea of education for all
3. THW say 1,7% quota for “special need” kids is not sufficient to accommodate their needs of education
Brawijaya English Tournament 2012 Indonesia

for more information.

1. THW legalize assisting suicide website
2. THW ban arranged marriage
3. THBT affirmative action brings more harm than good

1. THW allow an independent candidate to run for president
2. THBT decentralization has failed
3. TH should give independence to Papua.

1. THBT Asia should welcome Chinese Military Expansion
2. TH regrets Myanmar’s appointment as future ASEAN chair
3. THW have the African Union take over all peacekeeping duties in Africa

1. THBT parents should be responsible toward their children’s crime
2. THW require Children’s consent for parent divorce
3. THBT parental consent should be required for underage pregnant women to have abortions

1. THW ban boxing
2. THW legalize use of performance enhancing drugs in sport
3. THBT hosting Olympic is a good investment
KOMPeK 14 English Debate Competition Indonesia

1.THW privatize all state enterprises
2.THB in green economy
3.THB in government intervention

1.THS the removal of BBM subsidy
2.THW implement a balanced national budget
3.THW put a moratorium on importing fish

1.THBT the government should no longer insure the savings of a bank customer
2.THW create ASEAN Central Bank
3.THB in separation of the monetary and fiscal policy

1.THW limit private foreign investment in telecommunication industry
2.THBT investment grade status brings more harm than good to a country
3.THW issue Euro bonds

1.THW ban the Ministry of Cooperatives and SME
2.THBT socio-entrepreneurship education must be given at school as a compulsory subject
3.THW make CSR compulsory
Cornell IV & Novice Nationals 2012
1. THW ban religious institutions from discriminating against same sex couples in adoption proceedings.

2. THBT crimes perpetrated against police officers should not carry heavier sentences than those against ordinary members of th public

3. THBT all and any race based affirmative action policies should be based on wealth instead.

4. THS Romeo and Juliet laws.

5. THW withdraw government funding from humanities research deemed to have insignificant chance of having any social impact.

6. TH supports the use of the word "apartheid" to describe Israel's treatment of Palestinians.




SEMIFINALS: THW arm Syrian rebels.

THW directly elect the US vice president


THW ban the advertisement of cosmetic products.

THBT civil disobedience is never morally justified in democracies with full suffrage
LSE Open 2012
LSE Open hosted by the London School of Economics. 18 -19 Feb. CA Li Shengwu and Ruth Faller
FINALS MOTION: TH regrets the decline of Marxism in liberal Western democracies

Open Break semi: THBT Western foreign policy should seek to prevent China's acquisition of Africa's natural land and resources

ESL final: THBT national governments should aim to depopulate rather than regenerate areas with few viable economic activities

Quarters THBT the state should systematically use subconscious manipulation to nudge citizens towards good choices

round 5: TH welcomes the advent of extreme genetic enhancements for human beings

round 4 THBT the education system should promote equality of outcomes over equality of opportunities

round 3: THBT western countries should invest primarily in air power rather than ground troops for future military interventions

Round 2: TH regrets the strong social norms in favour of lifelong monogamy

round 1 motion: THW legalise all forms of assisted suicide for mentally sound people

Aghveryan IV 2012, Armenia
Aghveryan IV, Armenia's first parliamentary format debating competition, which took place on Monday, February 6.
The motions used during the competition were the following:

Round 1: THW punish sports teams for the criminal and violent behaviour of their fans.
Round 2: THW ban foreign citizens from adopting Armenian children.
Round 3: THW add a right to internet access to the Armenian constitution.
Round 4: THB that the Armenian media does not adequately represent the views and concerns of Armenian society.
Final: THB that journalism is more effective than political protest in holding governments responsible for their actions.

MAD Mini 2012 Motions
Round 1: Social Round

•That custody hearings should not take into account the biological origin of the child.
•That we should make pre-nuptial agreements a pre-requisite for all marriages.
•That we should use early childhood education to actively undermine traditional gender roles.
Round 2: Criminal Justice Round

•That we should lower the standard of proof in sexual assault trials to be “on the balance of probability” (rather than “beyond reasonable doubt”).
•That we should repeal the statute of limitations.
•That we should make complete and total rehabilitation the only determinant of prisoner release dates.
Round 3: Rights Round

•That the West should adopt a one-child policy.
•That human rights should be considered culturally relative.
•That we should allow all citizens, including the entirely healthy, to access assisted suicide.
Round 4: Military/Security Round

•That countries should be able to prosecute foreign soldiers who commit crimes whilst serving in their jurisdiction.
•We should allow soldiers to sue the government for negligence.
•The ICC should consider the targeting of religious sites during conflict a crime against humanity.
Round 5: Gay Round

•That Glee is good for the gay rights movement.
•That we would not allow those wrongly accused of being gay to sue for defamation.
•That we should allow the creation of GLBTIQ only schools.
Quarter Finals: Democracy Round

•That true democracy would allow its citizens to vote for authoritarianism.
•That we should abolish term limits in established western democracies.
•Assuming intelligence could be perfectly measured: that we should make the power of your vote proportionate to your intelligence.
Semi Finals: Health Round

•That doctors should be allowed to lie in order to create or augment a placebo-effect for their patients when no cure for their illness is available.
•That we should force treatment upon the mentally ill.
•That we should allow religious organisations to pay women who are considering abortion to carry their child to term.
Grand Final: Development Round

•That dictators should NEVER be able to access development loans.
•That the United Nations should tax the profits of all natural resource sales worldwide.
•That post-war reconstruction contracts should be restricted to companies from countries which actively supported the war effort.
Royal Malaysians 2012 Motions
ROYALS 2012:
Round 1: SOCIETY
1. THBT we should not give money to beggars
2. THBT the State should impose a strict curfew on minors
3. THW impose traffic fines based on a percentage of the offender’s income
1. THBT First World Countries Must Accept Environmental Refugees
2. THW recognize animal land rights in development project
3. THBT climate conferences are a waste of time

1. THBT it is time to stop space exploration
2. THW forbid the pursuit of self-learning artificial intelligence
3. THBT intellectual property laws are obsolete in the digital age

1. THW rather support 12 Ramli Burgers stands than one Burger King
2. THW disallow workers in essential sectors from striking
3. THW nationalise all banks

Break Rounds:

Junior Quarterfinals: the MIDDLE EAST
1. THBT the international community should leave Syria alone
2. THW demand the immediate transfer of power from Egypt’s ruling military
council to a civilian authority
3. THW Enforce a nuclear free Middle East

Senior Quarterfinals: IRAN
1. THBT Obama has been “too soft” on Iran
2. THS the European Union’s embargo on Iranian oil
3. THBT the international community should leave Iran alone

Junior Semifinals: “Point and laugh. Or maybe not.” GENDER & SEXUALITY
1. THW no longer recognize being called a homosexual as a valid ground to
sue for defamation
2. THW recognise a 3rd gender
3. THBT in conservative societies, special schools should be set up for
LGBT students

Senior Semifinals: EVERYDAY POLITICS

1. THS the Obama administration’s move that requires insurance companies to
absorb the costs of contraceptive healthcare
2. THBT the Justice and Development Party, not the army, are the biggest
threat to Turkish democracy
3. THW not allow corporations to make political contributions

Junior Grand Finals: Malaysia
1. TH would limit terms of all Members of Parliament to only two terms in

Senior Grand finals: Malaysia
1. THBT serving civil servants and politicians-in-office should not be
awarded honorific titles
2. THW replace moral classes with religious classes for non-Muslims in
public schools
3. THW grant the right to vote only to residing Malaysians
Junior Hong Kong Debate Championship 2012

•R1 (Impromptu): THBT 14 is too young to start dating
•R2 (Prep): THBT teenagers need protecting from violent song lyrics, video games and movies
•R3 (Prep): THBT all products should have a carbon footprint label
•SF/Friendly (Impromptu): THW allow parents to access the social networking sites of their children
•GF: THW ban the use of animals in sport and entertainment

Dutch Schools Debating Championships 2012

R1: THW grant the Roma representation in the European Parliament.
R2: THBT the The British Association for Counselling & Psychotherapy (BACP) should expel therapists who perform gay conversion therapies
GF: THW send children with multiple criminal offenses to re-education camps ran by the military

3rd East Asian Inter-Varsity Invitational English Debate Competition 2012

Round 1: THW trade with oppressive regimes.
Round 2: THBT religiously affiliated institutions such as universities and hospitals should provide insurance plans that cover all costs for medicinal contraceptives for their students and staff.
Round 3: THBT states should sell their territories to foreign entities to fill national coffers.
Round 4: THW bar Saudi Arabia from the London Olympics 2012 unless it allows its female athletes to compete in it.
Round 5: THBT Western liberal democracies should only decide on whether to legalise gay marriages through the process of a referendum.

Grand Final: This House prefers a Constitutional Monarchy to a Republic.

Westlaw NALSAR I.V. 2012 IndiaPrelims

Round 1: THW abolish prison sentences for non-violent crime
Round 2: THBT the U.S. should ban corporations from donating to political campaigns
Round 3: THW launch strikes on Iran’s nuclear facilities
Round 4: THBT countries with high levels of government debt should suspend democratic elections
Round 5: THBT all academic institutions should provide equal funding for male and female athletics programs

Novice Break
Novice Final: THW elect its police chiefs

Main Break

Quarters: THBT governments in the developed world should actively discourage consumerist lifestyles
Semis: THBT women should condemn high-profile female celebrities (like Rihanna) who maintain close relationships w/ abusive partners
Grand Finals: THBT severe inequality justifies violent revolution

US Universities Debating Championship 2012USU 2012



THW legalize multi-partner marriages for both men and women.


THW ban private financing of election campaigns.


TH regrets the Arab Spring


THW abolish prison sentences for all non-violent crimes.


THBT the creation of the Eurozone has done more harm than good.

INFO SLIDE: The Eurozone is a currency union consisting of EU member states who have adopted the Euro as their common currency. Its monetary policy is administered by the European Central Bank.


THBT the West Should cease using attack drones in counter-insurgency operations.



THW lift all sanctions on Iran that target its nuclear program.


TH regrets the declIne of labor unions.


THBT governments should systematically use subconscious manipulation to nudge citizens towards socially desirable choices.

INFOSLIDE: There is growing evidence from behavioral economics that seemingly trivial alterations in the way decisions are presented can substantially affect choices. For instance, printing smiley faces on the electricity bills of low-usage households decreases their future electricity consumption. As another example, consumers presented with a list of financial choices are more likely to choose items placed near the middle of the list.


THBT coming cuts in USA military spending will make the world a better place.

America's Cup Motions 2012AC SEEDING

THW ban military recruitment campaigns targeted at low income groups.


THBT Mexico is failed state.


THBT professional sports franchises should be owned by citizen stockholders.


THW take military action for regime change in Syria.

Heriot-Watt Open 2012 MotionsHeriot-Watt Open 2012 Motions
R1. THW allow corporations to pay higher salaries to employees who agree not to have children

R2. THBT the congressional black caucus should admit non-black members

R3. THW establish as a norm of international law that reparations should not be paid after wars

R4. THW replace income tax with a tax on wealth

Final: THBT the Scottish Government should allow England to vote in the referendum on Scottish Independence

"Info slide for Round 2: The congressional black caucus is a voting block within the US congress, claiming to represent a black voice.
Any black congressman may join, but some Republicans do not; it is dominated by Democrats
It has repeatedly rejected membership applications from non-black congressmen"

2012 ANPS English Debate Competition in IndonesiaPrepared motions for the 2012 ANPS English Debate Competition in Indonesia

THW Ban Cosmetic Advertisement
THW justifies Humanitarian Intervention
THE Ban Public Display of Soviet Symbols in Baltic States
THBT Developing Countries Shouldn’t Support Radical Pro-life Movement
According to their income, THW cap marriage spending in India

Schwarzwald Cup, Freiburg, Germany, March 31-April 1 (translated)Schwarzwald Cup, Freiburg, Germany, March 31-April 1 (translated)

1.R1: THW found one European elite university
2.R2: THW tax meat products (approximation)
3.R3: THW take away the special protection of marriage from the law
4.R4: THW drink more milk.
5.R5: THW oblige all ministeries (state departments) to use only open source software
6.R6: THW shrink/make smaller the Eurozone
7.Final: THW save Schlecker (a drugstore chain that is bankrupt)

Dutch Open, the Netherlands, March 30-31Dutch Open, the Netherlands, March 30-31
1.R1: THW forcibly relocate indigenous peoples where their presence prevents the extraction of valuable resources
2.R2:THB that sex education classes should include sexual fetishes with the aim of normalising them.
3.R3: THW not allow pre-nuptial agreements
4.R4: THB that developing countries should disregard intellectual property rights on life saving/preserving medicine
5.R5: This House Would covertly fabricate evidence that politicians who promote demonisation or criminalisation of homosexuality are gay (approximation)
6.Novice final: THW make the punishment for crimes of theft inversely proportional to the wealth of the victim (approximation)
7.Semi: THW create country quotas for the acceptance of refugees and allow for trade of these obligations
8.Final: THW create a Supreme Court to protect future generations from current lawmakers
Bangladesh National Debate Competition 2012Prepared motions for the 2012 National Debate Competition in Bangladesh. The competition features a total of 5 preliminary rounds followed by quarter, semi and grand finals.

Market role on environment
1. THW introduce trash tax
2. THBT private companies should offer micro credit scheme for Africans to install solar panels on their houses
3. THW oblige extraction companies to invest in renewable energy

Global Environment
1. THBT the international community should create a treaty giving jurisdiction to any signatory to investigate, prosecute, and punish major crimes against the environment wherever committed
2. THBT EU Emission Trading System is not a reliable means to fight against climate change
3. THW make commitment in Rio+20 (Kyoto Protocol) a pre-requisite for (continuation of) WTO membership

1. TH supports Eurobond to solve EU debt crisis
2. In times of crisis, THBT protectionism is the way to go
3. THBT during crisis, it’s justified to limit/censor news that put negative sentiments on the economy

Portland State Nats Warm Up 2012
Daniel AdlerThank you all for coming to PSU's nats warm up. Congrats to Humboldt, Northwest and the Seattle/PSU hybrid for a great final round. Here is a list of the motions:
R1: THB that the Supreme Court should allow television cameras into the courtroom
R2: THB that Europeans should not intervene in African conflicts
R3: THW allow the regulated sale of drugs at outdoor music venues
R4: THB that the world can learn to live with a nuclear armed Iran
R5: THW hold sports franchises financially responsible for the damages done by their fans

Sems: THB that colleges and universities should be held financially responsible for students that default on their education loans

Finals: THW prefer Chinese hegemony to American hegemony.

April Fools Motions:

THB that the Pope should convert to Islam
THW mandate that every American citizen should purchase broccoli

Colgate IV 2012COLGATE IV 2012 MOTIONS

ROUND ONE: THW, as the USA, ban negative political advertisements.

ROUND TWO: THW allocate public housing in order to create racially diverse housing projects.

ROUND THREE: THW, if it could be proven to have a substantial deterrent effect, use the death penalty to punish serious crimes.

ROUND FOUR: THW ban all depictions of the prophet Mohammed.

ROUND FIVE: THW establish state funded schools which exclusively admit LGBTQ students who choose to attend.

QUARTERFINALS: THW, even if it had no effect on the total amount of tax revenue raised, substantially increse txes on the wealthy.

SEMI: THW determine the extent of abortion rights by holding popular referenda in which women and only women and entitled to participate.

FINALS: THBT countries that are approaching economic disaster should suspend democratic elections and appoint a government of experts.



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