

心のヨガ in Englishコミュの10/9 ヨガin English のまとめ

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Today we talked about "Observation"

What is Life to you?
To most people it is to "know" or "experience" much as possible. So what do we know or experience?

There are two worlds that affect us:

a)Inside world - consising of ideas, emotions, reactions
b)Outside world - consisting of relationships, situations(work, family, friends, etc.)

Rudy says "By only observation, can we come to know" He basically means only by observation can we know much as possible about the inside/outside worlds. Therefore, life is much more fulfilling if we can know/experience more.

When we use observation, usually our attention is divided into three parts:

"S"(subject) - the ego, ideas, thoughts, emotions, reactions, plans etc.
"O"(object) - person, table, wall, somebody else's idea, car etc.
"L"(location) - place, where you are

(Will abbreviate the above three terms as S, O, and L from hereon)

Attention is energy, which is inturn "you". No energy means you have no attention and vice versa. When observing, you need to be highly attentive. However, thoughts that come into our minds often creates a block against our attentiveness.

So, basically Rudy says "You cannot think when you are observing. If you think, you are not observing When you don't think, there is silence and peace of mind."

The most important observation is the S. The O & L are secondary. For example, when watching a sad movie (O), most of the time the viewer gets touched as well, and in some cases cry(S) with the charactors(actors). Although we maybe observing a movie at home(L) or in a theater(L), during that time we are not observing the S. This is why we react when we don't observe the ego closely. The ego takes control of us and makes us cry.

Obviously, the O & L are important at our work place and our homes. We need to know what is happening around us, so we can be efficient and safe. Good observation leads to a good memory almost as photographic. Our memory becomes more and more like a file server with an infinite capacity. The five senses become stronger if we put more attention and greater focus to it.

Some may ask what is the difference between looking and observing? Looking is very passive, our attention is not there 100%. Maybe we are only 50% attentive. Whereas, observing is more active and we know what is happeining to the S, O & L.

As we practice observation, we will realize that observation helps to allow us to catch the ego (S) as it moves around our body and speaks to us. The awakening of our 3rd eye occurs and we get closer to enlightenment. Also, we become more conscious of our dreams(O) and are able to realize that we are in the astral dimension (L).



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