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21st Century Strategic Intercessory Prayer Network
The Japanese Church in Los Angeles & Japan

Present Plight of Japan Missions

For those acquainted with missions work both in Japan and with Japanese living in the U.S. know that evangelism has been wrought with seemingly insurmountable difficulties and that progress, if any, has been negligible at best. Even after more than a century of Protestant missionary effort, fewer than .05% of 130 million profess themselves as Christians. From this small nucleus of professing believers an even a smaller band are actually committed to living out their faith.
Many point out that the reasons for the slow rate of gospel advancement lie primarily within the unique religious, socio-economic, and other historico-cultural factors that make Japan a difficult country to evangelize.
At the risk of being misunderstood, let me say, that though these maybe contributing factors in retarding the growth of Christianity in Japan, I do not believe they are the main cause.
The purpose of this article is not to write up an extensive missiological analysis of Japanese culture but rather present a strong case for the need to approach Japan missions from the strategic vantage point of spiritual warfare.


As one who has spent up to 15 years in missions work in Japan both in rural and urban settings and now serving as a pastor of a Japanese-speaking congregation in Torrance, CA, I have noticed the almost total neglect of church leaders (both missionary and Japanese leadership) to address and effectively deal with the issue of spiritual warfare in their cities and churches.
This inability to address this key issue has placed a huge toll on the Japanese Church. Scriptures are very clear that our struggle is not against ‘flesh and blood’ but ‘against principalities, against powers, against the ruler of darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places’ (Eph. 6:12)
I believe this woeful disregard manifests itself in the disproportionate cases of serious illnesses that include both physical and psychological maladies that characterize so many post-conversion stories or similar afflictions that cripple or permanently disable ministry leaders.
Relational difficulties and splits within the church, the inability of Christian groups to work together, and a plethora of other problems, all taken together, act as a colossal barrier that greatly hinder gospel advancement with the Japanese.
For the most part, church leadership is content to designate these problems to mere ‘natural’ causes and have resigned themselves to accept these as “trials” allowed by God that need to be endured, rather than a dark force to be resisted and cast out.
This fatalistic attitude towards all forms of suffering, for all outward appearance, seems admirable and even Christ-like, but in reality, it is only abdicating the rightful authority over evil spirits that Jesus has given to the believer, and expects the believer to enforce. (Matt. 16:18-19, 18:18-20). Our Lord pointed out very clearly that the enemy comes only to kill, steal, and destroy. (Jn. 10:10).
There is a “strong man” very present in Japan and among the Japanese here in the U.S. He has been allowed to roam unchallenged, like Goliath, mocking and taunting the armies of the Japanese Church. The vital question of the hour is, "Where are the David's in the Japanese church of the living God?"
The evil one has used the principle of ‘binding” and ‘loosening’ that Jesus taught the disciples to employ in our struggle against him on us. As a result, it is he, who has effectively bound the Christian leaders and plundered the Church. (Matt.12:29)


Clearly a radical change is necessary in our thinking and actions if we are going to fulfill the Great Commission in the U.S. and Japan. The definition of insanity is to expect a different outcome all the while using the same methods!
Presently Church growth is exploding in Africa, Central & South America, China, Fiji, Nepal, Northern India, and in some countries within the 10/40 window. They all have a common thread among them---a paradigm that accepts the biblical (angels and demons) rather than an ‘enlightenment’(natural cause and effect) approach to Christian ministry and service, a desperation lending itself to intense prayer & fasting, individual and corporate repentance, prophetic intercession, and demonstrations of the Holy Spirit in power encounters, etc.


April 2006 will be the 100th anniversary of the Azusa Street revival. The modern day Pentecostal movement which began in 1906 now embraces over 600 million believers world wide! This awesome movement began in the humble beginnings on Azusa Street.
What is profoundly notable is that the epicenter of this massive outpouring of the Holy Spirit in 20th century is in the heart of downtown Little Tokyo!
I do not believe that this is by coincidence. This is not a mere ‘fluke’ on the part of city planning when Little Tokyo was first established years ago. This Azusa-Japan connection has divine implications. The Lord is saying something very telling. He is saying,

“As I poured out my Spirit on Azusa Street in the last century, I am about to pour it out again; this time in an unprecedented measure on Japan in the 21st century.”

Wow! But the Azusa-Japan connection is only 1 side of the coin. The other side is of equal earth shaking significance. Let me explain….


Do you also realize that historically, 400 years has lapsed since the time that Tokugawa Ieyasu formally proscribed Christianity in Japan (1603).
You say, “so what? Big deal!” Well, it is a BIG DEAL. VERY BIG. Let me explain by first asking you a few questions: “How long did Israel live under the cruel bondage to Pharoah in Egypt?” The answer, of course, is 400 years. What happened after those 400 years? Answer: God redeemed Israel with an outstretched hand and through mighty signs and wonders, struck down the gods of Egypt and humbled the might of Pharoah. But most importantly, He delivered his people from the awful bondage! Are you getting the connection?
In the same way, God is about to deliver His people in Japan! We have groaned, wept, and suffered untold misery under the oppressive hand of satan for 400 years! The fullness of time has come! The Japanese church, her leaders, missionaries have labored, sacrificed, and wailed for deliverance for 4 centuries! God has heard, and He is about to answer (Ex. 2:23-25, 3:7-9).
These two important historical themes are intersecting in our day and age! Right now! Not 10 years from now...but right now..in 2006!
I believe that the 21st century will be the century for God’s mighty hand of deliverance to be revealed in Japan. God is about to visit Japan in an unprecedented manner!


Just as Daniel earnestly began seeking God by humbling himself, praying and fasting and confessing the national sins of his people based upon God’s promise to restore Jerusalem after 70 years of captivity in Babylon, so we must come together in the same spirit and implore God’s mercy for Japan. Daniel understood that God had control of the times and seasons (Dan.2:21) and that He would restore His people according to the words of the Prophet Jeremiah. It is important to note that Daniel did not take a passive approach to this but was fully engaged in deep confession of sins and intercession (Dan. 9-10).
The winds of revival are blowing throughout the nations. As Japanese believers and those who have a burden to reach the Japanese for Christ, the Lord of the harvest, has placed upon my heart to call for a crucial meeting inviting both Japanese nationals and non-Japanese to cast the vision and establish a strategic intercessory prayer network for Japan missions here in the U.S. and Japan.


因みにこちらです。→ http://www.xanga.com/bioviol/603212034/item.html



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