

Sara Bareillesコミュの他アーティストより応援メッセージ

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Hello Friends in Japan:

It doesn't sound as though things are getting easier over there. We're all thinking about you.

I've spoken to some other musicians over here who have toured a lot there, have friends, fans etc. We all want to stay in touch and lend an ear, send letters etc. through mixi.

We cannot get an account from overseas but we will have our notes to Japan translated and posted on this existing mixi community forum.

Hayley Williams of Paramore, Kate Perry, Jamie Cullum, Shawn Stockman of Boyz II Men, Sara Bareilles and I will be available at that address and will read all your responses.

We understand that there are many power outages, people out of reach, missing and so on. If it helps cheer up for just a moment, we're here and we'll be spreading the appropriate ways to donate immediately for aid and relief.

I imagine its feeling like an eternity by now. Hoping you get through this soon.









To friends, fans, and extended family in Japan,

I am in total and complete love with your country. I've said it a million times but it is still my favorite place in the world. When the news came about the earthquake and then everything after that, it broke my heart in half. Ben reached out to me with this opportunity and I'm so happy I could write straight to you.

Every single day since all of this started I have thought of you. I've been hoping and praying so hard for you as a country and for your families and your homes, and for any loss you are suffering. I can't pretend to know what it's like and I feel helpless that I can't be there doing something to help with my bare hands. What I can say is that we are on your side. And I believe in you so much.

I'm so eager to really help in whatever ways possible. Paramore will be holding an online sale and donating all the proceeds to an organization for relief in Japan. We haven't chosen one yet but will be researching some great ones. If there are any in particular that would be best, let us know. Also, if there are any organizations targeted towards the youth of Japan, I would really like to help young people in need, so please let us know.

Before I go, thank you to anyone in Japan who's given Paramore even a second of their time. It's because of you that we have been there and experienced Japan in real life. Now I'm just waiting to come back there and to support you the way you have supported us.

Carrying you in my heart every day.



アルバム「20 somthing」を出した時、プロモーションをするのについに日本を訪れる事ができた。広島から東京まで行ったけど、日本は大学時代に夢見ていた国そのものだった。いっぱい食べた。パーティした。服を買った。いろいろ学んだ。スパに行った。温泉に行った。すごく喜んでくれる観客の前で演奏した。レコードも買った。友達を作った。何人かのかわいい女の子達にキスしたりもした。その後何回も日本に行ったけど、仕事以外の事もできるようにいつでも長めに滞在した。日本は独特で大切な魂を持った、僕にとって特別な場所となった。




To my friends in Japan,

My love affair with Japan started at University whilst studying film. Quite by chance I ended up taking a course on Japanese cinema mainly because everyone seemed more interested in the module entitled "Modern American Cinema". I discovered the works of Ozu, Mizoguchi, Kurosawa and later works from Beat Takeshi. I was hooked, not only by the images, the singular narratives and style but also by the culture of this distant land that I longed to visit. I wanted to live Tampopo and I wanted a real Ramen.

I finally visited on my first promotional trip for my album 20Something and from Hiroshima to Tokyo, Japan lived up to my university day dreams. I ate, I partied, I shopped for clothes, I learned, I spa'd, I hotspringed, I played music to the most appreciative of audiences, I shopped for records, I made friends, I kissed a couple of pretty girls. I have returned countless times and I always stay longer so I can spend some time there outside of my work commitments. This is a place with a unique and precious soul that has become so special to me.

I have watched events unfold in Japan with a profound sadness, as buildings and homes crumble, lives are lost and many face an uncertain future. I send to you all, however you've been affected, all the love and support I can muster and pray for a swift recovery. It has been said by many but it is true - if there is a place on earth that can, it's right where you all are.

I long to see you all soon and toast better times,

Your fan,

With love,

Jamie Cullum






To fans and people in Japan:

Wow, what a horrible week. Doesn't it have to get better soon?
Please feel free to write. I'll certainly read it all and send notes and
thoughts... for what that's worth. And while you're in your emergency state
we can hopefully raise as much money as possible to help.
None of it seems like enough, but of course everyone chips in and tries to
dig our neighbors out. I'm sure that anyone who is able to read things on
the internet is feeling relatively safe, and also helpless because you know
people who are in trouble. I continue to communicate in case it takes
anyone's mind off of things.

I have no word on our concert tour of Japan yet and I'm obviously hoping
that we don't get canceled. But even if we do, we will schedule it again as
soon as possible. I'm hoping for the best.
Usually, if a concert is postponed for weather conditions or tragedy it is
because it is determined that many who purchased tickets cannot attend the
scheduled date. So its not fair for those who cannot find a way to see the
concert they already paid for and it is always for the sake of those people
when a concert is postponed.
Postponing concerts always disappoints the fans who could have come, but we
all will try to do the best for everyone. I'm hoping like hell that you're
back to normal soon, just for your sake.
Again, I have no reason to believe that we are postponed yet. It is too
soon to tell and there is a lot of recovery to happen in Japan.

Meanwhile, keep in touch. Let me know if there is anything I can do, word
I can spread, or letter that I can try to get into the hands of someone you
need to speak to.

Our friend Sakura and some others have translated notes, thank you! And I
have sent some notes from fans to Jamie Cullum and Hayley (Paramore).
Hanson put on a 12 hour internet broadcast yesterday and raised 100,000 US
dollars for relief. You would have been moved to have seen how hard those
people worked and even they don't think it was enough - they just want to see
everyone okay in Japan.

Your friend,






To my inspiring fans, friends and the great people of Japan,

I join the chorus of voices who have shared their grief over what has happened. Your country is one that I had dreamed of visiting since I was very young and through the music I have been lucky enough to share with you, and the ever growing group of friends and supporters I feel honored to call mine, it has been a place of truly wonderful moments that live forever in my heart. As I watch this place cope with the ongoing trials of this unfathomable tragedy, I can only show all the support I can from a painfully long way away. I write this to tell you I am thinking of you and sending so much love. I'm also writing this to pledge that I, along with so many other friends and colleagues, will do everything I can to spread the word about how to help so we can truly do all we can.

To end on a hopeful note, I just returned from Tokyo only one month ago. It was one of the most fun experiences I have had performing live and it was amazing to reconnect with all of you who have been there for my whole career. I promised then as I do now, that I will be back very soon. What is happening around Japan now to rebuild and reconnect as a nation only serves as an even greater calling to come back soon, not to mourn as we should now, but to celebrate the future and the wonderful connection music allows us to have with each other.

In my thoughts every day until we meet again,

Josh Groban




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