

TEEコミュの2nd Studio Album 「Trans-Europe Expression」

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2012.1.6 2nd Studio Album 「Trans-Europe Expression」MUSEA RECORDSより、リリースです!



Aural Moon(インターネットラジオ)にアップされました。

Rate Your Musicというサイトで早くもレビューを書いてくれた方がいました。

Japanese instrumental prog rockers TEE return with their second studio release Trans Europe Expression. How about that wonderful picture of France on the album cover? TEE is an instrumental band where the flute more often than not takes the lead. RYM's very own francofrehley is the band's manager as well as the guitarist. I notice he has not been on RYM as of late. I would presume he has been hard at work on Trans Europe Expression and hasn't had time for RYM. Well the hard work has paid off as I like Trans Europe Expression quite a bit more than the band's first studio release The Earth Explorer.

TEE has taken their music in a little bit different direction. The flute continues to be the lead instrument, but is not as noticeable like it was on the last album. I think this is because the overall sound of the flute is smoother and less shrill. This works well with the bands smoother and overall more atmospheric sound. While I am not ready to call the music neo-prog especially with the flute lead, the songs definitely have hints of neo prog. Even the jazz/fusion influenced music found on Trans Europe Expression is smoother and flows better than what we heard on the last full length album. While there is definitely more atmosphere to the songs, there are many more softer moments to the songs than what we heard on the last album and these moments are better than anything I heard on the last album.

Although I can't tell Trans Europe Expression is a concept album, according to the band's website 4 of the 6 songs depict scenes they encountered while touring in 2010. I am very glad the scenes inspired the band to write these interesting prog rock songs. It is hard to make instrumental prog rock songs interesting for me and TEE has done a fine job.

I can say definitively it's the best music I ever heard with the phrase Trans Europe Express in the album title.

I really like the flute, played cleanly without a nod to Ian Anderson at all. Nice and rocking, progging. Wicked-good guitar. Dig dig dig.

Record of the year! Oh. Yeah. Right. But it is. For me. So far. Been a rough 12 days.

Will look more. Fuckin' crazy Japs.

Japan, at least when concerning music, is like the epitome of awesome. TEE is definitely not upper-tier, but it's still such a fantastic record. They play some instrumental progressive rock with heavy emphasis on jazzy structures and the flute. The latter is probably the instrument standing out the most and it's put to great use. The songs are slow, calm and relaxing, and TEE still manage to keep you interested.

Favourites: Stromboli, Flying Roses

THE EARTH EXPLORER and great symphonic prog-expressions

The album opens with 'Stromboli', a very drawn to the lines of PFM and CAMEL, combining the colorful pristine melodic structures with well-managed lively rhythmic structure in 7/8. The flute feels rectify seated in its prime location within the block instrument, which does not prevent the guitar sometimes assume a leading role in strategic moments. The outgoing aura of this issue is its complement input to the reflective spirit that prevails in the second, 'Rhodanus (River To The Ocean) ": the piece itself is not languid, which contains several passages full of expressive force, and in fact, the guitar has a more crucial, but it is clear that the wording of the main reasons is meditative. The essential style remains untouchable, appealing frontally poignant lyricism and other Japanese bands once practiced as MR. SIRIUS, and MUGEN PAGEANT: The final passage of piano and flute seems almost a tribute to that history. 'Intersection', the third topic, delves into the nuances more extrovert of the band, making the colorful and illustrated above in 'Stromboli' lies within the most enthusiastic, even using jazz-rock rhythms in the rhythm, which achieved a strong twinning symphonic jazz-prog, anything away from the standard of the heroic veterans of KENSO (stage of the albums "II" and "III"). Notably, the brief presence of female humming a passage between. 'Flying Roses' may well be described as a synthetic view of what has been happening on the disk until now: it starts with a melancholy occasion METER 5/4, then moves to a section naturally led pastoral drawings and flourishes the flute, and then pleased to explore, once again, halos outgoing expressiveness. The piece is finished off perfectly with an exhibition-style warmth with some piping Focusianos Cameliano: it is in this sense that the group sets confluences with other symphonic bands of recent activation and Cicco and Sanhedrin. 'Gordes', the theme throughout the album with 11 ½ minutes long, begins with a prelude that holds a solemn attitude ceremony held primarily by the base of the piano, while the flute and guitar are organizing their own spaces within the current sonic architecture. While advancing the establishment of ambitious central body, the vibration is rising ceremoniously, becoming inspired UK epic levels and YES. The last 6 minutes of the album is occupied by 'Endeavour', a piece that is put in charge of maintaining the momentum of ceremonial pomp. Incorporating some effect in some intermediate passages, the piece warrants some needed energy in the midst of the solemnity prevailed, thus completing an authentic finishing touch to the album.

"Trans Europe Expression" is a really great album, an example of how the old symphonic prog standards can still nostalgic survival entrust their hands and minds of musicians taken over tremendous amount of creativity and energy composition. THE EARTH EXPLORER (TEE to his friends) is a band to discover, a pending task and must for diehard fans of the genre irreducible progressive.

Nominated for Best Album manticorniana abroad.

The 2nd official album of study of the Japanese TEE is a treat for both the follower of the merger in its full expression to the jazz fan for progressive rock in general.

Kenji Imai (flute), Ryuji Yonekura (keyboards), Takayuki ASADA (drums), Yukio IIGAHAMA (bass) and Katsumi YONEDA (guitar), five musicians that are influenced by the sounds Japanese, but by Europeans. This is one of the defining characteristics, though not original while it seems that Japanese groups love to make your replica of European styles. What really defines this group is replacing voice recorder, which gives the music a sweet sound TEE superimposed on the melting cadences of the group, as such, is drawn from a rhythmic character. Keyboards are an important part in defining the progressive rock sound, and guitar, strangely, is used more as a support and as a garnish, but it would still have an important role in the musical arrangements, but that gives the album roughness of the rhythm genre.

Another thing that identifies TEE is its warmth, an issue that also differs from other Japanese acts who play with such precision that it seems music played by robots. There are musical ecumenism, passionate idea and execution (most common aspect in jazz than in other contemporary genres), what makes this album a treat to the ears.

The exuberant fantasy "Stromboli" open "Trans Europe Expression," a new work of this Japanese team dedicated to a progressive-rock instrumental gaze more than interested in the great European season of the seventies. The above "Stromboli", say, certainly has very deep debt with Jethro Tull, not only for the large space occupied by Kenji Imai flute, but also for the touch of hard-rock guitar Katsumi Yoneda.

Leading instrument, the flute dominates the landscape more relaxed, with echoes of Camel, of "Rhodanus (River To The Ocean)", where the gentle swell of keyboards give depth dream. The interplay becomes more vibrant, however, in "Intersection", enhanced by an angelic female voice track, perfect to highlight all the mastery of the various executive instrumentalists. Although no numbers really above the average, the disc is not particularly tired moments, proceeding in the wake of a reinterpretation / discount of styles and sounds that you leave, further, can appreciate a good dance along the trajectories of the radiant "Flying Roses" and the longest and most complex "Gordes" (which alternates martial solemn and engaging instrumental leakage).
Fans of progressive "classic", in other words, will strike!
Garden Shedのネットショップ評です。

World Disqueのネットショップにアップされました。

元Interpose+の米倉竜司(kbd)が結成した、フルート・フロントの5人組(kbd,fl/リコーダ―,dr,b,g)インスト・シンフォニック・ロック・バンド、TEEの「The Earth Explorer」('09)に続く2ndフル。流麗なフルートを押し出したメロディアスなサウンドは、クリムゾン、バンコ、キャメルなどを思わせるもので、より技巧的な切り返しが効いたものになっています。泣きのギターやメロトロン音kbdも活かした、ジャパニーズ・プログレッシヴ・リスナーのみならず注目の傑作!


 自らのバンドネーミングとリンクした作品タイトル…前作の『The Earth Explorer』から『Trans-Europe Expression』へと変遷を辿った経緯を物語るかの様な3年振りの新譜に当たる2作目は、前作での経験と2年前のフランス公演での実績を踏まえた上での更なる自己進化(深化)を遂げた極上の調べと趣が存分に堪能出来る。
TenForward Music Blogというサイトで紹介していただきました。


2012年作の 2nd アルバム.


相変わらず美しいメロディが印象的で曲が本当に良いですね.フルート入りということではスペインの Gotic とかハンガリーの Solaris 辺りとか,全体的な雰囲気としても PFM などのようにフュージョン色の少しあるシンフォニックロックに近いものを感じます.キーボードが時折ドラマチックで美しいアクセントを添えるような音を出してとても印象的で,Locanda Delle Fate 辺りのような美しさを感じます.

このようにバンドの名前の通りのヨーロッパのシンフォ的な雰囲気を感じるのですが,フルートの音色とメロディは Solaris のようにこってりせず,かといってGoticよりはもう少し叙情的で,初期 Kenso 辺りに感じる日本の叙情的な彩りを感じ,ぐっとヨーロッパから日本へ音を引き戻す感じがします.

ギターも少しインテリジェンス漂うような,Solaris よりは控え目な泣きのメロディという感じで,その辺りも少し日本的な叙情的な味わいに近づける要素な気がします.



TEE - Trans-Europe Expression. 2012 Musea (France)

So it appears TEE is going to be an acronym that remains fluid. For their debut album, they were known as The Earth Explorer. And now it is Trans-Europe Expression. Perhaps The Egg Enema won't be far behind...

Let me take you back 20 years to 1992. At that time, much was made of Änglagård bringing progressive rock back to its original splendor. Their appearance at the first Progressive Rock Festival in 1993 only solidified the legend. And I wholeheartedly agree with all the enthusiasm laid at the feet of this great Swedish band (and will we see a new album in 2012? Everyone awaits).

However, for myself and a few others, there was another album that had as much impact, but is not as well remembered. Two years prior to Änglagård, a band from Hungary released their second album: The mighty 2 LP opus "1990" by Solaris. It was a jaw dropper, a truly complex progressive rock album, with outstanding keyboards, guitars and flute. Perhaps it's only downfall for the revisionists is its lack of 1970s vintage analog equipment. And while I too would have enjoyed that, it has zero impact on my enjoyment of that amazing album.

TEE "Trans-Europe Expression" is the second coming of Solaris' "1990".

This is a magnificent work, with some of the most melodic flute and guitar driven progressive rock I've heard in over 20 years. I find music like this irresistible. Check out the clip below.

Love the European hill town photograph artwork as well.

Like their name, it also appears TEE will also reflect on a different Euro Rock band to emulate. The Earth Explorer seemed to blueprint Asia Minor's two albums as inspiration. I'm most curious what will come next from this excellent new band from Japan.

Perched on a hill, between Provence and the Cote d'Azur in two steps from Avignon, Gordes stands motionless and eternal, with its precious artistic and architectural heritage. The cover image chosen by TEE for this their second studio work is precisely to this beautiful village in France. The choice is clearly the love of the Group for Europe and the sounds of the period prog settantiano, recognizable in every corner of the groove of this record, eloquently entitled "Trans Europe Expression".
The formula proposed by TEE is always that of instrumental prog, based on the flute Kenji Imai, dominating, yes, but not taking up space and visibility to other talented musicians. We speak mainly of symphonic prog-style, but with interesting longings jazz, folk and new prog, for these variants will specify in more detail later. The tracks you develop with rapid and continuous changes, chases and shooting, leaving intact the smoothness of the subjects, often very melodic. The effect of overall smoothness is maintained primarily through themes and melodies from perfect writing, so that even when times get even (often) and the concept becomes more complex music, everything is amalgamated, leaving intact the scorrevolissima harmony. This meticulous research comes to achieving the goal perfectly, without ever getting into cold calculation or sterile grandiloquence.
You are the tracks that make up the work, very consistent success. From the initial quote absolutely nervous and "Stromboli", played on the flute remarkable polyrhythms over which rolls without stopping and without uttering a note too. In his twirling, flute, is now with the twin guitar Katsumi Yoneda, now with the monophonic synth Ryuji Yonekura, in a tournament supported by complex rhythmic work of Takayuki Asada Yukio Iigahama on drums and bass.
Beautiful and very unique in its development is "Intersection", variatamente woven themes from symphonic, jazz and folk canterburyano, with a bell'utilizzo keyboards, guitar solo with airy, new-style prog and vocal interludes that recall vaguely to Hatfield and the North and certain Camel. More typically symphonic "Rhodanus - (River to the Ocean)" and "Gordes", especially the second, also thanks to its longer duration, both as a construct, both for the greater contribution harpsichord.
Having to pull out elements of inspiration is worth mentioning the Camel, Shingetzu countrymen, Outer Limits, Ain Soph and Vermillion Sands, the IQ for some guitar solos, PFM, and certainly some points of the French symphonic prog reminiscent Atoll and Pulsar . Gilmouriana some influence for the guitarist I think is undeniable, especially in parts arpeggiated.
In conclusion we can say that the style of this band is resolved in a very pleasant listening, do not yell at any miracle or new sound, but tutt'intero a hard, smooth and so delicious, you certainly appreciate, promote full support.
イタリアのサイトProg AwardsのBest Foreign Record 2012にTrans-Europe Expressionがノミネートされました。

現在発売中のユーロ・ロック・プレス Vol.53にレビューが載りました。


Tee (The Earth Explorer) - Trans Europe Expression (2012)
This album arrived into my world like the sun from the east !!!

This is the second studio album from this Japanese band. A previous cover band who did covers of all the English bands. They may still do it as The Watch is doing these days. I don't know. But they have branched out into doing their own material too. This album, with a brilliant cover art work, is the end result. A result as flowery as both their band name and the album title.

The music is an instrumental mix of Japanese rock, sympho prog, Canterbury, folk rock, eclectic prog and jazz. The flute is the main solo instrument. The guitars, both half-acoustic and electric, is also very much alive here. Some brilliant solos, they offers up too. There are also a lot of mellotrons and moog here too. An excellent addition to this mix. Piano is also plentyfull here. The band adds Japanese flavours by adding some female vocals as sound effects. The drums and bass is also very much alive here.

Most instrumental albums lacks teeth and textures. But this is not the case here. The music is very dynamic and full of intricate details. They have even found space for some great melodies too. The result is a great album from a band I hope we will hear a lot more from in the future. This is an album full of life and joy. An album that chases away the rain and the flooding. What's left is a field full of Japanese flowers.

This album is not perfect as it lacks a couple of brilliant tracks. But it is still a great album.
Prog Archivesでレビューが一件掲載されました。

I'm aware of many Japanese psych and avant bands, neo respectively symphonic prog oriented groups deriving from this country are - for what I know - rarely given though. Their albums are named analogous to the band initials TEE, and this time the context has something to do with a journey across Europe - probably imaginary anyhow - while missing any lyrics in order to prove that. Some song titles and especially the cover picture is indicative due to a very nice view of Gordes situated at the French Riviera in France.

And so the opener Stromboli is referring to another place more southward, an island including a dormant volcano near Sicilia/Italy. Contradictive, the beautiful nature here, the menacing danger there. Dramatic moments are set to music for sure, represented by the piano and a stoical bass, but the flute comes that lovely on the other hand. Including female backing vocals the sophisticated Intersection marks one highlight. I would also count the extended Gordes featuring marching drums, dramatic organ representing some severe moments, where duelling guitar and flute backed by an uptempo groove are leading into a more happily mooded atmosphere later.

Neo/symphonic prog music featuring a jazzy note - now this means an aesthetic album, consisting of proper musicianship and smooth compositions. Curious - in case of missing any informations about this outfit while listening, I never ever would expect to hear a Japanese band playing. According to my taste 'Trans Europe Expression' comes a bit innocent, I'm missing some roughness, edges, surprises here and there in order to rate this essential in the end. Certainly a nice effort, first and foremost dedicated to adult prog gourmets.

TEE – Trans Europe Expression (by Matt Di Giordano)
It’s no wonder that Japanese progressive rock band TEE (The Earth Explorer) used to be a cover band that played material by bands such as PFM and Area. As I started listening to Trans Europe Expression, I almost immediately thought, “hey, this sounds like good, classic Italian prog.” That’s about what you get, really solid symphonic rock in a classic seventies style, full of enough flute to satisfy anyone. Of course, the good recording quality of the album updates the sound for the twenty first century, but the entire feel of the composition is very 70′s, in a good way. I must say that all the symphonic and jazz musings of the album were quite pleasing to the ear, never sounding groundbreaking, but always entertaining, and I would be lying if I didn’t mention that these cuts like “Stromboli” and “Intersection” are far above a mediocre ripoff of classic bands. While there’s not a lot in terms of innovation going on here, TEE sounds like a seasoned, confident band who is writing polished music in a classic style. In other words, if this was birthed in the right time period, it would have probably been highly acclaimed. Unfortunately, that means it most likely won’t get huge recognition, but from one symphonic fan to another, this high quality, flute-driven Japanese act is one you should take a peek at.
『幻想神秘音楽館』Prog Notes of 2012years〜2012年プログレッシヴ10選」

ドイツのBabyblaue Seitenというサイトでレビューされました。



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