

☆ENGLISH ONLY☆コミュのNonconfidence

  • mixiチェック
  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加
Recovery of the disaster of Touhoku area has progressed
very slowly, and the information of the Fukushima atomic
power plant has been still confused.
Some politicians say that Prime Minister Kan should
account for this confusion. Some members of the Democratic
Party of Japan (DPJ) also have blamed Prime Minister Kan.

The oppositions will present a vote of nonconfidence
in this week. If some members of DPJ agree with this vote
of nonconfidence, the political situation will become
electric at a stretch.

If a vote of nonconfidence is passed, Prime Minister Kan
will resign or dissolve. But both are difficult
at this confused situation of Japan.
Who can succeed Prime Minister Kan?
Maybe the general election is impossible.

Finally there is no other way that Prime Minister Kan
stays on. If some persons want to blame Prime Minister Kan,
they should suggest the good idea for the schema
of politics and recovery.


I don't get why people aren't "confident" in his leadership, frankly.
Well when I read this article (http://www.google.com/hostednews/ap/article/ALeqM5hnjifVSi-UcoxLNiB8sFVyUAnGEg) I continue to wonder why some people think Kan's administration is responsible for the events up north. If anything, it seems that the LDP had been complacent numerous times when these plants were being built, and is now blaming Kan and his people for their efforts to clean up the LDP's mess.

Within 1 month, Kan had distributed aid and supplies; roadways and infrastructure were cleared; and despite his national pride, he realized that this situation was bigger than Japan can face alone--and invited international experts into the arena, which is exactly what he should have done. Nevertheless, he hasn't acquiesced to international influence, and Japan is still independently making decisions. Has every decision he's made been swift or "perfect"? Of course not. Could better decisions have been made? Of course.

That Ozawa is looking to cause friction and fracture the government at the precise time when the public needs solidarity is an absolute insult. Had Kan done little in the wake of the disaster, or had he acted weakly, I might think otherwise. That said, I think Kan should get a bit tougher on TEPCO, which seems to be back to its old tricks: slowly releasing information and not providing a complete image of what's going on. (I wouldn't mind if they were deciding not to inform the public of certain data, but it seems TEPCO isn't informing the government of certain issues. That's intolerable.)
The vote of nonconfidence was rejected on Thursday.
This vote was presented on Wednesday, and it was said
that this vote would be passed, because many members
of the Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ) would revolt
against Prime Minister Kan.

After one night, Prime Minister Kan said, “I will resign
at no distant date. Now I have to work for recovery”,
and the revolt disappeared due to his speech.
DPJ could avoid both the split and the confusion of politics.
By the way there are next issues.

When will Prime Minister Kan resign?
Who can succeed Prime Minister Kan?
Can DPJ unify from now on?
Can Japanese people support DPJ?
Can Prime Minister Kan do good politics for recovery?

Anyway DPJ did not split, even if DPJ has serious
problems in itself. Recovery is now the first priority.
Chief Cabinet Secretary Edano suggested that Prime Minister Kan will be resigned in September at today's morning news.

Even though I can't understand Japanese politics so much, Secretary-General Okada will be succeeded because I think he has a big visibility.
In my other idea, Chief Cabinet Secretary Edano will be succeeded because he had warmly passed on 3.11's earthquake information in detail. I thought he was dependable man that day.

DPJ have to unify themselves. Otherwise, Japan's Administration will be changed into LDP ( Liberal Democratic Party ). I think DPJ hate that story, so they will just have to unify. I don't hope to become LDP's repetition.

Japanese people don't believe DPJ any more. But since politics is needed to go through, they may watch for present political situation.

Unfortunately, Prime Minister Kan won't be passed go this actual condition. But I'd like to believe him. I think prime minister is demanded to continue, pass go, and respond as against big responsibility. I want not to think prime minister will be changed per annum.




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