

pdfX12+photojournalismコミュのTriennial Festival of Photography Backlight 2008 作品応募受付中

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欧州連合(EU)の基金で運営されているプロジェクトTriennial Festival of Photography Backlight 2008http://www.backlight.fiが現在作品募集をしています。
フィンランドのThe Centre Nykyaikahttp://www.backlight.fi/uk/ukindex.htmによって運営されるフェスティバルで多様な芸術的手法によるドキュメンタリー写真を主体にした内容で構成される様です。



General Information on Backlight 2008:

Backlight 2008 is an International Photography Triennial Festival based in Tampere, Finland. It is rooted in documentary photography and open to different artistic approaches. The 8th edition of the Festival promotes intercultural dialogue by focusing on revealing the hidden, the veiled, the lost and forgotten. The Festival will consist of exhibitions, a symposium with lectures, workshops, guided tours, a residence program, portfolio review and publications.

The title of Backlight 2008 is:

Tickle Attack

Tickle Attack is about Humor, Laughter, Irony, Paradox and Absurd. Artists should submit photography-based projects that express and reflect different artistic perspectives and interpretations through various cultural backgrounds.

For further information please read the curators' statements

The International Call for Artists is focused on photography, but it also accepts photography-based projects that are combined with other media.

Exhibition concept: To promote intercultural dialogue, Backlight 2008 will organize one main exhibition that will be divided and shared by organizer and co-organizers. Selected artworks will be displayed in different venues throughout Europe (Florence, Lodz, Oulu, Tampere, Wolkersdorf) based on the curators' decision and according to the thematic concept.

The exhibition will be presented in September 2008 and streamed via Internet in order to give the audience access to the entire content.

The whole exhibition will also be presented at Lodz Photo Festival in May 2009.

If the artist states that the body of work is separable, different pictures may be displayed in more than one venue. Organizer, co-organizers and partners will choose the number of pictures to exhibit.

Single projects (chosen by the jury) may also be selected for additional presentations by Backlight 2008 partners: City of Dudelange & Cafe Crème, Luxemburg; Galleri Image, Aarhus, Denmark; Goethe Institut, Helsinki, Finland; Kaunas Photo, Kaunas, Lithuania; Kunstihoone, Tallin, Estonia; Langhans Galerie, Prague, Czech Republic; National Centre of Photography, St.Petersburg, Russia; Kotka Photographic Centre, Kotka, Finland.

Corporate Identity: All presentations will be clearly labeled as Backlight 2008.

Loan period of artwork: All artwork must be available for one year, from 01.08.2008 until 31.07.2009.

Security of artwork: Organizers are responsible for all security aspects related to transportation, handling and presentation of the artwork. Artists are responsible for packing their artworks safely.

Copyright: The artist agrees that selected artwork may be used for PR purposes.

Deadline: 31.01.2008 - Applications must be in Tampere by that day.

Artists will receive confirmation of the artwork's arrival as soon as possible.

Award: € 5.000 will be awarded to the project that hits the theme in a most convincing way.

* Deadline for submissions 31.01.2008
* Jury decision latest 15.04.2008
* Press material must be available latest 31.05.2008
* Artwork must be ready for transportation 01.08.2008
* Vernissage of European exhibition September 2008 (see details)
* Closing of European exhibition November 2008 (see details)
* European exhibition in Lodz 01.05.2009
* Closing of European exhibition in Lodz 31.05.2009

Additional Presentations:
* Period One: 01.12.2008 - 15.04.2009
* Period Two (Single projects only): 12.06.2009 - 26.07.2009
* Return of Artwork 31.07.2009

Insurance: Selected artwork will be insured from nail to nail.

Important: Only reproduction costs will be covered by insurance.

Transportation: Transportation will be organized and paid by Backlight 2008.

Packing: Artists are responsible for packing their artwork safely and adequately.

Production Costs: Backlight 2008 will not cover production costs.

Publications: Artwork will be visible on printed material and on the Internet.

Symposium and Residence: A number of artists will be invited for the symposium and/or for the residence program. Invitations are based on experience and expertise as evidenced by the portfolio and the CV.

Personal Invitations: Artists are welcome at Backlight 2008's vernissages, however travel and accommodation costs will not be covered in general.

Handling of submission: no general return policy for portfolios.

In the application the artist must choose one of these options for handling portfolios after the jury decision:

1. Portfolio will be stored in Backlight's archive for research and documentation. Artist will be informed if material will be used.
2. Portfolio will be destroyed.
3. Portfolio will be sent back if the artist encloses a self addressed envelope and a mailing bonus.

Application and required documentation must be sent to:

Photographic Centre Nykyaika


Väinö Linnan Aukio 13-15

FIN 33210 Tampere

Link to pdf application form

Link to doc application form

For printing, download call advice in pdf or in doc



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