

EroGlassesコミュの2007.06.25 EroGlasses@WOMB 日本語/英語TEXT

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WOMB WEBの文章です。WOMB側に送ってありますので、そのうち反映されると思います。千秋君今回もお疲れ様でした。

【20070625WEB TEXT】日本語


前回VOL.4では”FUNKY GONG (JOUJOUKA)”氏自身のGUITAR演奏を織り込んだ斬新なDJプレイや、モード界で活躍するヘアメイクアーティストの
DJ TAKE(Hear make CALM)と、10年に及ぶキャリアを持つMA-Z
のタッグによるフルタイムBACK to BACKを始め、EroGlassesクルーの磨きぬかれた音とバイブスにオーディエンスが興じ、場の盛り上がりをキャッチしては現れるスタイリッシュなオーラをまとったダンサーの競演に、その場の誰もが魅了されました...


『EroGlasses』というたった1つのイベントが、多くの人々の間に感動を共鳴させ、フロアとオーディエンスの一体感をはぐくむこと。同時にクラブラバー達の琴線に触れるサウンドの発見や、気のおけない愉快な語らいの場としてイベント全体が受け入れられつつあることは、 クルーの大きな喜びであり、新たな創作において未開の一歩を踏み出させる原動力となっています。


今宵VOL.5では、【楽しむ】ためのDJ.LIVE・DANCE・VJという、これまでオーディエンスの皆様にお見せした音と映像にまつわる主要エレメンツとともに、BODY ARTやNAIL、占いブースといったファンタジックな要素もパッケージング!
Monday Nightをよくばりに楽しみたいあなたに向け、初の試みとなるフルスペックの『EroGlasses』を発信します!


『EroGlasses』が活用するこれらの要素は、一見複雑に見えて実は、シンプルに【楽しむ】ために必要ななにかを表現しようとする過程でできあがったスタイルです。 きっと性格、人格、人種のわけ隔てなく、確かな選曲とパフォーマンスを駆使した『EroGlasses』を、ご一緒にご堪能いただけるはず。


【2007.06.25 EroGlasses @ WOMB WEB TEXT 英語】
In recent Japan, rain falls well.
In spite of such a climate,

EroGlasses sends energetic sound and picture and NIGHTLIFE losing a cloud
covering up the urban night.

At this time of VOL.5, EroGlasses send the sound that fresh, and DIGITAL
with all passion! ! !

The novel DJ play that mixed a GUITAR performance of
FUNKY GONG (JOUJOUKA) with was developed in last VOL.4.

And began BACK to BACK by MA-Z (EroGlasses/GAIA) which had DJ TAKE(Hear make CALM) of the hair make artist who played an active part in culture of a Japanese fashion and a career in 10, and audience was excited at a sound and the by plain-looking woman whom polished it, and was able to be muddy of EroGlasses.
And, for a contest of the stylish dancer whom put it together to swell,
and appear of a place, anyone is charmed ...

A wave of heat did not decline in spite of what was held on Monday, and a
ring of audience spread and everyone
 comfortable and continued shaking until morning.

One EroGlasses event that ask it it and sang lets an impression sympathize
among many people, and make a floor and a sense of unity of audience.

EroGlasses had discover sound to swing a heart of club rubber at the same
time, and it is big joy of the staff that an event is accepted as a place of
pleasant conversing with, and it is it for a driving force to step forward
to the first one step by new creation.

In a cradle of a groove to color the times, a free idea and free words are
exchanged lively, and EroGlasses is ... which will be how splendid if it
was able to be it with a salon letting you do inspire of influencer in the
next generation before long.
 EroGlasses want to go the world satisfied in music with pursuit of
musicality to affect a heart in EroGlasses to the full
【pleasure】 as society ground of people.

In VOL.5, it holds out for spectators'【Pleasure】.
In a past event,
it enjoyed using DJ×LIVE×DANCE×VJ and it got it.
This time, Fantasyic like BODY ART×NAIL × fortune-telling element is a packaging.
It send 'EroGlasses' of a full spec of the first trial is often sent to
the denunciation for you who wants to enjoy Monday Night.

Sound ... which a turntable arrives at from VYNAL

DANCE ... which expresses the presence that sound ... which MIDI
compornents called in from a hard disk is great.

Seemingly these elements which VISUAL ... EroGlasses which I am similar as
a heart plainly, and is drawn

utilizes are seen complicatedly, and, in fact, it is a style completed by
the process when I am simple
【pleasure】 and am going to express anything that it is necessary in sake.

Surely, without a club beginner, character, racial reason discrimination,
It should have you thoroughly enjoy EroGlasses which made full use of
positive selection of music and performance together.

Because the answer that ... in the single night when ... audience of a club
event to aim at of ...

EroGlasses of the world club knight who demanded it is charmed demands
agrees anytime, and it is




EroGlasses 更新情報


