

心のヨガ in Englishコミュの11/16 ヨガin English のまとめ

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Today we talked about the three levels of imagination and the rising of the kundalini.

1) Three levels of imagination are:

a) Imagination - close our eyes and try to picture the object clearly

b) Inspiration - close our eyes and try to feel the object which is not in front of us. For example, if its a flower - we can smell it and if its a flame from a candle - we can feel the heat.

c) Intuition - close our eyes and we are able to meet the creature in the flower or the flame. Every being has a soul, even stones, plants and a tree. There is knowledge to be gained by being in touch with these beings.

Above activities enable us to control our emotions, energies and astral experiences.

2) Issue of channeling:

a) Some people use mediums or spirits to gain knowledge about the spiritual world and the souls which lie in each object.

b) We are being dependent to the medium or spirit. Spine can have problems in the future since our body is being used as a housing.

c) We need to figure these spiritual knowledge on our own.

3) Kundalini

a) Transmutation of the sexual energy causes the kundalini to rise. In other words, the sexual liquids must be heated up just like water is boiled until it turns into vapour.

b) Massage sexual organs and prostate area to increase erection.

c) Maintain the erection and do not ejaculate.

d) Inhale and visualize the kundalini rising up your spine.

e) Above procedure should be performed with a loving partner. If without a partner, it can be done alone as well.



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